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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. LOL! I missed all of them. So I knew something was wrong. I am very much at peace internally......
  2. pionexx21 wrote: What wonderful news on Bappie!!! Hopefully we'll be hearing more from you know that the storm clouds have passed and you and Bappie are once again in a normalized state of existence. I can not imagine the anxiety of ensuring such a long path to assurance of defeat of the dreadful disease. Great having you back!! :-)
  3. danmcq

    DNA Results

    Congratulations Tammy and Cosmo!! It's wonderful that he is truly "Ok". If possible, it would be great if you could post weekly photos of your visits in the Nursery room. You know how we love photos and especially those of adorable babies as they grow. :-)
  4. Kook wrote: Believe me, we are all rooting and have nothing but best wishes for you and your Grey. :-)
  5. Great decision Flyrod! :-) Looking forward to seeing some photos of your baby greys growth stages as you visit. :-)
  6. Hi Terri! Boy is Bella a thorough thinker. Lets see, when Mom gets home, I'll blame Jiggy for the Dog mess and she will get rid of him for sure. :-) The Cage door and scolding of Jiggy is another display of conscious thought and purpose. I must add reading this episode of the Bella and Jiggy show was definitely great entertainment. Don't you wish we could capture these events on video? Thanks for posting another good example of conscious though, purpose and of course the underlying jealousy and hate that is driving it. :-) I have the same issue between Dayo and Jake. Jake being the social lover of all as most new world Parrots are. With Dayo being the species flock together only group of old world parrots.
  7. Hello Leigh, I am sorry to hear of your Fathers serious illness. I hope it has all worked out ok for all. In regards your Grey Booty Goo. He will adapt back to you and your Husband being the primary caregivers. The move and all that goes with it will be a new experience for him. But, the important thing is that he will be with those that love and reassure him. Just treat Booty Goo as you always have and try to discard any fearful emotions you may have concerning the move and his liking of your house mate. This will all pass with you all intact as a family in your next home and things will settle down. Just take one day at a time. Thats all you can do. Enjoy Booty Goo once again and do the same things on the same schedules you previously maintained if possible. Others will chime in too with more thoughts and ideas. :-)
  8. I am very sorry to hear your Grey is sick. It's great you got into a vet so soon. Hopefully the tests will come back negative. atleast the vet gave a precautionary shot. Make sure that greys room is kept very warm. They need this when ill. You are not being too sensitive to an ailing loved pet. He is sick and your concerned. Atleast thats my opinion. That life is very precious. I hope this works out well for you in all aspects. :-)
  9. Welcome CF737!! It's wonderful to see your are researching before buying and asking all the right questions. :-) Greys do, as other Parrots require atleast 3 to 4 hours a day of one on one time out of the cage with their flock at home. They thrive in a stimulating environment. Your plan of being home constantly for the first year sounds like a good one. Your Grey will settle in with the flock living at home and as long as you have your Mother also take part from the get go in the feeding and care of your grey, there should be no problems when you must spend hours in school each day again. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. If you read that in the context it was written. You will see it was an "example" of how disruptor's turn and twist statements in a debate. There are other examples there too that may offend some if taken out of context. See how it can illicit a response, even when it was not the intent or subject of this thread? ;-)
  11. Sorry about that. It should be here now. :-) In the top original post.
  12. Linda - You don't see the Momma bird perched the the chicks head feeding the other chick? ;-)
  13. Not too long now!! :-) If all those CAGs are available for choosing, one will probably chose you. Let it happen if it will. :-) If they are providing you with a dog carrier for transport. I would position it so it is secure enough that you can place a water and food bowl in. Also, a towel for him to get some comfort on if he feels like laying down. If you can, position him in the back seat where he and you can see each other for comforting assurance. If they are so well fledged and coordinated as they appear in the photo, there is no need for a low perch or towel in the bottom. Unless the breeder clips them before you take him\her home. Hopefully, they will not clip you bird. Good luck in finding the bird thats meant for you and have a safe trip!!
  14. Well, Dayo displayed anger very obviously just a few minutes ago. He was laying on his side, inside a cardboard box turned on it's side, playing with a 2 inch ball with a Bell in it he loves to attack. Dayo had ripped a few pieces off the box and Jake (Conure) decided to fly in and grab a piece of cardboard about 6 inches away. Dayo came out of that box like a bat out of hell, Jake took off, then dayo followed flying like a screaming maniac after Jake as he went flying a few round through the house. There is no doubt that Dayo was angry. :evil: Here's a few links to topics David referenced in his comments: http://www.avalon5.com/science-and-technology/science/what-have-elephants-dolphins-humans-great-apes-got-in-common/ http://villageofjoy.com/the-smartest-animals-in-the-world/<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/23 20:08
  15. It's just a photo. theres no clicking on it. :-)
  16. Ok, sorry the link came through wrong everyone...... You know mama don't love you when.... ;-) <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/23 21:10
  17. Ok, good. Looking forward to the uupdate tomorrow and will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  18. Your Grey should be ok. As long as your friend and her are acquainted and she gets some interaction and assurance that she is not abandoned. The important thing, is that she is still in your home where she is comfortable and secure in her own cage. Also, that you are comfortable with your friend to properly care for your critters. :-) I know, we all fret over leaving our greys, even if it the 20th time and only for one day. Much less 2 weeks. :-)
  19. Is it 14 c (57 Fahrenheit) in your house? If so that is way too cold for your grey to be in if he is at all ill. If you mean larger in diameter poop, thats fine. It is revelant to how much he has eaten. The important thing is it's color and consistancy. It's great that you have an appointment for tomorrow.
  20. Did you find a vet and get an appointment setup? It seems from your description that he is getting more lethargic, bad breath etc. This is turning into signs of illness and a vet check is really needed soon to ensure your baby is healthy. This has turned into more than just napping through out the day after eating or playing.
  21. Oh boy, we'll be praying and hoping that all goes well. Looking forward to the update tomorrow on him.
  22. The fruit is fine and the resultant watery stools afterwards are normal. Fruit is a natural part of there complete diet. Vegetables will also give a little watery stools also due to the water content. If you think about it, it is the pellets being 100% dry not being "natural" and why you may observe your Grey at times dunking them in water.
  23. Welcome Jacquie and Frodo!! It's good to hear you have taken in Frodo from a couple that apparently found a good and loving home for him. You came to the right place for answers to your questions. Hopefully you will find it is a very friendly community that takes caring for Greys very seriously. We have a lot of fun here too and build strong friendships along the way. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  24. Well Congratulations edillon!! In regards the 3 day vet check. I would ask the breeder to make that 3 working days. Receiving the Grey on a Friday makes that constraint near impossible to meet. Express your concerns to the breeder before they ship that Grey. If they are agreeable, schedule the vet visit for Monday or Tuesday. If they are not agreeable, then request the Grey be shipped on Monday and schedule the vet visit for Wednesday. The call is yours on the shipi day, not the breeders. You are the paying customer that deserves good and fair treatment. That would be too much trauma in my opinion for one day. It would be most desirable to get him home from the airport and let him settle in over the weekend before introducing another scary situation. Atleast by then the grey will feel like it is with someone it knows in a strange environment. In regards being worried about whom the grey will love the most. Just relax, spends lots of time with him like you mentioned and all should be ok. If not, then kick the fiance out. ;-) Just kidding. I hope it all goes well for you and that precious Grey. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/23 15:49
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