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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    Any bling - bling is a BIG flashy thing to a Grey. :-) The danger of an earring is more so to you than your Grey. They could just rip it out of your ear, if they so desired. I know one such forum member here that experienced it, but will leave his/her name out to avoid possible retaliation. ;-) B)
  2. GreYt story, thnks for sharing that. :-)
  3. Welcome Graehstone!!! That is a great avatar you have and a nice introduction regarding you and your flock. Where did you get the avatar and other photos/pictures you have posted elsewhere on this forum? They are truly one of a kind. GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  4. What a wonderful picture. It is a great thought, to think our loving companions will live as long, if not longer than we will. There are very few human kept critters that do and we suffer the heart break when our beloved pets die after 6 to 13 years of loyal companionship, such as our Dogs and Cats. We are definitely blessed in having the joy and honor to have our Greys as loving companions.
  5. Your welcome Di. Yes, you will need to slowly wean him off of the Seed. You can do that by initially placing the pellets of your choice in the cage for him to experiment with. Then start reducing the amount of seed and have pellets available at all times. once he has become somewhat familiar with the pellets, take the seeds, veggies and fruits out in the mornings and only leave the pellets in for the rest of the day until evening feeding time. You will need to monitor his weight constantly to ensure he does not start losing weight. If weight is being lost, bump up the amount of seeds and nuts you offer him. There is never a guarantee that a Parrot will switch 100% to pellets, as my Dayo hasn't. The key is to always offer a varied and well rounded diet of Seeds, Nuts, Pellets, Fruits and Veggies. This will ensure they receive all the protien, viatamins and minerals they need to maintian optimum health. I personally believe too much pressure is put on people to get their Parrots on a 100% pellet diet. But, thats just my opinion. :-)
  6. danmcq


    Yes, Walnuts are impossible for a Grey to Open. Almonds are a hit and miss due to some having thicker and harder shells than others. Initially, I would just shave off a little of the shell near the pointed tip of the Almond to give Dayo a chance to work them over and finally get them open. After several times of doing that, I believe his confidence and also love for that wonderful treat inside gave Dayo the desire to open all Almonds now with out any prepping from me, except in the rarest of occasions that he runs across a super tough shelled Almond. Maybe give that a try for a while with your Grey.
  7. Welcome Granimal!!! Nice to have you here. Hopefully you will find a good breeder locally or a member in that area will put you on the path to one. Look forward to hearing more from you.
  8. Welcome MacsMom50 and Fids!!! GreYt to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  9. Hi Steve - Did you forget something? ;-)
  10. Not sure what it is either, but it is certainly a beautiful one. The sign say's "Will work for seeds", so he's not a "slacker" bird. ;-) :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/05/21 14:18
  11. Congratulations Pam!! What a beautiful boy. He'll come around and it sounds like the two of them are already starting to keep you and themselves entertained. :-) Neither my Conure or Grey seems interested at all in mineral blocks or cuttle-bones, but they are there if they ever decide to take a crack at them. :-)
  12. danmcq


    Yes, chestnuts are a wonderful Nut to them. The Grey, Jardine and Cockatoo may need a little help to get them open, but as I'm sure you know, the Macaw will have no problem cracking those Chestnuts at all. :-)
  13. What a beautiful description of how a baby Grey is at 7 weeks old. They are so needful, trustful and cuddly at that very dependent age. You are doing everything fine and Nike sounds like a very explorative and well on his/her way to becoming a much loved family member. You really must share some photos of all these cute "Kodak" moments that will soon be gone as he matures. Based on your photo and graphical abilities. I would say we are in for some great eye candy soon. :-)
  14. danmcq


    Congratulations on bringing Keeko home Caroline!! Photos are a must you know, so overcome those Technical Challenges and show us some. :-)
  15. Great photo Graehstone !!! That appears to be about 3 to 4 different clutches if you consider 2 to 3 per clutch. The answer to you question regarding how to pick....let the Grey(s) pick you. They will and the likelihood of the bond will be much stronger than if you just grab a few and run. ;-) :-) ..... which I would be severely tempted to do, given the opportunity B)
  16. Hi Di - You wrote "because he's in a shop I will feel awkward poping in and out all the time what do you guys think it's really appriciated" The best advice would be to consider yourself the customer of the store and you have every right to go and visit to interact with your new baby Grey. It will give you and he/she time to become accustomed to one another, which will make the transition of coming to a new home much easier by having a "Flock" member with him to comfort him. It will also give you a good insight into his/her personality, foods being offered and those he likes/dislikes. Congratulations!!! I'll bet July can not come fast enough for you. :-)
  17. Welcome Mcleany!! It's Greyt to have you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your Grey when you have a chance to post them.
  18. Enjoy this great story of how a Grey was returned to his home..... http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/05/21/lost.parrot.ap/index.html
  19. danmcq


    It also carries a very sober, but real warning for those even "Thinking" about free flighting their Grey or any other Parrot for that matter. It obviously took a lot for Andrew to share his loss on video no less for all to see. Thank you Andrew for doing that. I know it was not easy.
  20. Awww Talon, sorry to hear of the pressure and stress from personal matters. It's good to know we have brought a smile and a little "Light" into to your life each day. :-) Love and concern for each other, is the "Cement" that keeps us all here wit our "Other" family. Thanks for the update. I have a question though, what is "I will start the lacto/vinegar routine"?? I have obviously never performed it for Dayo and am certain others here are as in the dark as I on this topic. Could you please enlighten us? :laugh: I send flowers as a forbearance of my gratitude... {Love-000200C5}
  21. danmcq


    OMG Andrew!! If you happen to login and see this thread, please know I feel your pain and my heart is ripped out for you and Tui. My wife, I and Dayo (our Grey) loved watching the Tui Dance, come on Dance video. I am praying that Tui will show up somewhere, somehow and you will be reunited. Words can not express my sorrow for you and Tui.
  22. LOL Penny!! Glad to see we are all keeping you on your Toes. :-) Does Talon find all your "Searching" activity amusing? B) How is Talon today? You know we need our daily "Fix" of knowing how it's going. :woohoo:
  23. It's good to hear Tobie is taking the meds on stride and also that you have found solutions to work around the un-sure footing issue. Hopefully all your hard work and love will pay off with many more years to come with Tobie. :-) Thanks for the update and keep them coming, you know how much we all care. Tobie and your family all all in our hearts and prayers. :-)
  24. VERY COOL wallpaper you produced. :-) This is a great project for some of us to try also, thanks!!
  25. Yep nothing caffeinated, no soda, no beer, no whiskey no alcohol of any kind, no milk, no milkshakes, no work-out drinks like Gatorade etc. Just healthy juices and water basically.
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