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Everything posted by Giannine

  1. Welcome:-) We have a Shih Tzu and a Boxer and while they are allowed in the same space as our Quaker and soon-to-be Grey (the living room), we are always in the same room and never leave them unattended. If I have to go to the bathroom, someone is watching Olive, our Quaker, in case she decides to fly off her cage (she can't really fly). I have the bird cages and tree stand in the living room where we spend all of our time. When I leave the house, Olive goes into her cage until I come home. I will never leave the birds under the supervision of my kids (even though the oldest at home is 20) for more than a few minutes. As long as you are watchful and keep them separate, as far as being in very close proximity of each other, your bird should be fine.
  2. What happened to the information on this site? Or do you mean lost members who no longer post?
  3. Any idea where to buy the cup set? What do you have hanging in the background? It caught my eye because it looks like something I would have in my house:)
  4. Butter?:eek: It doesn't sound appetizing but I may try it. I am watching my little neighbor boy for the day who is an extremely picky eater so his mom just sent over some food for him, including a package of graham crackers:)
  5. Washington has wild flocks, as well. They are great little birds. Quite comical. She likes to chase our Shih Tzu if we're on the couch but has enough sense not to try going near our Boxer, though they are known to go after large dogs, thinking they are bigger and more powerful than they are, I suppose:eek:
  6. Not at all. I was looking for clarification because this wasn't mentioned before. I am also getting my Grey next week so I know how excited you are. Please post pics, if you haven't already. Best of wishes to you and her
  7. I fully agree with Sterling's opinion of the work schedule. You mentioned having someone cover her cage at 8 but said your girlfriend doesn't normally get there until 10 and you don't feel you can count on her or your roommate being much help so I guess my big concern is who is going to put her to "bed" every night consistently? I honestly wouldn't have waited to address this concern until after committing to the bird and would have waited until I had a consistent schedule that allowed me to spend adequate time each day with the bird. If it is at all possible to eliminate those nights when you are gone until 1 am, I would. On those days, you will not be able to see her until the next morning. Also, with her cage being in your bedroom, she is isolated which could exacerbate the circumstances. I am glad you came here for advise, though. People here are friendly and helpful.
  8. Giannine


    Yeah, I think I probably will have a hard time sleeping that night:-)
  9. Giannine


    It looks like she has a 1 hour and 20 minute layover in Atlanta and will arrive in Seattle at 4:32 pm. She leaves Florida at 11:22 am so almost 5 hours total
  10. Giannine


    We have a coming home date for Poppy, finally! I got her flight info which is scheduled for next Thursday, the 18th at 4:32 pm. Her breeder has made this waiting period a great experience. We are excited:)
  11. Olive's first word is 'Peekaboo' and now she yells it out all the time:) This is the link to a short video from her Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/p/BI1VmQeDvZB/?taken-by=olive.the.quaker.parrot
  12. Hi everyone, I have found in doing several months of research that nobody really has a concrete answer for how long African Greys live. Several sites state that they live around 50 years in captivity but only around 25 in the wild. How is this logical? I have yet to find a statement from anyone who knows firsthand, a Grey that has lived in captivity to 80-years-old, or even anywhere near that age. That seems to be the popular age people throw out to warn others that their Grey may very well outlive them. The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) stated the longest-living Grey known in captivity lived 49.7 years (http://eol.org/pages/1177912/details) (Maximum longevity: 49.7 years (captivity) Observations: There are claims of animals living 73 and 93 years (Flower 1938). The most reliable longevity record, however, is a specimen that was still alive after 49.7 years (Brouwer et al. 2000).) How old is the oldest Grey you know personally? And does anyone know how long they live in the wild? If they do have a shorter lifespan in the wild, why?
  13. Giannine


    I can't. I have 6 kids still at home who go in and outside all day, as well as a Boxer dog who is in and out the sliding glass door all day. Far too risky
  14. I actually cannot believe it has gone by so fast. Like, literally a blur. Normally things like this seem to take forever. We are excited, though:)
  15. They are so beautiful! I love that first picture of Peatree!
  16. Giannine


    I got more pics today:-) She said Poppy likes baby carrots a lot and is learning to get around pretty well
  17. Giannine


    I cannot believe how much she changes in such short periods of time. She still didn't have feathers on her chest and upper back 9 or 10 days before these pictures were taken. We've had our baby Quaker for 8 weeks now and even though I spend a lot of time with her and she has clearly bonded with me, she adores my 7-year-old! My daughter, Giovanna is very good with her and adores Olive right back. I am very curious to see how Giovanna and Poppy interact. Giovanna seems to have some natural way with birds. We got a Parakeet awhile back and it has been Giovanna who has worked with her and gained her trust enough to get her to perch on her finger. I know that Quakers and Greys are very different and will be exercising a lot of caution and supervising closely when Giovanna interacts with Poppy. Any advise those who have Greys with children can offer is welcome.
  18. Giannine


    I spoke with the breeder a couple of days ago and got a few new pics. She said Poppy is doing very well and eating a lot of different foods and should be ready to come home some time around the 14th. Time has flown by. These are her most recent pics
  19. Hello, I have, thank you:) That was one of the aviaries I contacted while looking but they didn't have any at the time. Poppy will likely be coming home sometime toward the end of next week or next weekend
  20. I know you haven't updated in awhile but wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed reading your updates on Chicken so far. You sound like the perfect owner for him and I am happy you two found each other! Please keep the updates coming:-)
  21. Giannine


    Here is the latest pic of Poppy. Not much change. She will be 10-weeks-old on Sunday (the 17th).
  22. Giannine


    Thank you! I have a feeling our lives are going to be very enriched by her being with us. I really enjoy seeing my kids take interest in the animals and sea creatures we have and help care for them. They have learned a lot over the years and very much love and appreciate animals. Since we got Olive, our Quaker, a month ago, I have watched my 7-year-old daughter fall in love and bond with her. It is really cute because she will sing her songs and call Olive her "little baby". I keep thinking how much greater our lives will be after we get Poppy. I welcome the challenges and look forward to the good and "bad" that will come.
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