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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Flyrod, The others have given you great advice. You are making a very wise decision in letting the breeder do the hand feeding. At four weeks old, a baby Grey not only needs handing feeding by a person qualified to perform it. They also need a brooder they must by kept in at a constant temperature and humidity. If not, they will most likely die. I am surprised the breeder even offered to let that baby come to you unweaned if he is a responsible and caring breeder. Your suspicion is probably correct on the thought of it would be less work for the breeder. Many states have passed laws that make it illegal to sell a bird unweaned. Just an FYI - Most birds are not fully weaned until 16 - 20 weeks old. Do not let the breeder send that baby home at 8 weeks saying it is weaned. ;-)
  2. Hi Linda, It's wonderful to see someone like yourself researching all aspects of bringing a Grey in to your home before doing so. That is something we don't see very often. Normally it's just the opposite. Someone just decides they must have that talking Grey they saw on TV, then they show up here with issues and many times end up getting rid of the poor Grey. I commend you for taking on such a thoughtful process before making a decision. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/23 13:10
  3. Hahahahahahahahahaha Dave - Your killing me. Thanks for the morning laugh. {Feel-good-0002006E}
  4. Welcome Anthea!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  5. LOL Judy - I love ribbing from a lovely woman such as your self. :-)
  6. Hey, its nice hearing from you again!! :-) Smokey is a Greyt looking CAG. How are things going for you now? Settled in, normal and happy, I hope.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/22 23:30
  7. Hi ConnieLu, it's great seeing you back, even though it is for an unpleasant experience your having with your Grey. As Lyric said, your Grey is maturing and testing boundaries along with wanting to see what can be gotten away with. They are sneaky as you write the game of calling you then taking a good bite. Your Grey thinks it is BIG FUN watching your reaction and falling for it again. You need to learn his body language and watch his eyes carefully. At this point of the game, I would only offer the back of a tighten fist for him to step-up on that a bite can not take place or hurt and force the step-up. Also as Lyric said, if a bite is received, give a stern No Bite and place him back in the cage and walk away out of sight. It will take a few goes at it, but it will slow that game down if not stop it completely. I do want to caution you though, a mature bird will bite if it does not want to step up or do something it does not want to at that time. Your baby is fading and a maturing teen that is rebellious as most is surfacing and is quite normal. Hang around and keep us posted. :-)
  8. Well, know that Ive gotten over my misreading embrassment. :blush: I'll comment on the candy, coffee, coke and other "Forbidden" stuff. I single smallish dose is not death or even sickening to them. In reading scientific studies on this, it takes a very large quantity to sicken or kill your birdy. I am not of course saying it is ok to give your Grey a cup of coffee or a whole Hersheys Kiss. Just wanting to ease some over zealous anxiety of someone that has a birdy get onto something that is off limits. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/22 23:18
  9. The scratching is normal behaviour and it may also be that your Grey wants out. Sometimes they just do it to be scratching. Nice photo of them. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  10. Thats great Penny. Please don't forget the swimsuit photos this summer like last. ;-)
  11. Oh, Jesus, I didn't even think of "Starburst" being the Candy. If so then it's definately not a 911. Thanks for catching that Sheila. :-)
  12. Hello Cookie, I know your in a panic, but could you give a little more information? Are they both Parrots? What type? Where is the bite located? If it's really bad, get to a Vet ASAP!!
  13. Hello and welcome linda! I will just reply to this one post since it is asking the same question, but with a little more information regarding the death of your parakeet. There is never a guarantee a bird will not go to the floor except if you kept it caged at all times. That would be cruel and a very miserable life for an African Grey. The only guarantee of your Greys safety, would be if you locked the dogs up while you had your Grey out for 3 or 4 hours of healthy interaction for him. Only you can come to a final conclusion on any birds safety in your home. The bottom line is you would be the responsible party needing to ensure that Grey was never alone even for a second. A dog or even the cat could kill him before you could get there to pick him up and rescue him.
  14. Great news Steph!! As fast as they grow, photos each week are expected. ;-)
  15. Wow, great photos. Thise parks a must do if in the area. :-) Thanks for posting these photos and information. Did that Macaw just light on your sons head when the photo was taken?
  16. Birds can seemingly hold their poop for a long time. However, normal behavior in a bird is an almost automatic driven instinct to take a dump before they move. I can only assume it is to lighten up body weight as much as possible to make movement/flight easier. They hold their poop all night, thus the BIG BOMB first thing in the morning. :-) They can be trained to poop in a "Poop Spot(s)" regardless of age through consistancy and a ton of patience.
  17. Welcome Mythreeiggys!! It's GreYt having you here. To answer your question directly and simply, you can not over feed your Grey. :-) Babies and even adult Greys lay down if theres a spot they find safe and comfortable. It is more prevelant in the very young, such as your baby Grey. Nothing like a nap after a good full stomach. :-) Here is a photo of a 9 week old Grey, to give you an idea of full feather coverage:
  18. Great photos! Thats a wonderful bird sancurary. I did not know it existed. Now, thanks to you, I have a good weekend trip to make down to Del Mar. Only about 4 hours from here in Visalia. :-) Thanks for posting this.
  19. Congratulations rbtjawjaboy1 !! That is a young age to start vocalizing words. :-)
  20. Hello Sameera, it's great hearing from you again!! I am sorry to hear of the continuation of illness poor Mas has suffered. I hope you are right in thinking that the underlying painful ear infection was the root cause of the plucking problem. My prayers and well wishes are for you and the quick healing of Mas. :-)
  21. Welcome dibblm!! It sounds like you have a very well socialized baby tag there. Each bird is different, just like people. Your seems to be very out going and trustful at this point. Your tag will mature and start showing it later by exercising his will of who gets to have him step up, when etc. These babies grow and mature just like any critter and eventually become adults. Enjoy those baby moments and cherish them. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  22. He sounds like a perfectly normal baby grey. As any young critter, they play, eat etc. then take some nap/relaxation time. Looking at the best photo to see his eye's. I would say he is between 4 and 6 months old. Its hard to determine precisely. As long as his eating habits are still good and his weight is staying normal (for him), stools, nares etc. look good. He should be ok. Just keep an eye on all those items listed. He could become bored with the same play toys or games you do with him and thus the length of engagement becomes shorter as the newness wears off. He does need to start eating a more well rounded diet which optimally would end up with him consuming more and more fresh veggies, grains, pellets and less seed as the main source.
  23. What a great post David. I agree with everything you said. No matter how human like any creature may seem in human terms. They are still the a parrot, dog, cat etc. and do what comes naturally to them. Displaying all the uniqueness, attributes, glory and splendor peculiar to themselves. That's what keeps this planet with all it critters a never ending journey of wonder.
  24. OUCH!! Yep, that trick gets us all several more times than we care to admit. :-) Welcome to the club!!
  25. Day 983 of my captivity. My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet. Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards.....!!! There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means and how to use it to my advantage. Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded!! The bird has got to be an informant! I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now................ :evil:
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