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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Nutrient wise, if all the ingredients are the same or the variance in Protein, Vitamins and Minerals are slight if at all, then A=B=C excepting the "Brandname" itself . With that said, you can also go the non-pellet path and provide your Parrot a natural and healthy diet by ensuring they eat a well balanced diet of seeds, nuts, fruits, veggies etc. and obtain the same results. If your a Vet, Zoo or Keeper of MANY critters, a chunked up Pellet or Cube is simple and easier to provide with somewhat of an assurance all is well meal wise with them. It provides a method of providing meals with the least amount of love, labor and time to provide it.......giving those persons more time to do other things. I personally take the path of more love, work and provide Pellets along with all the other "natural" foods they would eat. Some days Dayo eats the Pellets (Harrison's) along with all the other bounty of foods, some days he doesn't. I don't think I would like eating a "Block" with everything I need a smashed up needed for proper nutrition. This would be rather like the Tubed-Up "Astronaut" food they endure, but look forward to a "Real" meal. I prefer to "savor" the distinct taste and texture of each. It not only provides good nutrition this way, but also makes eating an enjoyable daily task that must be done for good health and happiness. :-)
  2. You can purchase Aloe Juice at Walmart or most health food stores in a gallon jug. Then fill up your spray bottle with it and go to town. :-) Regarding talking, most are closet talkers as others have said. You Wrote: "She stepped up for me from inside her cage and stepped up for my nephew, but got a little nippy with me after about 30 minutes. She let me pet her on the head, but a little weary of course, at the end I thought she was going to get me." This grey is VERY well behaved and trained. I am truly shocked it put up with you that long. :-) It seems to have a very mild personality and shows good socialization. Six Hundred Dollars for a Grey is a steal!! I would snatch that Grey up in heart beat for that. A good Avian checkup will not run over $200 if they performed several tests and even took a good blood sample if you wish to go that far in a checkup. Look at his poop and see how it looks. I know this sounds gross, but it tells tons of their present state of health. There is a thread on poop on this forum also. We talk about every detail on this forum. ;-)
  3. They do seem to like to poop where it is not messing up THEIR room. ;-) But, they will if they need to normally. Maybe try poop training him to go over a trash can, on a playstand etc. if you have the time and patience to do so. There is a thread on that subject if you care to explore it. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/41481-toilet-training-.html#41777
  4. Awwww, Happy Birthday Merlin!!! :-) Sandra - Photos of the party, cake etc. would be great :-)
  5. That is wonderful to hear Carol!! :-) Looking forward to hearing more as you lives start getting back to a more normal routine after all this drama. A short trip for a checkup will be a walk in the park, comparatively speaking.
  6. Hi Guys, Your right, only we could discuss and come to a conclusion on this. We have decided to leave things as they are and keep working with Jake. He is such a joy, even though it is still a more distant relationship than we would like to see Jake at, we just love him to death. We have decided, not to bring another bird (Jenday) in to this flock yet. Maybe next year. :-)
  7. Welcome Homersmom!!! Great photo and nice intro. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing more photos too. :-)
  8. Welcome tmeilicke!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. Welcome madisimmons !!! It's great to have you here. You have come to the right place for tons of information on Greys and also many members more than willing to help with any questions you may have. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. Yes, weighing him everyday at the same time will give you a good idea of how he is progressing. There is no doubt that a lot of weight has been lost due to the lack of food and water ingestion. You should start seeing a gradual increase in weight each day.
  11. Carol Wrote: "It is likely that he will come home on Saturday although there will be frequent visits to the Vet for any necessary injections and check-ups but who cares......!! " That is wonderful news Carol!! :-) Can't wait to hear how it goes. There is NO PLACE like home. We all know how mental health and happiness also affects immune systems and your dear Grey coming home will be another weapon kicking in to fight off those infections and ailments. I would love to see some photos once you have time and things settle down. :-)
  12. Hi Char - Thanks for the wonderful update on Whisper AKA Simon. ;-) It sounds like you are enjoying each other immensely. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos. :-)
  13. LOL Dave - Your too much. :-) Jimmy - It does not sound like a worry at this time, as others have said.
  14. Thats wonderful news Leah, I am so happy for you. When you let them pick you, as you did, it is truly destiny at work. Congratulations!!! :-)
  15. "but right in the middle of her bath she said Rub a dub dub dub dub" Hahahahahahahahahaha, that is too cool. :-) Thanks for sharing that, a video would have been great to watch!! Maybe next time.
  16. Hi Pat, I am sorry to hear of Tobies diagnosis. Hopefully treatments will be found, as you researched that will help Tobie and get her back to normal as possible. The claim of heart problems starting at 10 does seem very odd, as does the comment of her being old. It does not represent everything in print by many avian vets regarding the normal life span of a Grey. Looking forward to hearing more after the vet visit.
  17. Oh thats wonderful news Carol!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, hubby and most of all Bobby. :-) Now that problems have been identified and treatments to address them, it will not be long before you will have to hold him back from wanting to get up and boogy once again. :-) Looking forward to hearing how the visit went and Bobby's reaction to seeing his loved ones again.
  18. Oh thats wonderful news Carol!!!!!!! I am so happy for you, hubby and most of all Bobby. :-) Now that problems have been identified and treatments to address them, it will not be long before you will have to hold him back from wanting to get up and boogy once again. :-) Looking forward to hearing how the visit went and Bobby's reaction to seeing his loved ones again.
  19. Congratulations Tabby!! What a great looking baby Grey. :-)
  20. If you make one that is 2’ x 3’ with 3” x 3” holes as the example on the link you provided shows, it should be great fun for all your birds. :-) This is a cool idea, thanks for posting it!!
  21. Thanks for the update on Tobie. We are all rooting for him and hoping for a quick and good outcome to the vet visit and tests. Your in my prayers and Tobie too.
  22. Thats wonderful news carol!!! We are all keeping this in prayer. :-)
  23. Siobha - Absolutely beautiful photos!!! Skuffy - Great photos of Max. Initially, they unteathered photos scared the heck out of me, until I read of the very short wing clip. Still ..... :-)
  24. danmcq


    Just purchase bags of chopped or halved walnuts and almonds. The Almonds are especially good for them due to the high Calcium content. You can find unsalted Pistachios in large Grocery stores. The Greys seem to like these also. Walnuts, Chestnuts etc. can not be cracked by a Grey. Just smack with a hammer and pick out the pieces. Oh and don't do it on your tile counters with wifey looking, I have a knot on my head from the ONE mistake, with the snide comment "what were you thinking". If their gone. it's ok to do it on the counter. ;-)
  25. Names are tough and it is good to see you taking it seriously. Greys personalities do change somewhat with age. But, their basic composure, character, quirks and individuality remain intact. With that in mind, name him/her according to how you see these components and on it responds to. I can't explain it, but when they hear a name that just "Fits", you will see a reaction as if they agree. :-) At least that was the case with "Dayo". Good luck in selecting the right name for your Grey.
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