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Everything posted by Giannine

  1. I have decided to take him. I am on 4 waiting lists for a baby Timneh but I remember someone on here saying "A bird will find you". I really did not believe I would get any other bird than a baby from one of the breeders I am on waiting lists with. I know a rehomed bird is a great deal of work. One who has been mistreated is even more challenging. I wrestled in my mind about this and it came down to me not wanting this Grey to end up being rehomed again or multiple times and me knowing I will be committed to him and understanding there will be years of work ahead of me. I am hoping to be able to come here and get advise from all of you throughout our journey. He is coming on Friday with his cage and all of his belongings.
  2. There is a situation that can't wait until this weekend to share with you all. I was on Craigslist yesterday looking for a cage and came across an ad for a 6-year-old Timneh being rehomed because the guy's wife died and he was her bird. He said they got the bird, Buddy, about a year ago and that he had been abused in the past. I have no idea how many homes he has had and this guy has very little information on him. The guy is not a "bird person" as he says and is at work all day. Buddy is in his cage all the time. Buddy seems to prefer women and I am afraid by the way this guy is sounding (desperate) that he is not going to screen potential new homes properly. He said "the bird needs to go". Should I take Buddy or not? I have my reservations. Buddy does not have a band and I have no way of verifying his age or where he came from. He said a woman from Oregon also emailed and is interested in him. I'm assuming if she is willing to drive several hours to the Seattle area, she is serious.
  3. There is a situation that can't wait until this weekend to share with you all. I don't want to double post so if you could, please go read my post in the "Rescue" forum. It is in regard to a 6-year-old Timneh being rehomed who was abused in the past
  4. The seller cancelled the order and refunded my money. I do have to say, the comment "A Grey may not be for you" bothered me. When I said I was going to buy the cage so I wouldn't go back-and-forth between this feature and that one, I believed the cage to be my personal minimum acceptable cage size (32" width) and because I have a tendency to overthink things and spend hours upon hours researching the smallest of things (granted, a cage is of huge importance), I can drive myself crazy and take forever to make a decision. I am a single mom of 7 kids. I cannot afford to make rash decisions for my life or theirs or a helpless creature's. When I do anything, it is well thought out and researched. That's just how I operate. I understand most of you are used to encountering foolish owners or potential owners. I get it. That isn't me, though. I have some other news that I'll keep to myself for now but may be able to share this weekend or next week, depending on how things turn out. Have a great rest-of-the-week, everyone
  5. I just requested the order be cancelled but shipment info has already been sent to Fedex. I have a feeling the seller won't cancel it so I called Fedex and they told me they can cancel it as soon as they receive it. I really hope so. I don't want to be stuck with a cage I have to sell
  6. I was just getting ready to "correct" your measurements and have been wondering where you were getting the 28" measurement from. I have been thinking this whole time that the inside measured 32" across/wide and went to copy the measurements and my heart dropped after I saw them. Now I am going to have to turn right around and sell the cage after I receive it as it already shipped:-/ The minimum width I had my mind made up to get is 32"
  7. Thank you! I actually just got on Five Oaks' waiting list yesterday after checking out their website. I will check your link, JeffNOK
  8. Okay, I just ordered the original cage I was planning to (big white one off of ebay) otherwise I would drive myself mad scouring the internet going back-and-forth in my mind between this feature and that. I do like the door at the top of your (Birdhouse's) cage...that is a cool feature and one I will keep in mind if and when I buy another in the future. Instead of me making another thread (or maybe I should...), can any of you offer me advise on additional equipment as far as cages, stands, etc? I plan to buy a couple play stands—one for my bedroom and a tabletop one since I spend a lot of time on my dining room table/desk on my laptop. Here is my list so far: Tabletop play stand Full size play stand to go from room-to-room Travel cage to spend time outside on deck Pak o Bird backpack/carrier to go in public Smaller cage for my bedroom(?) Shower perch Pedi perch Various perches for cage Boing perch Toys (smaller to start off with) Handheld vacuum for cleaning around cage Seventh Generation Multicleaner (I saw a member on here highly recommends this for cleaning the walls) Please let me know what else I should add and what I can or should take away. Thank you in advance:)
  9. This thread is providing me with good tips I wouldn't otherwise know except through trial-and-error so, thank you
  10. You know the cages that are on legs? With storage space underneath? I think the one in the link you provided is one...there is less vertical space...the actual cage is not floor to top. Which is the cage you prefer? The one in the link or the picture you included in your post? I'm assuming the picture. What brand is it?
  11. Here is my post from the top of the page, Birdhouse "Well, the guy was supposed to deliver the cage 40 minutes ago and didn't bother to tell me until after that time had passed that his son worked today so he didn't have help loading the cage and would tomorrow be ok? I passed. I can get a brand new cage delivered to my home for $9 more than what I was going to pay for that cage. That cage is only 4" wider than the 32" width cages I have been looking at online. I think I will go with my original choice." I like that cage but would like it far better if it came in white:-) Does it have a playtop? I checked out the cage for the link you provided and was considering a cage very much like that for the same price but I guess it kind of bothers me that it is less cage, even though many report their Greys don't like the bottom half of their cage, I read a response by a member in this thread who said hers loves the bottom so I guess i'm of the mindset of wanting to get "more" cage for the same price just in case mine does happen to use a portion of the bottom half. Are there any issues with 5/8" bar spacing?
  12. I was thinking vinegar but thought I should check just to be sure:-)
  13. From what I can tell after doing a quick internet search, Liberta seems to only be in the UK. The $209 price tag, color, and design of the original cage I posted have pretty much sold me 100% I hope to order tonight or tomorrow
  14. Well, the guy was supposed to deliver the cage 40 minutes ago and didn't bother to tell me until after that time had passed that his son worked today so he didn't have help loading the cage and would tomorrow be ok? I passed. I can get a brand new cage delivered to my home for $9 more than what I was going to pay for that cage. That cage is only 4" wider than the 32" width cages I have been looking at online. I think I will go with my original choice.
  15. What would you recommend I disinfect it with? I decided to go with this one even though I like the appearance of the other better, this cage is bigger. I really wanted to get that 36" width. Thank you for the advise
  16. Thank you. I have made the decision to add a Grey to our family already but am trying to learn as much as I can before we make that step which I anticipate being at least 4 months out, minimum. Their long lifespan was actually one of the determining factors for me, as well as them being like having a permanent child their entire lives. I'm dreading the day the last of my 7 kids leaves home and welcome the thought of a family member being with me for many years to come. I definitely have read a lot of accounts of Greys switching their bonds...I don't have a husband but maybe one day I will:)
  17. Thank you for all of your input and feedback! I actually just found an XL cage off of Craigslist for $200 with toys. I am getting it tomorrow. It is 66" H x 36" W x 28" D. I still believe there should be some type of basic guide maybe giving the minimum cage size these birds should go in. I almost bought too small of a cage, thinking a medium size would be fine. This is the cage I decided to get [ATTACH=CONFIG]26571[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]26572[/ATTACH]
  18. I think it would be awesome for new or potentially new Grey owners to be able to read a sticky here on minimum cage size requirements as well as other helpful hints from existing Grey owners as to what to look for in a cage (eg: seed skirt, playtop, and other features). I was told that minimum should be 32" or 36" but every 32" cage I see includes the seed skirt, making the inside dimensions smaller. Advise, please? I haven't seen many 36" ages. This is the one I am considering:http://www.ebay.com/itm/231896422822?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Thoughts?
  19. I will order that book, as well. I ordered another book off Amazon last night: African Grey Parrots (Complete Owner's Manual) by Margaret T. Wright. I do realize that these birds are more than just pets but pretty much equivalent to children as far as the commitment and work required invested in them. As frustrating as some of your struggles with Gilbert seem to have been, I can see how rewarding your experience with her has been, as well, and it was after reading that thread my decision to add a Grey to our family was even more solidified. At this point, my only bigger concern is my 19-year-old son who is on the Autism spectrum. He speaks in a gruff, monotone and always sounds very rude when he speaks. He spends most of his time downstairs in his room but he doesn't listen when I try to explain why he can't do certain things. He enjoys our pets, especially our Boxer and pretends he isn't interested in my saltwater tank but I have caught him bent over in front of it a few times. I believe he will be more interested in our Grey than he lets on and may take it upon himself to teach it words or phrases I wouldn't approve of. We don't use foul language but I could see him trying to teach words like "idiot" or putting one of his siblings names in front of "idiot". I am not gone often so he wouldn't have ample opportunity to do this but, still...are there any other parents with Autistic or Aspergers kids on here?
  20. You pretty much had it correct. When I first started researching, I didn't know there were big differences in their adaptability and ability to handle stress, etc. (supposedly). Because I do have such a big household, I felt (after researching) that a Timneh would be a better fit for a family. I have read multiple things which lead me to that conclusion. I am definitely still leaning toward a Timneh and am on 3 waiting lists for one but I am not closed to getting a Congo. Just as people are all different, so are birds. Getting a Timneh doesn't guarantee a more stable bird:) I read a great deal of your Gilbert thread and many times felt a lot of respect for you because you haven't given up and still deal with struggles (5?) years later. Rehomes seem to be very, very challenging. Joyce Baum recommended a book to me, "Why Does My Bird Do That?" which I just ordered off of Amazon today. I'm grateful to have this time before I get one to read as much as possible
  21. (In response to Birdhouse. I forgot to include her quote)—I agree...I also would find this information difficult to believe because it defies logic as I know it but because it comes from such a reputable breeder of many species and it was many species that were fed this diet, I believe what she said. She has written many articles for magazines and is held in high esteem by many. I will do my own research as I always do but I don't believe any of us know all there is to know about any one subject. Sometimes we may be surprised to find out something is, in fact true that we were skeptical of. I try to keep an open mind, in general, so that I AM open to learning new things and even accepting things I previously rejected, based on new evidence or information.
  22. The link to that specific article is included in my post. She said the name (Roudybush) or something like that. Everything in her words can be read. They were fed 60% pellets, 40% seed. They were vet checked after and the vet was shocked but definitely verified they were in better health
  23. That is an adorable story. How long have you had her?
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