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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow, happy 2nd Hatchday Alfie!! What a spread and it was thoughtful of you to share with the snitch. Thanks for the photos of that wonderful party. :-)
  2. danmcq

    Cracked egg

    I bred finches for years. A cracked egg can still hatch. I have seen it. Since there is only one egg, you do not need to worry about possible contamination of other eggs should this one be bad. You could VERY carefully take it out and candle it to see if in fact it is fertile. Birds deal with this everyday while nesting. My only other thoughts on this are if you candle it and find it is not fertile. Remove it to increase the odds they will breed again and produce more. I am positive Dave will have more to say on this topic as well. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/04 13:24
  3. Tragic! Help if you are able. "African Grey Parrots, the Illegal Trade Continues February 2, 2010 (Cameroon) - Limbe Wildlife Centre" Yesterday more than 1,000 African grey parrots were confiscated at Douala Airport and brought to the Limbe Wildlife Center in Cameroon. Again! We have not even released all the birds from the last seized parrot shipment, but the illegal trade continues. This is the largest group of parrots ever confiscated in Cameroon. Unfortunately, also the amount of dead birds was incredibly high. Upon arrival we found 47 dead parrots on the bottoms of the crates. Another 30 parrots did not survive the first day, as a result of thirst and stress. It makes you sick to see how the parrots are packed in the boxes, the weaker ones trampled by the strongest. Full story and photos at the below link: http://www.parrots.org/flyfree/african-grey-parrots-illegal-trade-continues.html
  4. Many Greys do this crazy pterodactyl style going nuts, flying and screaming. Mine does this at least once, if not more everyday. :-) Now as Davey said, reaction to touching a sore spot is also a definite possible trigger.
  5. GreYt photos Robin!! I wish Dayo and my Conure Jake got along like that. But, they keep each other entertained with the game " Chase and I try to Keeeeeel You!!".
  6. danmcq

    Broken back?

    So sad, as I said on your other post. Do you have any update yet from your vet? How is Vree doing today?
  7. GreYt to see you back Carol!!! :-) Really looking forward to seeing that new bird room.!!!
  8. Wonderful photos and boy do they bring back the memories from when we were visiting our Grey at the breeders while growing up. :-) Thanks for sharing these and Karma for the wonderful feelings it made well up inside.
  9. Welcome Kathryn. I have been following your other thread in regards the spinal fracture. It is so sad, beyond words. Thanks for introducing yourself and providing the phot of the obvious loving relationship you two have shared. Continuing prayers for both of you. Your loving care and attention is certainly a comfort to your grey in this time of feeling helpless and having a loved there to watch over and assist.
  10. Welcome Tom and Ollie!! It's GreYt to here you have taken in a grey in need of a home. It sounds like he is going to adapt well. Thanks for sharing the photo of Him. :-)
  11. Welcome greylvr and Flock!! Thanks for the introduction. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you have a chance. :-) Karma to you for taking in birds in need of a loving home. :-)
  12. Welcome mabdewn and Charlie! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to your posts and photos when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Welcome Sarah and Whiskey!! It's GreYt having you here. Fine looking Congo and thanks for posting the photo. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Welcome Taz! It's Greyt having you here. It sounds like you have everything in control and that your new Grey is finally starting to settle in. As I'm sure you know, many do not like change and it affects them for days sometimes. :-) Karma to you for taking in birds in need of rescue. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  15. Welcome Angiepi!!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Jingles is right. They do love to bang their beaks, bells and throw anything to the floor that makes LOUD crashing sounds. They thoroughly enjoy it. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  16. Totally enjoyed the video of Tobie. He looks like he is completely enjoying having that Play stand again. :-)
  17. Poor Rishi. Ramsabi, his wife and Rishi will be kept in thoughts and prayers. This has been a struggle and the best possible care has been done even risking possible criminal charges in getting the needed attention. What a great example of compassion and love on their part.
  18. Ok, I understand the "Harness" rather than the true "Subject" of this thread has suddenly become a debate on "Who's First". The reality is, in doing a patent search. I found the first patent on a flying harness was entered in 1974 and the description is very similar to ALL flying harnesses available now. The exception is it was heavier back then and patented as a "Quail Flying Harness". If interested, the link to the patent is: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/3783834.html I respect Shalungs knowledge and expertise in making his own light weight harness and willingness to offer the design for "Free" with a request to donate to very good causes. I also respect Steve Hartman's time and efforts into designing the Aviator harness for those whom wish to take their birds outside and fly them safely. I will say, I do not trust my own talents in building one from scratch, even with the great instructions Shalung has provided. My worst nightmare would be to watch Dayo fly off into the sunset because of my faulty craftsmanship. I appreciate everyone's input on this thread and would really like to get it back on track and just leave the thought that both the harnesses mentioned here are excellent! Shanlung - Your blogs and photos are what first inspired me to ever consider taking my Grey outside and flying it on a harness. I continue to follow your blogs due to the inspiration and beauty they portray in each. :-) I will say, I do recommend the Aviator to all that ask what harness to purchase and that it has nothing to do with monetary gain or robbing coffers. I recommend because I believe it to be the best "Commercially" manufactured harness out there.
  19. Amen! Prayers and high hopes for a quick recovery for Spock and reassuring strength for Jay and Maggie during this stressful time. Such loving and caring people such as you gives ALL n the forum an example to try and achieve. :-)
  20. Very adorable photos of Cocoa!!! Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  21. Congratulations Dixie and Robin, how exciting!!! Now e have another thread going on the progress of a previously clipped bird regaining those primaries through many trials and the struggles that come with it. Thanks for the updates and keep them coming! This will be another valuable resource for others that walk down this path. :-) Karma to you for such loving devotion.
  22. Oh no Jay! It is obvious you and the vet are doing all you can to get to the bottom of this and Spock on the right path to good health. It is obvious he is in pain the way you describe he acts at times from cuddling to biting in milliseconds. Happy Hatch Day Spock! You do as your dad, mom and vet requests and get better soon. Prayers and best wishes to you.
  23. It is indeed a baby Rosie. :-) edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/01/31 18:20
  24. Hahahaha Jan!! Tobie flew because HE CAN!!! Believe me, he is enjoying every millisecond of it. He doesn't consider the close calls to heart attacks you may have. Yes, please do give constant updates. They will be priceless. :-) Tobie will be fine, you just need to chill with a glass of wine and enjoy watching your child learn on his own. :-)
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