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Everything posted by splint101

  1. Congrads Talon Sorry for the late reply, rather late than never....! {Feel-good-00020114}
  2. This is nice topic Ma12cus205, he is growing quite fast. {Feel-good-000200BB}
  3. Yeah I am with Talon on this one, just keep telling her that it is not the way a bird must be kept.....{Emotions-000200BA}
  4. Talon wrote: {Feel-good-000200BB} Thanks so much Talon!! Hope you always have a GREY DAY!!
  5. wahhahaahah, that sounds funny must have been a sight to see...{Feel-good-0002006E}<br><br>Post edited by: splint101, at: 2007/07/02 16:02
  6. Hey CD, sorry to hear about the little fellow that died in your hands. But as you said he died with love and care. Since I have Max my view has change a lot the way I look at birds, I use to look at them and that was that. But since I have Max we feed the wild birds outside and I look at the birds in a different way. They are so unique the way they fly and balance etc. They are wonderful creatures, I maybe would have done the same if I saw a little birdie lying in the sun on a piece of cement. It is just sad that the little fellow did not make it.
  7. Thanks all for the coments on my Tattoo...{Feel-good-00020069}
  8. I would like to know, these lights that they use for reptiles is this the same lights that you could use for your grey?
  9. Okay peeps here is a pic of my ink.... Just plain but I love Jaguars and Tigers. My star sign is also LEO so i guess that is why I like them.
  10. Hey karla it is not painfull at all....{Feel-bad-00020080}
  11. I forgot to take a pic lastnight should have one up here by the end of the week....
  12. Hey guys I think there is something wrong with my grey MAX his has an extra leg....{Feel-good-0002006E}
  13. I'll post one 2 morrow for you CD..... Like the topic it sure did get my attention....
  14. CeasarsDad wrote: Good one CD....
  15. Good question lets see what the members use. I use a brush and some dishwashing liq... Or I use Milton they used it to disinfect a baby's drinking bottle or an baby items so I guess that if it is baby safe then it should not be of any harm to our birdies.
  16. splint101

    monkey nuts

    @ Beccy I am on the same rule that you are, anything that I would not eat I would not feed it to MAX. @ Once again thanks Lidia for the info on the monkey nuts.
  17. splint101


    Nice post Lidia. {Feel-good-000200BB}
  18. Hi & Welcome Heidi, glad you joined us so early and glad that you are prepared to start doing research at such a early stage. There is so much to learn about these wonderful creatures. But you should get all the info you need on this forum and if you can't find what you are looking for please ask. We are a big family here and we all are willing to help you. Enjoy the stay here and keep us up to date when you get your baby CAG and we love photo's on this forum so please feel free to post some pic's.
  19. Yeah I think we could do a Photo contest for the best edit photo. Should be fun to see what people come up with.
  20. judygram wrote: The thing is we dont have Harrison's parrot food here in South Africa. But he is on Avi-plus pellets.
  21. CeasarsDad wrote: He is there on the right hand side of the screen at the bottom.
  22. CeasarsDad wrote: I am a quick one 2min job not my best but tried...
  23. Well I would say the best thing is to use the aviator harness. I do take Max with me outside a lot but never without the harness. And het is not clipped. Even if he was clipped I would secure him to a harness, they could fly with a light breeze of wind. I know what you are saying about he wants to be with you guys while you were outside, they are like that. Always want's to be part of the flock. If we have dinner I dish some food out for Max then a put the dish next to mine and then as we sit and have dinner he sometimes just fly's to use and starts eating away. Keep us up to date on what you decide. Good luck
  24. Yeah Lidia they always have this knock knee's type of walk witch looks liks a saurian..... :cheer:
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