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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thanks for the update Jan. Tobie is taking all this in stride and it sounds like he enjoyed the drug induced trip he took, with the big Wooo Hoooo upon awakening. :-) Tobie is sure a trooper, as you are as well. My most positive thoughts, wishes and prayers are for you both. Please update as often as you have time. :-)
  2. Welcome to the forum!! It's GreYt having you here. It is a sad story with a happy ending. I know the day will come that I will need to find my Grey a new loving home as well. If you love someone as much as we do our greys, we do what is best for them and find it a bittersweet event. But, at least you can rest in peace knowing you did the right thing. I congratulate you for taking a grey and spending the time it takes to see if the grey would select you and show good interaction with you as well. I am looking forward to hearing more as this progresses. :-)
  3. Very sad news. You have my condolences and are in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. Oh they don't realize it, but we already had a meeting. Created a virtual grey forum they are now in when logged in. It just generates random respones to them from copies of our forum members...much like Matrix... 10101010101010101 10101010101 1010101 10101010 I mean good posts everyone. <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/09 16:25
  5. luvparrots wrote: LOL!!! Well, there is car time normally before you get to the room.....a little pre-foreplay. ;-)
  6. LOL Julie and others!! Well, don't worry the word(s, sound(s) or a mixture of both will change. I don't know what I was thinking, but we have sirens go by our house. Dayo starting imitating them. I started saying 911!! in response...... Now his favorite thing to do is say "911!!", then wait for me to make the siren sound. Then he reverses it and does the siren and I say "911!!". Well it was pretty cool for a few days. Now it does become trying at times, so I try to change the game by asking him to dance, whistle, go poop........ANYTHING BUT 911!!!!! :pinch: So, I feel ya!!!
  7. Oh that is very sad news Tam. It just breaks my heart, as I am sure it does yours. It is like knowing you are going to lose a young child to cancer. I hope and pray that the treatment works better than the vet thinks and Moe lives many years beyond the projection. I have never heard of this disease, but now that you have identified. I am going to find all the information I can about it and how to avoid it, if possible. Thanks for updating us and please keep doing so. Moe and you are members of our flock here now. :-)
  8. Very cool. You have done an awesome job of building and tweaking that boat. :-) Totally enjoyed watching the video.
  9. GreYt updater on Pepper. As Sheila said, we have enjoyed pollowing pepper since a young chick and you as well. It's wonderful she is now flighted and starting to ramble off words. Thanks for the update! :-)
  10. You will find your Conure will be much more interested in making freinds than your Grey. But, at such a young age, your grey just may take to him. Since your Conure is flighted. There is really no way of keeping him from checking out your new grey. You will find however that your sun is not stupid and is very fast at get-aways if needed. The comment regarding quarantine is accurate and should be heeded. DNA sexing does not test for all the possible diseases your baby could possibly bring with him. Some have diseases that will not show up on a test at the vets until it is actually full blown in the bird. Unless you have taken your bird in and had a full blood panel, gram stains and exam. There is no guarantee it is healthy and disease free. Looking forward to hearing how this works out for you and seeing photos. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/12/07 21:47
  11. GreYt photos and story of Biscotti's 6 month celebration. He looks like he enjoys the container as well. BIG FUN!! Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  12. Thanks for posting this Jill. I hope all read it and apply it in their homes where applicable.
  13. GreYt informative post Dave. I can't count the times users have posted questions regarding how to stop bleeding.
  14. JillyBeanz wrote: LOL - I thought you already had. Judy - You are missed!!! :-)
  15. Welcome JJ and Lulu!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. Oh poor Grey and you! My thought and prayers are with you two, that a quick diagnosis and treatment is found to get your Grey back to you healthy and happy once again. Please keep us updated.
  17. JillyBeanz wrote: Yeppers, it's all good until someone gets hurt!! Welcome to the bite me club. More will follow......:evil:
  18. GreYt update on Bismark. :-) It sounds like he enjoyed himself, except for the dogs. Actually. it's a good thing that he is afraid of critters that can chomp him down in one bite. :-) I really enjoyed viewing the photos. Post more often when you have the time!! :-)
  19. Congratulations Gizmo!! As others noted. Targeting will help. He will also of course learn banking, slowing down and good perching spots all on his own through trial and error. Just keep window drapes close and mirrors covered until he learns they are there and can not be flown through. They learn this fairly quickly. Fly Gizmo, fly!!! :-)
  20. I twirl Dayo around on his hanging boing...he loves it and never gets dizzy. IN fact as he is twirling, he normally says with excitement "Wooooo Hoooooo!!". I walk with him very fast too and down halls, around corners etc. Since your grey is flighted as Dayo is, if they get nervous they will just fly to where your going and wait for you. :-) Looking forward to the photos, all though I think a video would be more fun watching you race down the stairs.
  21. What you describe sounds like something her previous owner taught her or played with her in that manner. When a bird is hanging upside down on your finger it must grab it to right itself when it decides too. This is a lot of pressure, but normally not skin piercing. I would recommend stopping that type of interaction with her until you get a better feel for her. At only one year old, she is not displaying sexual attraction. She is dropping her wings and panting for you in a young grey to Parront manner. They become sexually mature between 4 and 6 years of age. However, they can start displaying sexual advances as young as 3.
  22. As others have said, she has trained you well. If she is on the floor and wants up, only offer your hand or arm. Stop letting her climb up your body to your shoulder. Use your other arm to block the path up your arm to your shoulder. The shoulder is a privilege, not a god given right. I know it's been a month, but trust is still being built and so are the handling methods your are teaching her for her new house and flock. Treats and praise work wonders on getting a parrot to come around quickly. :-)
  23. Thanks for posting this. I have always followed her works and know that her methods work well. Good Bird Inc. is one of the few people or sites I would recommend seeking materials from. Thanks for posting this so others will know about Barbara Heidenreich. :-)
  24. Dixie is a sweetheart and a good talker. She's just messing with your mind. :-) Beau is looking good and loves those peas. Thanks for sharing this video with us.
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