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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. That Grey really needs to go to a true rescue that has the right people and resources in terms of avian vet care if possible. The bird needs a very calm environment, it may have severe health issues and could even have injuries that are causing the behavior you are reporting. If there is a rescue with in driving range of your home or a VERY experienced Parrot person with the funds to take a bird in need like this, it would be the best service anyone could provide for this poor mistreated soul.
  2. That wonderful news Jan!!!! Thanks for giving an update and perhaps now we will see more of your entertaining videos of Tobie.
  3. The switching of Congos or Timnehs as they mature, is more hearsay than anything on the web. Both will sometimes remain the cuddle muffin of the person they began with as a baby and some may change down the road. Individuals may decide they don't want to cuddle with anyone once they mature. Each bird has their own personality and cannot be locked into some type of stereo type that people read on the web. Timnehs are know to be a little more laid back than Congos, but thats not a guarantee either.
  4. The others have given good advice and links. A vet visit is probably in order. I would ask for a blood work up to see what it reveals. Shredding of feathers as you describe can be over preening, if it is not due to an underlying cause such as a deficiency, allergy or illness .
  5. Loved the videos of Pepper. Thanks for sharing them!
  6. Welcome Lisa! As the others said, rescues do not provide them for free either. Most rescues will also require you to attend some classes and also they come and inspect your home, the cage you have purchased for the Grey etc. They are very careful to ensure the home they are going to be a part of hopefully for the rest of their lives will be able not only to house them, but also take care of their diet requirements and Avian Vet bills that can be very high, just for normal yearly checkups and tests run.
  7. Cute video Jay. Thanks for posting it in this Too/Grey topic.
  8. Spock - Jay probably doesn't realized it, but all windows operating systems have speech recognition built in for free. Just a half hour of calibrating while reading the short texts they provide in the calibration tool and you are at around 90 percent accuracy. just tell Jay thats the message you were trying to get across to him...... no keys are needed with speech recognition. As for the surround sound, it is a wonderful sound that all will be hip-hopping to and enjoying those movies just as if your in a theater.
  9. That would indeed be one hell of a scare. I can only imagine your mind racing and heart pounding. It was good to read that in the end, all was well.
  10. Thanks for the update Ryan! It sounds like you have it under very good control.
  11. danmcq

    Hi all

    Oh the poor soul. Under your loving care with lots of patience and love, She will blossom. I always love it when a grey in need of a good home finds one. At such a low price any body looking for a deal could have picked her up and then the cycle of one bad home after another would have continued. God bless you for obtaining her.
  12. Sounds like a wonderful time. We have taken Dayo camping with us as well and pretty much used the same equipment such as a travel cage and Aviator harness. It is an experience all should try if possible. Thanks for sharing this.
  13. Not to worry Cobi. Dayo said his first word "Hello" two or three times at around 6 months. From then until one year old he only gave us the enjoyment of hearing all the sounds he started picking up along with whistling Andy Griffith etc.. Every once in a while I would hear him mumbling faintly under his breath. It sounds like you are doing everything right with your consistency. Just keep it up.
  14. Great replies everyone. We have used Advandtix for years on Dobermans. It is waterproof, so bathing or if they swim (As one of my dobermans love to do) will not remove it. One note on this around your birds or cats for that matter. It is poisonous to them if ingested. I would highly recommend keeping your parrot away from anywhere your dogs may lay to prevent accidental ingestion by your parrot perhaps pulling or chewing on any materials. Good luck with catching those fleas before they get a foot hold in your home. It's great to see people that are so proactive and keeping all their critters healthy and happy.
  15. I do the same for Dayo and Jake as Emma and Lyn. There are hanging play gyms, tree stands and tee stands everywhere. One other thing I do to get flying at a continuous level for 10 or 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a day is I play peekaboo with Dayo and he loves it. I will run from the family room through the kitchen and into the living room or down the hallway yelling peekaboo!!! Dayo will fly from wherever he is and follow in hot pursuit normally landing somewhere he can see me or sometimes to roost on my shoulder. I will then take off again for another place or perhaps just around a corner and he will come flying full blast to find me. He will often instigate a game of peekaboo by asking for it and if I am not busy on something at the moment, I will engage in it. I cannot fly him on the harness with a long lead, there are way too many hawks here for his safety. So it is used only for going outside in short jaunts or going to friends house or establishments. I really desire to let him fly as Shanlung does, but it is impossible here safely.
  16. Loved the photos of Neptune. The Saltwater tank in the photo totally explains his name and it is beautiful. Most greys do not really start talking until around a year old and Nep is right on track. Once the first few words start rolling out, they increase rapidly. The key is consistancy in what you say and when you say it. Offering and apple, peanut etc. for example say "Wanna xxxx" each time you offer it. Do the same with tasks tasks like "Lets get some cereal, juice, lunch, dinner". I think you get the picture. The back ground noise from a tv or radio is good for them to help make the place seem less than empty while your gone. Thanks for sharing all his.
  17. Boy did you get that right! I believe a Grey is one of the most complex and intelligent species of birds in relationship to thinking and speech cognitive abilities. AS they age, they observe and change their behavior. Sometimes they change it to get along better, to get what they want or a fun game like "Change-Up, I suckered you in again Hahahahahahahaha" and they feel a great sense of pride doing so as they strut away with a smug posture and body language.
  18. Everyone has given great feedback on how to deal with a young baby learning what is socially acceptable and also how powerful that beak is by applying varied amounts of pressure. They learn by feedback and as long as you are giving it in a way you know he understands whats acceptable or not, you'll be on the right track. You can see the different methods people have used by all the replies. Each Grey is different, so if you find one method doesn't work, try another. Loved the photo, he is a good looking baby grey.
  19. What a great story and photos, thanks for sharing this!
  20. Spock - The humans have not understood your pure logic. Please just mind meld and tell them you grew tired of that inferior boom-box and want to be upgrade to a complete surround sound system with sub-woofer and 800 watts. YOu will truly Rock the Casba then with all your subjects.
  21. Tesla sounds like an electrifying name. With the right atmospheric conditions and material, he could produce a light show in flight.
  22. Beautiful work you have done. I look forward on following your entries on zazzle.
  23. Welcome Cobi and Neptune!!! It's great having you here and we look forward to hearing more form you.
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