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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Now thats what I call foraging. Thanks for sharing the African Grey Vacuum Cleaner with us. :-)
  2. Awww, very pretty red pattern gong on there. :-) It's good hearing from you and hearing all is going well.
  3. I had the same issue with Dayo in regards my attention when he would get bored watching me on the PC or Laptop. Solution.... I roll the T-Stand or Tree Stand over right next to me with good food in the bowls and lots of toys dangling. He prefers to stay on it most the time until he gets played out or stops preening. He went through one keyboard, which I stripped all the Keys off of and he now has them in a coffee can which he dumps over and plays with keys. It's almost as if he is a person rolling in bed with a million dollars....Mine Mine Mine it's ALL mine!!!
  4. LOL! Just what makes you think Alfie cares? Oh, What was that phrase at the end "Uh Oh ala Oooo Ya" is what it sounded like to me. I love you accent, atleast it's an accent to us americans across the big pond. :-) I guess I have drifted very far from my Scottish family roots....
  5. Pretty Cool 1st painting, Bravo!! More!!!!! :-)
  6. Nice introduction Amanda. :-) There is no doubt in my mind that He is in the perfect home. Looking forward to hearing and seeing photos as this journey for you both progresses.
  7. Ok, here is one of me in a daily occurrence.....
  8. Great photos of your horses Sjeila. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  9. I'm of the same mind as Dave on losing the stick. One way you could try, would be to wear a very thick sweatshirt and have him step up on your Arm, in place of the stick. If the sweatshirt is not thick enough, wrap a towel around your arm. The key is getting him to step up on you, not a stick. He already knows what step-up is, as indicated by lifting his foot in anticipation or even a request if he wants one and your not asking him. Just say "Step-Up" every time you do it. He will quickly link that command to the words, if he already doesn't know them. The key is constancy, determination, no fear or anticipation. Make sure you are calm and determined before requesting a step-up. They can feel your anxiety and react to it. If your clam, it changes all the dynamics.
  10. Well, since you have let him continue this behaviour for so many years. It is going to take an act of congress and a lot of time and patience to try and turn this behaviour around. Instead of giving him your hand to just bite on, go in with your hand balled into a fist, bent forward to draw the back of hand skin tight and he will not be able to bite it. Then you can simply jet push your fist under him and make him step up. But and this is a big but, if he is really aggressive and decides to attack by jumping and biting your arm. Stop dong this immediately. It does not sound like he is an attacker, but thought I should state this just in case he is. This is going to take a while and consistancy to change it.
  11. Awwww, what a GreYt photo. They are so precious and cute when just wee little chicks. :-) Thanks for sharing this and keeping this thread updated constantly Dave.
  12. LOL to the photos!!! GreYt entertainment. :-)
  13. GreYt photo of the bold and brave Rishi on his Atom. :-) My Grey is VERY cautious as well of new items like that as well. It took him 3 weeks to decide the new treestand was not an evil Grey devouring branched monster straight out of hell.
  14. You can try out any types of fruits, veggies etc. They mostly like to beak them and test the texture and taste of them. They may even consume a little if they find it really tasty. We gave ours cut up apricots, cooked mini pumpkins cut up, peaches, apple, grape, broccoli, carrots etc. At about 8 weeks, a bowl with pellets, some mash etc was in their cage constantly for them to sample. You can also offer a little warmed up infant human baby foods that are pureed like squash, carrots etc. as well. But, just make sure at his age you have fed him the all important an nutritious formula first, as the fruits and veggies do not contain all the is necessary for a healthy start in life as the formula is.
  15. The bottom line on this, is burning a scented candle or using air fresheners will not kill your bird today, tomorrow or next year. BUT, due to their very sensitive respiratory system, it is advised to not use them in the home that our fids reside in. The effects COULD shorten their lives by many years. Obviously a long term scientific study has not been performed on this. But mots of us threw out all scented candles and air fresheners the day we brought our parrots home. Better to be safe, than sorry in a few years. :-)
  16. GreYt photos of your baby! If these photos are from the last few days. That baby is only around 7 weeks old. It will try out different foods you offer like the peas, cut up fruits etc. But, it is no where near being a weaning age of between 12 to 20 weeks. Thanks for posting these photos and update. Looking forward to many more!! :-)
  17. pearllyn wrote: They do it in the wild as well. Normally it is related to a threat, also as a call to flight as some of the "In the Wild" videos I have posted here show. One or a few will start screaming and then they all follow suit and fly away screaming as a massive flock. http://www.arkive.org/african-grey-parrot/psittacus-erithacus/video-00.html
  18. Dee - The breeder is the best person to deal with the health, biting and trust building issues. Your thoughts are very admirable, but the reality is, a change to a new home, surroundings etc. before getting this baby #3 back to a human trust level would not be good for him. From the sounds of your breeder, if a home can not be found. She will take care of that baby and keep it as one of her own flock. My hat is off to breeders that fall in love with each and everyone of their babies, yet know the day is not far off that they must say a tearful goodbye to another one of their children. These are just my thoughts on this and I'm sure others will post good thoughts as will. :-)
  19. LOL!!!! Brilliant Koko, Bravo!!! :-) Everyone knows, after a celebration or ceremonial drink, you toss the container. You are are training your humans very well in proper etiquette.
  20. Yes, thats the Pterodactyl!!! I am amazed you caught it on video. It happens so fast and at any time they decide to take flight and just raise hell, that I have never been able to catch it on tape. Karma to you!!
  21. How long has it been since your Grey had a Health check? If they do not feel well, it can lead to biting and plucking. Since you have had him for 10 years and had a good relationship with him the entire time upto now. Something has caused this change. From your post, it sounds like he has been a good bird even in full adulthood. I believe a vet check is in order to rule out an underlying cause, other than what you have described. Gloves will just scare the hell out of him and destroy trust.
  22. Congrats Brittany!! As much as you love Pepper and the way you will love your baby. It will all work out just fine. Looking forward to hearing updates on BOTH your babies now. :-)
  23. Dayo only speaks in my voice. Even if he learns a word or phrase from my wife, he uses my voice. I'm worried one of these day's he will use this ability to get me in trouble with her.
  24. Welcome Neil and Snowy!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) The photo is very cute of the little guy. Looking forward to hearing more and watching this baby grey grow up.
  25. I believe he has watched enough TV and seen what happens to critters that stick their heads in things to get food. BAM!! The head comes off.
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