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Everything posted by greylover

  1. lol that's funny.Kids are so funny and they don't see why it is so funny:laugh: Karma from me.{Feel-good-0002006E}
  2. chico hates being on his back.I just dont know.But he is getting used to it now,i dont make him go on his back i mean he can get up if he want's to.:silly: :silly: :silly: :cheer: :cheer: greyloverx
  3. That's good dicky601 if you do that couple of times a wekk he will get use to it.Then he can get as wet as makena. Nice pics of makena .She seem to having a nice time lol:laugh:
  4. I have one on chico's sleeping cage.Beacause he knows how to open the door.So when he is not tierd i leave him for a min then i go in and he is trying to unlock the padlock.But thank god he carn't get out.His day time cage is allready got a little secret padlock on it is that he carn't get out.:laugh: greylover.
  5. yes imran is right you have to have loads of patience.It is better to for a young on to learn more than an older one.They can pick it up quicker than the older one's.Like imran said it is a long prosess.
  6. yes thanks for that link fairY
  7. lol i carn't put one on .I will try again and again. It is to big to put on and my computer is rubish so i carn't do anything about it.
  8. greylover

    fave toy!

    yes so cute {Love-00020112}
  9. Yes that is a good idea Toni i put a cover over chico's cage when it is winter.Even it doesn't get really cold here in spain but it still get a bit chilli
  10. Im glad that her beak is better.Danmcq is right there just like finger nails.She will be singing along.:laugh: all day
  11. I am going to do it right away i will also weight till my hubby gets in.
  12. well guys i would but i carn't it has just told me that i carn't send them because they are to big.My pc is really stupid and rubish.Sorry i will try again and again
  13. Hey all i got 2 new budgies today. I have a white one with a little bit of blue on . I also have a green on with a little bit of yellow ond his head. The white one is called angel (girl) The green one is called aflie (bog) There madly in love so i had to get them both becasue i couldn't split them up.So i bought them and there really happy here with me. I will send some pic as soon as i can but not right now. Sorry for my spelling im in a bit of a rush.
  14. RdnkParamedic21 wrote: yes your right RdnkParamedic21 All gave some and some gave all.
  15. Yes i always say it to chico and now he knows what it means and he step's up on my hand.Then i say step down and he step's down .Tho it take's a while to make your bird learn it.
  16. Yes very usfull.thanks again
  17. Thanks for the ingredients. I am going to make some now.I will tell you if it looks at good as your's
  18. Thanks for that web site is has really give me loads of infomation what i never knew about.Thank you again.:woohoo: :woohoo: {Feel-good-00020114}
  19. Oh chico won't stop talking.Im glad he is making all sorts of things.He will get better and better.Then you know it he is asking you a question or ansering your question. :ohmy: greylover
  20. Chico love's remote controls and mobile phones.I have give chico one of my old dvd remote control.It is his best toy.He keeps on saying thank you for my remote.(god bless him).B) :laugh: I Think it is a good idea to give your birds any old remot's mobile phones and just the back of a phone old phone becuase i dont think you would get anything back.I think it would be a pile where he/she has been chewing it.Lollollollollol.:ohmy: :ohmy:
  21. yes fly like you have never flown before.He will have a better life,he wont be in anymore pain.
  22. OHH there all so nice.Thank yuou guys for being such a great bunch.
  23. Thank you danmcq.That was really thoughfull of you.Thank you a lot. It has put a smile on me face. I knew when my friend found oliver he was not in a good condision.I feel so sorry for oliver.I feel like it is all my fault {Feel-bad-0002006A}{Feel-bad-00020072}<br><br>Post edited by: greylover, at: 2007/09/04 16:33
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