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Everything posted by Nychsa
You know I was wondering if it was the red nail polish Dan :laugh: Either way, it's funny as heck - if the camera isn't pointing at her she's jabbering up a storm to my toes! I don't know if you were able to hear it on the video, but she makes one loud air kiss :silly:
:laugh: isnt' that wierd Berna??? I have no idea what her deal is with my feet! She'll just sit there and do that for an entire evening sometimes. She's a freaky little girl :laugh:
Ah ha Judy! She certainly is into her neck scratches :laugh: Yes - I think she's spoiled rotten too, but I can't do anything about it! She just makes me do it :whistle:
Greetings Everyone! Ok - I know I've shared with some of you Bella's love for feet - well here she is, loving my feet up! Do share some of your grey's curiousities! They're so much fun :woohoo:
Mary big hugs to you and Echo. I feel so badly for you guys. I hope het gets better soon. As for him flying off at anything, one of the things I do with Bella when I know she might make a jump for it - I hold her up against my chest and kind of shield her. Then we take a look at the situation she's aprehensive of, and I stroke her little head and talk to her while we "investigate" the situation. I can tell when she's ok wiht it because she gets curious again and tries to get a better look. Other times I might have her on my hand and kind of gently hold her feet with my thumb. This is the trick when I want to put her in her cage for bed time. She tries to stay up with me :laugh:
Awesome cage Susan! I'm looking for a new one for Bella as well. One of the legs on hers broke in the move and I have it resting on a makeshift stand right now. Good dimensions - I think that would be super for Bella! Thanks for sharing
That's a great idea Skuffy - the mandarine - I'm going to give that one a try! I can see Bella and Jiggy enjoying that.
Poppy, parrots are lactose intolerant as far I understand... so, I assumed if that is the issue, they can drink lactose free milk. Bella has been drinking it nearly every day for breakfast, loves it and has not shown any signs of discomfort or intolerance of it. I like it because it provides calcium and vitamin D for her - two things I understand greys are often deficient with.
As for milk, Bella loves lactose free milk - I'm lactose intolerant so we always have it here. She also enjoys caffeine free herb teas such as camomile (which has wonderful healing properties) She loves ice water, as well as organic 100% fruit juices.
Awwww, goodness I feel for her and Echo! I hope it goes well
Is this a certified avian vet or just a vet who sees birds? Either way, if it were me, I'd be having another vet take a look because after that I certainly wouldn't want to leave him behind and I'd send that other vet the bill!
Yikes!!! Jiggy is doing the same thing that little stinker. He flew off with a key in his beak the other day. I'm thinking some Jiggy feathers would make for a fine hat!:angry:
Oh no Pat!!! What am I getting myself into here :ohmy: I mean, I could never stop him from flying now that I see how much he's enjoying his stints, but I'm still hoping Bella stays my "good girl" :lol:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Dan!!! I can always send Jiggy to join you and Jake if you like him so much You are most welcome Siobha! :laugh: All you can do is laugh - that little stinker has already put holes in my shirts, so I'm thinking a Jiggy hat will look good pretty soon. Dan - that's what I'm afraid of - Bella is going to be a terror at her size! But... I can't imagine she'll ever be as fast as he is, and she's a "good girl" she wouldn't go unsnapping bras! Jiggy on the other hand, after he gets scolded, he comes to try and make up - sits on my finger and gives me air kisses (which he mimics perfectly) and says "kha, kha, kha, kha, kha" he whispers it, and then he likes to rub his head in my hand. :angry: :angry: :angry: What a little stinker!
If it were me, I think I would count on treating each bird individually - in other words, treating each as if they were an "only child". Macaws are lovely animals and their personalities would be very interesting. I could easily see myself living with a maccaw. But frankly, Bella and Jiggy each already get a significant amount of my free time and somtimes I have to spend that free time with each of them individually as they do get jealous of each other every now and then (Jiggy is a conure). By in large, I got lucky - they get along fairly well. When they do have a tiff, they lunge at each other, but don't actually peck each other. (Well, I take that back - Jiggy will go inside Bella's cage and then if she's on the outside he'll nip at her feet while hiding safely behind the cage bars. She does go after him, but she is quite a bit slower then he is, so he manages to beat feet before she can get to him). But they each need love and attention. So, I have to parse my time with them. So, in thinking of adding another bird, I always remember that I don't want to take away from Bella and Jiggy and adding one would do that. But, that is an individual decision I've made. I know a number of people who manage well with multiple birds.
Well... Dan was right - having Jiggy jetting around the house is quite the adventure. This flying business creates a whole new problem for us simple humans who are ground-bound How do you exercise authority over someone who can just fly off??? Jiggy has turned into a hit and run artist. His favorite target - women's bras! That little stinker can unsnap a bra within seconds! The first time he did it I was on a teleconference and thought he was just climbing around on my back - Oh no! He want snip! My conference call became quite a bit more lively! Then my daughter came over and he dive bombed her back and immediately went to work. My daughter yelped "Mom! Get your pervert parrot off me!!!!" You can't catch the little devil because he flies off the minute you try to cup him. Then when you turn back around, he's right back at work :blink: :blink: :blink: So! What does this mean when Bella takes flight??? Dave??? You have a flight enabled grey - how are you dealing with this mischief???
Yes, I was wondering about fat - Bella usually eats dinner with me, and I had cut some fat off a steak and she snatched that up and sucked the juice out of the fat! I was concerned it wasn't good for her, and tried to take it away, but she fought be pretty well for it :blink: So.. she chewed it up. I've taken to not putting salt on anything until I'm ready to eat it because her Grace has to share everything with me ( I swear my Doctor will love her!)
Very nice!! Yeah Bella looks cautiously at the camera as well, so I've found that if I just leave it out, where I set it when I use it, she starts to ignore it
:laugh: Dan - the microphone is still in tact (for now :blink: ) But that is typical Bella, I didn't want to give it to her so she got mad and started attacking it! EVERYTHING is her business and she has to get absolutely, positively up close and personal when she's investingating something. I was putting on my make up and she decided she NEEDED to see what I had, and finally she decided to "help", she hopped on to my shoulder and tried to pluck my eyebrows OUCH!!!!!
Now how about this cough! Bella decided I was NOT going to sleep in today because she had something to talk about.... so... as we continue wiht our video trails, you tell me - does this sound like a real cough or what???? :laugh: Wouldn't you be calling your vet like I did the first time she did this?? :laugh: :laugh:
Bella and Jiggy play so rough as well, Jiggy in particular was trashing his feathers. Just yesterday I moved the toys around so he won't collide so easily with the side of the cage or with anything else. I don't know how you can do that with foot toys, maybe you can make some hanging toys more interesting (hide a treat in it or something) and maybe she'll start moving her action to cyphering things out rather then pounding the petudies out of something :laugh:
Hi Dan! Yes, you're right - Jiggy jetting around is quite the experience. We thought he was trouble before, now he's really a handful! EVERYTHING is his flippin business! Great info re: Bella though - I was wondering what she's up to flapping around like crazy like that. I mean she does that until she has to catch her breath again, her little heart pounding when she comes to sit with me after one of those flapping frenzies. I'll see if I can start practicing with her once she gets a couple more grown in. I think we still need at least two on each side before they're fully grown back. They are lovely though, makes her look much bigger! The house has an open design, so each room flows into the other. The only really long space I have is the hallway, so I'll keep that in mind. Oy vey - speak of the devil - his highness Jigme Alexander just landed again - trouble is sure to follow! I better save my laptop!:woohoo: :woohoo:
And the topic of this interview is - EAT THE MICROPHONE! (and of course poop on mom's couch :blink: )
Awww too cute!! I have a Bella as well.... I wish you as many moments of joy and more as I've had with my Bella thus far
Greetings everyone! Well, Bella my CAG and Jiggy my conure will both have their full set of flight wings once this molt is finished. Jiggy is already jetting around the house (and getting into trouble - like getting on to my laptop and popping off 4 keys and flying off with one - little stinker :angry: ) Bella only has a few more feathers to go before her flight feathers are grown in. She seems to be approaching things quite differently. Where Jiggy just went for it and dove off his cage and started jetting around, Bella seems to be "trying out" her wings furiously. She stand on her playtop and flaps her wings furiously! But.. she doesn't take off. She still prefers to glide to the floor, and then waddle around on the floor. Does anyone have any info on how AG's go about transitioning from clipped wings to full flight? My intentions are to let them fly in the house. We have no intentions of going outside without a harness. I don't have any ceiling fans, so we're ok there. My ceilings are 9 feet high, so they do have a bit of lift capability indoors. They mostly are interested in following me around. Anyway - look forward to hearing from everyone! Cheers! Terri