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Everything posted by Talon

  1. My flock gets a bird feed mix all the time in their bowls,changed weekly. They also get a breakfast bowl on the days I work, blueberry waffles, bagels, either a cinnamon or apple toast or a hash brown, all are cut up into finger foods for the. They also get a snack bowl that usally has a veggie/rice/quinoa mix I make once a month & freeze for convenience, I usually add a piece of bread with butter, leftover chicken or sprinkle some cheese on top to entice. Once a week, they get junk food: cereal, peanuts, almonds, 2-3 tortilla chips, plus a min ice cream cone filled with yogurt. They also eat off my plate every dinner whatever I eat they must eat.
  2. Does he sense a sadness or grief? Just your mood or state of mind he can feel. It may make him feel unsure and he’s lashing out at that perhaps? Just a wild guess. Also, spring is around the corner and my parrots are ALL acting up..🤪
  3. I couldn’t agree more, they hate being isolated from the family, that could cause plucking, so be careful with that. Better to keep her in her cage in the family room to start so she gets used to the family and sounds of the home.
  4. Gosh, that’s a terrible bunch of stress after all your planning and saving. I don’t have much to offer you’ve gotten such good advice. Definitely record the dogs, time of day and days of the week. It would seem to me you could comprise a schedule with her since you have to endure the dog barking...but you need proof first. Keep us posted, we will all run into this at one time or another I imagine. One day I would like to downsize into a condo, but I know I can’t, due to my Amazon...guess it’s a trailer in the woods somewhere
  5. Prayers for you both. Be strong Jayd, we need you here more than you need us..love to you both. ❤️
  6. I’m so jealous! It’s beautiful!
  7. I include my parrots with any meal I eat at home. They are free to walk over to my plate...it doesn’t bother me..sadly since I am working full time, I feel bad having them in their cages all day, so I’m not about to keep them away from me when I home
  8. Kevin, I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your father. As you know, I lost mine 1 year ago, and it does make you see life with different eyes. Always know he is watching over you and I am sure incredibly proud of you and all you do for others. As as for this site, you know how I feel about all the work you did to save us. I disagree with Judy, this site was quiet before the change and it has been picking up little by little. People are busier these days with so many other social media sites..so we aren’t always the first choice, but since you have made us so mobile friendly, hopefully members will start to take advantage of that and post more! If anyone was upset...the shame on them! God Bless ❤️
  9. My thoughts, prayers and love ❤️ to you both. This is so heartbreaking...Jayd has such a wealth of information and always keeps our minds going thinking about what’s best for our fids. Thank you Maggie for all you do and continued to do for Jayd, you are a true angel
  10. Have you looked into LDN for your other health related issues? I have been researching CBD oil for pain in humans, as my dog is on it for pain with excellent results. My chiropractor gave me exercises to do to ward off siactica..I do them faithfully and they really do help. I wish you the best and please keep us posted.
  11. Wow, beautiful pics! Thanks for sharing with us, I love all the pictures! My prayers for a quick return.❤️
  12. Are you looking for security from thieves, or a camera that lets you watch your birds or both? I have Dlink to check on my birds, but ADT for my house with a camera as well.
  13. Thank you Jayd ...Dave was a very good friend to me as well as irreplaceable member here. It’s still pains me every day to know he’s not here to lean on for advice and all the right answers. This thread also brings up bad memories for me...the hurt and sadness and grief was beyond words for me here, and shame on the member who personally chastised and attacked me repeatedly for not openly grieving here on a public forum. 😡
  14. Yep, saw this on Facebook as well. It’s my dream home..???
  15. Talon


    That’s a beautiful fish tank! I used to have a 55 gal. fresh water tank, but with 3 parrots, it’s way too much work. I think they would enjoy watching it tho
  16. Talon


    No, just for the bird room and my downstairs
  17. Talon


    I know this has been asked before, but it’s time for an update. Recommendations for a warm air humidifier?
  18. Omg, my heart is broken for this poor family. Thank you for this warning! Hopefully you both have saved many lives.
  19. Does anyone watch Animal Cribs on Animal Planet? I am hooked. Did you see the episode of the Parrots rescue? That’s my dream set up...it’s a great show, if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend it. ?
  20. Wow! I am in awww of the smart, talented, skilled amazing members we have here. Sometimes in our busy lives, we focus on our greys and forget that everyone has another life that they have to live outside of our greys. I feel so lucky to have a family here of such wonderful talented people who take time out of their busy days to come here, share and help. I feel so blessed...❤️❤️
  21. Yes, I have used petfinder. It's very good. Good luck, I hope your friend finds the perfect match!
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