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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Dayo gorged on Sunflower seeds anytime he could until around 2 years old. He for whatever reason never touched a sunflower seed since then. He loves almonds in the shell or out, pistachio nuts, peanuts dry roasted, walnuts, cashews etc. Note: all should be unsalted for those not knowing this.
  2. Yes, start getting this grey used to you and learn everything you can about his food diet, how he interacts with them, what toys he likes, what scares him to death etc. It will help you provide a new home for him with many things that wil comfort him during the initial shock of his life long home and owners being suddenly gone.
  3. No, but now I must try it, but quick enough so I do not lose a piece of my face while trying something he has not encountered before.
  4. LOL! If company only knew what the food has gone through before being served to them. But, due to their not understanding us "Nutty" bird owners, we get to snicker inside whilst they eat the meal with us. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.
  5. Isaac is such an adorable and highly intelligent grey. I truly enjoyed this video and appreciate you sharing it with us. It has been a real joy watching him grow up with all his antics and of course your lively interactions with him. Thanks for sharing this and I wish you could update more often, but I do understand your busy life and always look forward to these snippets in the life of Isaac.
  6. Congrats, sounds like all is going nicely for you.
  7. I had this problem from the get go with both my birds. After shushing them away a gazillion times for about two weeks, it was no longer a problem. They are highly intelligent, but of course as much so being persistent in what they wish to do ,until they come to the utter realization that they will not be allowed there for more than 2 seconds.
  8. Dayo knows body parts for human and parrot i.e. beak/nose, feet, hair/feather etc. So I have had a cold/sinus infection for the first time in 6 years. Well I have been blowing my nose and have told Dayo thats what I am doing. Yesterday my wife was doing something in the kitchen and hears Dayo say "I have to blow my Beak"! My wife and I almost fell over laughing. I believe this clearly indicates as I described his body parts knowledge above, that he is fully aware he does not have a nose, thus blowing his beak. Which is in his mind the equivalent to my nose.
  9. The best thing to do until you can get to the avian vet, is to keep her warm and relaxed with no loud noises or excitement around her. Other than the symptoms you describe, are you aware of her eating anything abnormal such as a metallic object or food group item you normally don't feed her?
  10. Hello Kevin. Please take you grey to the closest avian vet asap. They can go down hill very rapidly if not properly diagnosed and treated.
  11. Dayo took a while to get used to this. After weeks I have gotten it on quickly and he will just sit on my arm or shoulder while we walk around the house or outside. He has no problem flying with it until the coil extends and then just hovers back to my arm or shoulder. These of course are not flight harnesses and are made strictly for being able to take your bird outside on you or attached to a perch/T-stand. They work perfectly for their intended use. Now that it has turned cold, Dayo will not be going outside for another 5 months now. I think it will work perfectly for outings with your Macaw once you have gotten it used to it. Just slow as you go so it does not have a bad experience with it. Macaws by nature are much more docile and easy going than a grey.
  12. Hi Steve and welcome. Wow, Kobo is probably the oldest grey on this forum! I suppose most new grey owners come to forums because they literally do not know how to properly care for their new grey. Thus the reason most posts are from owners that have just gotten them or are experiencing changes as they age between years and years 1 - 5. Grey owners as yourself probably have very little use for a foru, like this other than having a place to share stories of your and socialize with other grey owners. Those of use who are still here over the years enjoy reading others stories, helping new grey owners etc. I hope to hear more from you and perhaps see some photos or videos you might like to share of Kobo.
  13. Thanks for posting this Judy. It is touching.
  14. Thats wonderful news Morana and congrats on passing the test!
  15. Ray - You really need to go search your Zon Crickets Cage for his stash. Zons are notorious for keeping lets say "Reading Material". Look for hidden copies of Zustler, Zonboy and also don't forget to look for a tv remote and block the Zon-A-Licious channel. Hopefully you'll be able to getg this under control once all the materials are found.
  16. It is always wonderful to hear of a birds god given flight abilities to be restored through the loving guidance of their new owners. Good work and Congratulations!!!
  17. I always repost this each year. Our much loved Dave007 posted this on this site about 4 years ago and thus I am posting it again this year for all to enjoy. Only Dave could write something like this. Ingredients: One turkey Corn pudding Green beans Stuffing Sweet potatoes Mashed potatoes with gravy Cranberry sauce Hot rolls Relish tray Pumpkin pie Whipped cream Hot coffee Get up early in the morning & have a cup of coffee. It's going to be a long day, so place your Parrot on a perch nearby to keep you company while you prepare the meal. Remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch. Prepare stuffing, and remove Parrot from edge of stuffing bowl and return him to perch. Stuff turkey & place it in the roasting pan, and remove Parrot from edge of pan and return him to perch. Have another cup of coffee to steady your nerves. Remove Parrot's head from turkey cavity and return him to perch, and restuff the turkey. Prepare relish tray, and remember to make twice as much so that you'll have a regular size serving after the Parrot has eaten his fill. Remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch. Prepare cranberry sauce, discard berries accidentally flung to the floor by Parrot. Peel potatoes, remove Parrot from edge of potato bowl and return him to perch. Arrange sweet potatoes in a pan & cover with brown sugar & mini marshmallows. Remove Parrot from edge of pan and return him to perch. Replace missing marshmallows. Brew another pot of coffee. While it is brewing, clean up the torn filter. Pry coffee bean from Parrot's beak. Have another cup of coffee & remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch. When time to serve the meal: Place roasted turkey on a large platter, and cover beak marks with strategically placed sprigs of parsley. Put mashed potatoes into serving bowl, rewhip at last minute to conceal beak marks and claw prints. Place pan of sweet potatoes on sideboard, forget presentation as there's no way to hide the areas of missing marshmallows. Put rolls in decorative basket, remove Parrot from side of basket and return him to perch. Remove beaked rolls, serve what's left. Set a stick of butter out on the counter to soften -- think better and return it to the refrigerator. Wipe down counter to remove mashed potato claw tracks. Remove Parrot from kitchen counter and return him to perch. Cut the pie into serving slices. Wipe whipped cream off Parrot's beak and place large dollops of remaining whipped cream on pie slices. Whole slices are then served to guests, beaked-out portions should be reserved for host & hostess. Place Parrot inside cage & lock the door. Sit down to a nice relaxing dinner with your family -- accompanied by plaintive cries of "WANT DINNER!" from the other room. Happy Holidays!! --------- Dave
  18. Praying for the best results and recovery.
  19. Thanks for the copy/paste of the male birds anatomy Jay. I would get another dna test. The first test was obviously wrong, which does happen. Wait a minute..... why is my tummy getting larger and I want some pickles and ice cream.... hmmm.
  20. I am very happy for you in regards the change in Gryph's behavior towards you. I do doubt it had anything to do with hormones, diet is a possibility perhaps, but he was always great with your husband. It seems he may be taking a shining to you after all. I hope so, as you deserve it. I would really caution you though on being that close to your lips and interacting on the level you describe. I am not harping, just cautioning. Lips are so tender and soft that it does not even take a true bite to puncture them. I do give Dayo kisses, which he loves, but am very cautious and only a very quick one.
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