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Everything posted by Talon

  1. Love you wallpaper!

  2. Anyways....I LOVE the themes!! Al-tho the font is blurry when I switch, so I always come back to the red one.
  3. I was born on Friday the 13th also!!
  4. For those of you that don't seem to understand the reasons behind our new format....let me clear things up. First off, we have been having severe security issues with the forum for a long time now. We have been battling hackers, malware, viruses etc. Many times the forum has been down in the last few years due to hackers getting in and wreaking havoc. The private message system has not worked on many occasions. The front page stopped working, posting videos and pictures has become almost impossible. Things would just disappear. I was continually contacting the tech guys asking for them to fix this or that, letting them know we were down and inaccessible. Even GOOGLE didn't want you in Greyforums..when GOOGLE gives you a deceptive warning, it's for good reason, not just because... Members may not be aware, but Greyforums doesn't make a dime by paying the money it does to keep this forum up and running. It is strictly run by voulunteers helping out here. So getting the tech support we needed which cost $$, well, we were not a priority when you don't generate income. It was only a matter of a short time, before our forum was inoperable due to the malicious activity in the background because we lacked a secure site to say the least . It wasn't a matter of IF that happened, it was a matter of WHEN that happened, and all content would be lost forever. WE here at GREYFORUMS, are LUCKY enough to have a member who wanted to pay it forward....to THANK members .....to show his HEARTFELT GRATITUDE for all the advice and support he was given in trying to bring his grey into the US. Fighting the red tape and difficulties for years, which I can't even comprehend, but that is a greyt father, a dedicated grey owner. Yes, I am talking about KevinD, Sukie's dad. That's one lucky grey I might add. Kevin came to our rescue as well, he spent countless months trying to save Greyforums and continually being turned down. I am grateful for his relentlessness, he didn't give up on Sukie, and he didn't give up on Greyforums. And it would have been real easy to go somewhere else where another grey forum was in place that worked properly. He spent countless hours, and days cleaning out the viruses and garbage that has accumulated in the back end. Then begins the process of setting up a new server, new hosting site, a new server etc. when did he do this? On his nights and weekends when he wasn't at his full time job. Taking time asway from his grey to help us. He would answer my many emails and phone calls in an instant. ALWAYS putting us, this GREYFORUM family ahead of his own time. And not to mention the $$ he has spent on this site, making sure we had what we needed to move forward making it secure and giving us a mobile site which is something we have never had. I will I'll be forever indebted to him for his kindness and generosity. There aren't many people who are so giving in the works these days. Most want something in return, but not Kevin. is the forum different? Of course it is. That's what we wanted, a new look. Many of you don't know, but we went thru a huge format change many years ago as well. It seemed foreign at first, but in time as you learned things, you loved it and found it quite easy. This will be the same process. Due to the severity of the damage that was done to the site, it will take time to get everything up and running perfectly, things need to be added, tweaked etc. I would hope you would hang in there and be PATIENT with the process and the people trying to help. It angers me to see rude comments in the chat box complaining like this is a paid site where we are entitled to perfection. So I ask all members to be PATIENT. We will get everything working in time. Perfection doesn't happen over night I too work full time and then some. So writing a tutorial is something I am working on and hope to post over the weekend. So, hang in there, don't worry about people finding us, there is a redirect. If your still getting a deceptive warning, Clean out your cache, your history and delete your old bookmark. GOOGLE us, and find the page you want and bookmark it. And mostly, be THANKFUL to Kevin that there is a GREYFORUMS
  5. Hey guys, go to your profile and add a cover photo if you'd like. Check out mine for an example. ?
  6. Add your signature line in your profile, that will do it
  7. We are still tweaking it, so in time I am sure he will fly back..:) You know how Greys hate change...
  8. Talon

    A New look

    Delete the old bookmark. Cleanout your cache then Google Greyforums & that will take you there, then you can bookmark that one.
  9. Well, Talon seems to think she looks tall & elegant...(much bigger than she is in real life) so she's on board with her look! LOL Perhaps GreycieMae needs to update her head-shots at the photographers...
  10. Talon

    A New look

    Judy, your not that old....& Besides, change is good for the brain, it keeps it active & young...always learning
  11. Talon

    A New look

    Yes, we have a new look, with a working forum with no security issues. Much easier to post pics!
  12. Talon

    I Remember Game

    I remember getting 12 tapes or records for .99 cents, the having to buy 3 more at full price in a year?
  13. Just showing of a couple of pic of Nilah...just because it's so much easier to post a picture!
  14. GreycieMae , We are remodeling our home! You'll find it much more user friendly, easier to post pics & videos, & very mobile friendly!! Thanks to our Guardian Angel...who is the best!!
  15. Still the comedian she's always been! October 13, she turned 12 years old! 20170819_155450.mp4
  16. That's gonna be great! It's going so fast!
  17. Omg! I'm so jealous. Yes, I had an aviary built for my birds. I've had it for 4 years, my Amazon LOVES it! She will spend hours out there. I won't leave her there while I'm at work , but I will let her spend the day on the weekends When I run errands or am working in the yard. My greys....well, they will only go out on me if I am there....they want nothing to do with it. I can leave the door and window wide open, but they have no desire to go there unless I take them out, even then, they will quickly fly back into the house. I love how you have 3 seperate rooms! Looking forward to following the progress!
  18. Talon

    Rhea ..RIP

    For those of you like myself who have fallen in love with and have been following Rhea, the naked bird. She passed away a few days ago. How sad, but she was given the best possible life she could have from her owner. I will miss her daily posts on Facebook, and Instagram. RIP Rhea❤️❤️❤️
  19. If you stay logged in and a tab on your browser, you won't get it. Bugging them again to fix it
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