He seems okay now not falling anymore, I guess it was just strange for him with sort nails. I however did go and speak to my neighbour and he said that he always takes his moms grey there and they have done a good job. He also told me that Max should be fine by tomorrow or so. But yea I have one of those cement perches in the cage at the moment but I am going to get two or so more of them I also see no need to trim their nails etc. To me the vet just made it a bit to short. He did however eat this eve and drink some water so he is getting there.
Thanks for the replys this is why I love this forum I forgot how home this forum feels. I should pop in more around here.
By the way how is CD doing..?
Hey guys it's been a while since my last visit here. Max is just over 7 months old now and is doing well. Today I took him to the vet that some people told me is the best vet in my area. I just took him for a check up and beak and nail trim.
The reason for me writing this post is, I would like to know what is the correct way to trim a Grey's beak and nail's?
After Max's visit to the vet he is not able to climb around in his cage anymore. He falls straight from the top to the bottom. His claws has no grip on the perches......:evil: He is also very very sad.....
Please HELP!!
CeasarsDad wrote:
Nope not new camera as yet, but soon. I learned from you that is why my photo's are looking so fab.... Still the same camera but just using my tripod to get nice and still pictures....{Feel-good-00020069}
Well done CD, thanks for making this video of the Grey Family, it means a lot to us. Thanks for all the effort that you put into this site and the family. Thx again for the video...{Feel-good-000200A2}
O'well today I bought Max a new playstand and he LOVES it. He has been sitting on it the whole day & playing and chatting away.... So here is some pics of the playstand. Enjoy....
Good news, hope you enjoy your baby as much as we all did.
When they are fully grown they do sleep on one leg and the other makes a fist and pulls it towards their body.
When they are babies they do tend to sleep on their belly's.
You could feed him baby formula till he doesn't want it anymore.
Keep us posted and take some pic's. We all want to see your baby.
Welcome to our grey family,
Yeah you could leave the radio or tv on. Or you could try these
or just go read here there are some posts about keeping your CAG or TAG busy.
Het CD I think it should be much easier if we could have seen all the pic's like on the photo album. It is just hard to go back in this topic and open every re: This is my personal feeling, but I would try and go tru them and submit my choice.....