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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh, I am so sorry to hear that she went through the trauma of chewing he own toes off. I'll bet you love her tons. How is she doing today? Is she eating ok and starting to move about a little? Thanks for the additional information. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/24 21:00
  2. Oh, those are wonderful photos of Kya and your Hahns Macaw. :-) Thanks for posting them.
  3. These were all great commentaries by all in support of Spookyhurst. Thanks to Penny, Carolyn and Baxter's Mom for posting these. :-) Hopefully everyone here will here will think twice before subtracting Karma and state WHY they think a person deserves the loss just because one may disagree with a Post. There of are course times, that deserve negative Karma. Like that seen in the case of the Troll "GMan", that was just obnoxious and doing it for the fun of irritating the hell out of everyone for the 1 or 2 hours he was here. Penny - Please let me know who the culprit was and I'll take them to -1000. :evil: No one messes with "Our" one and only SpookyHurst!!
  4. d1yer08 wrote: Wow, thats very fast progress!! I'll bet you are feeling like a million bucks right now. :-) Thanks or the constant updates!! Karma to you for doing such a GreYt job of making her feel comfortable and loved in her final forever home.
  5. I am 3/4 through this book. If you have not purchased, do so. It is a great book that shows the non scientific side from beginning to end of the relationship, trials, good times, bad times etc. I have become teary eyed, laughed my A$$ off at times and just get a much deeper sense of awe for this wonderful species. I must put it down and walk away for time to digest just how deep all the things in between the lines go. It gives me time to reflect upon what I have done with Dayo, where I should be taking him and wonder if he thinks I'm a moron at times.......
  6. LOL Jan!! Thats too cute. We have a HUGE wrap around section about 20 feet long that Dayo runs back and forth across. But I stopped the "whoops" game because I got tired of standing on my head trying to retrieve the stuff he threw down ALWAYS behind the couch. :-) Thanks for sharing this. Oh, a tip for other Parrot owners. It's not fashionable to some, but we place large bath towels (Color Matching of course) over the top portion of our couch and change them daily due to the left over the a "Parrots been here" evidence. ;-)
  7. Ah, I picture the Ying and Yang faces on you. :-) The bright side, is thats progress!!
  8. Sterno is ok. It burns clean and does not emit any harmful fumes that will damage your Grey. It is great to see you really think about how anything used in your home could affect you bird and check on it. That's a very responsible owner!! Karma to you. :-)
  9. Hello Jessica and welcome to the Forum!! Lupa gave good advice and asked some very important questions regarding when the amputation took place. If it was recently, your baby is in in pain, shock of not having the balance it once had and also highly disturbed from whatever it was that caused this harm to her foot resulting in the amputation of 2 toes. That poor baby has been through the mill. I can not imagine her having any desire to try and climb or perch. First the pain needs to go away. Then she will slowly figure out how to overcome the handicap she now has. She will overcome it, but with time. Just be very consoling, calm, gentle and talk to her in a soft motherly voice just letting her know your there for her. Looking forward to hearing more about how this happened, when and what the heck happened at that boarders that resulted in this damage to your much loved bird.
  10. Hey LaceyGrey - You Wrote "Sometimes I'd like to force a little common sense on some people!". Oh, you don't need to. The first time Lacey grabs and bites a finger half way through. That person will learn a lesson they'll never forget!!! :pinch: When common sense is lacking, pain is always a GreYt teacher. :evil:
  11. Wow, NICE STAND!!! {Feel-good-000200BB}
  12. Wow!! These are all very good photos everyone one. Thanks for posting all these. This is going to be a very tough contest. :-)
  13. LOL Dave - You should talk!! ;-)
  14. Congratulations Empera!! As the others have said, a smaller cage will be fine, especially at such a still very young age. That baby is still probably kept in fairly cramped quarters and a HUGE new cage may just make him feel insecure as Sheila stated. That is really young to be weaned completely. He must be in a hurry to get out of the nest and go exploring!! :-)
  15. LOL Sheila!! And to think you had to use your "womanly ways" to get charlies new stand together and he shows no appreciation. But Hey, Crackers all into it......Charlie will too pretty soon I'm sure. :-)
  16. That is a good site Lex. Kya sounds like a wonderful name. Thanks for posting this. :-)
  17. OH, I am so sorry to hear that Parrolet passed away. Dave and Casper have given great advice and I can add nothing to their input. As you are wanting to address right now, as the first priority is being proactive and ensuring if it was actually an infectious disease, you have it covered.
  18. That is a good step in the right direction. Thanks for updating this thread and I am looking forward to hearing how this progresses further. :-)
  19. Well, God did say he would make the Rocks cry out of a man wouldn't tell someone his mesage. ;-) {Feel-good-0002006E}
  20. Welcome Cheyanne and Micah!! It's GreYt having you here. Australians are welcome here mate. :-) We have had a few other Australians visit here also. It seems Greys are rather hard to find over there. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  21. There are many closet talkers. You just never know. My Grey will talk in front of others, but only when we are all sitting for example in the living room socializing or watching a movie where there is background noise. If all are silent and staring at him waiting for him to say something, he will remain mum. The only exception is if they have something he wants like food items. If they do, then he will ask for that food by name. :-) It would be great if others chimed in and we could get a poll going here of who has a closet talker and those that have a public speaker. :-) In fact, lets start a poll. Go here and vote: http://poll.pollcode.com/7zeG<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/23 15:54
  22. Welcome Steve!! It's GreYt having you here and congratulations on having a new baby CAG bless you with his presence on the 23rd of this month. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. The first molt is the biggest. Your baby will lose tons of those baby downy feathers and some of the smaller feathers like around his neck, head and chest. Around spring time he will probably start molting out large feathers medium in size and towards fall/winter he will molt out the secondaries and primaries. This is just a ball park though, they each molt a little differently depending on climate and if they are a CAG or a TAG. Mist the bottom of your cage pan before removing it for cleaning. It will keep all those downy feathers from flying all over your house. :-)
  24. LOL!!! Too funny, Mischief must have a little Ostrich in Her. Thanks so much for sharing this.!! :-)
  25. Very, Very nice photos with all the critters interacting. I love them!! Thanks for sharing them. :-)
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