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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. Dave007


    First you should go to a vet and have the crop and keel bone examined. Then ask the vet to give you an idea whether the bird is a small, medium or large sized bird. He'll then tell you the approx weight the bird should be by giving certain foods. As far as the crop goes,it's probably not as obvious as it was 5 hrs ago because all the food in the crop has been swallowed.
  2. Well, first notify the company and ask about how much carbon monoxide the machine emits then call your avian vet and ask how much it will take to kill a bird. We here are familar with candles, cleaning sprays, room deoderizers and room fresheners and chemicals for cleaning cages. Carbon monoxide is not our forte.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/18 01:17
  3. There are different ways to track down leg band information although it may be difficult but tracking down an open band ID # is next to impossible because they're used for multiple reasons both legal and illegal and the info on an open band doesn't have to be truthful.
  4. The only way to deal with any special type of problem/problems that's being talked about in this thread is to notify PETA.com They will give you instructions on what to do in order for them to get involved willl animal abuse in any type of Petstore chain. They were involved in a huge campaign in 2007 against Petsmart and on the east coast, Petsmart is not allowed to sell anything larger than cockatiels. PETA can provide specific details about what can or cannot be done concerning abuse. I will say that if PETA does get involved, whatever pet chains they look into will also include all other animals that are sold there. So far , the pictures you've provided don't even come close to any animal abuse taking place. Small cages---common practice No toys-----common practice Wings clipped----common practice Aggressive chicks---common practice Not enough perches---common practice Seed covering bottom of cages----common practice Poor quality birds and other animals being bought from brokers who buy from mills----common practice Cages not perfectly clean at all times---common practice. Water bowls that aren't perfectly clean at all times---common practice More birds in cages than you think should be in those cages----common practice Vets can only be involved if a large disease is present and visible on different species.
  5. Char is right about the soft wood. If you can find some and your bird shows no interest get some coloring that's used for eggs at easter. Soak the wood in the color. your bird may be attracted to it. The coloring is harmless to the bird.
  6. About the only thing you can do in a room is to let your bird fly into those foam walls until he gets the idea that turning will get him to go farther away. There really is no training method as far as teaching a bird to go left or right. Outside, a bird leash is making him go left or right. The bird has to see how well his feathers can benefit him. Another thing to take into consideration is the distance between the sittig area and the foam walls. Greys do need some distance to take off to have their feathers working properly. A TAG doesn't have this problem as much as a CAG. OR, you can put very small playstands around next to the foam walls and let him fly to them. Put them in different areas. EACH STAND CAN BE A SMALL T STAND.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/17 00:37
  7. Yes, you can use a towel too. Yes, put it over her. Right now, you can't worry about the stress. It's a one time deal. """The previous owners were only feeding her seed and pizza,""" The bird is Italian? ""Am I changing things to quickly."" Maybe , maybe not but do things slowly. Dan makes an excellent point about the *terrible twos*. They can be SOBs right now. Just take your time. Everyone here will tell you that time was extremely important and many people will tell you that they got older birds that had to be dealt with in a different way.
  8. Many phases are going on from what you say and you should expect them quite often until she's totally comfortable in her new home and with you and how you are and what your habits are. To make you feel better, I can say that 2 weeks is NOTHING as far as a grey getting used to things, especialy a CAG. Forget the dancing and song around her. Do a lot of taling. Have one way coversations with her. Make sure she's constantly in the middle of what's going on in your house. "" Now all of a sudden she's JAWS."" Forget about doing that for a while until she shows signs of regularity and her habits seem consistant. That takes a while. Feed her from outside the cage """It's just been this past week that she's being nasty. """"" Phase, phase, phase. It'll stop soon enough. The more you ignore her, the more curious the bird will get. They don't like being ignored. Understand something, the age of your bird means that it has some habits that you still don't know about. They had to develop somewhere. You may have to take into consideration that she may be coming up on a hormonal stage and females are much more aggressive than males when that time comes. Does she like treats? Bribe her out of the cage on vet day and close cage door. You may have to use a perch to get her out but it's a one time visit to the vet. When she comes home things can get back to the way it was. Most importantly, it's the age and you'll need to learn a few more things about the bird. Others here have similar problems and tricks that they use.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/16 20:59
  9. How old is she? How long have you owned her? If an adult, how many homes has she lived in? Will she come out on her own when she feels like it? Does she bite you when yo put your hand in cage? Do you put hands in to give seed and water?
  10. Feel very happy that it's still going on. abundance feeding can last for quite a while but will eventually decrease. Chicks who are abundance fed turn out to be very healthy well adjusted birds. Basically, they're calmer afterward. Believe me, don't worry about and only cut down on the next feeding when he refuses to accept it at all. Correction---let them abundance feed until the bird stops. I thought you had the bird.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/16 03:46
  11. Hey there welcome to the board. Saw your photo. Beautiful severe. Lots of people here with other birds besides greys. Right now, there's no one in the IM area but I'm sure you're gonna get a lot of welcomwes. Have fun joining all the chatter that goes on in all the sections here. Nice to have you as a member.
  12. I really don't know the strength of the propane heater's range that you refer to but I do know the mechanics of them. There's so many different models that give out a little to alot of heat. My biggest concern would be an automatic shut off valve when the oxygen level goes low. Many have that automatic shut off valve and there's others that don't. I don't imagine that a shut off valve would be important to me if there were no animals around but if I had animals which I do, the shut off valve would be extremely important to me. I gave you a link to a well known company that makes good heaters but all you need to do is check out many links and check their features and yes, I do know that this year, oil prices have sky rocketed all over the place. We're really not familar with all the heating devices on the market today. It would be up to you to do some investigation.
  13. Just leave it alone like I told you before. She'll take care of the problem just like she just took care of this problem. Don't pull at it. Let her do that.
  14. Yes, a suggestion. In case you didn't realize it, that's a very common thing that ekkies do when they're just plain horny. Just feed and water the bird--put in a piece of soaked rawhide in the cage (through the bars if you have to) Pick one up at the grocery store--2 to 3 inches, white color in dog dept. Soak until soft and soggy. and leave the bird alone. If you're a bleeder just remember that they don't let go when they bite. Will last 3 to 5 weeks.
  15. Hey, I'm Still Here I was near you, by your bed last night; I came to have a peek. I could see that you were crying, you found it hard to sleep. I chattered to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you. I'm well. I'm fine. I'm here." I was close to you at breakfast. I watched you pour the tea. You were thinking of the many times your hands reached out to me. I was with you at my grave today. You tend it with such care. I want to reassure you, that I am not lying there. I flew with you back towards the house. As you fumbled for your key, I gently touched you with a feather, I smiled and said, "It's me." You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know that I was perching there. It's possible for me to be so near you everyday To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." You sat there very quietly, and then smiled. I think you knew In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. The day is over - I smile and watch you yawning And say, "Good night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning." And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll fly across to greet you and we'll enter side by side. I have many things to show you. There is so much for you to see. Be patient, live your journey out... then come home to be with me.
  16. If the one you like has an automatic shutoff because of lack of oxygen, it's fine as as long as you can provide circulation. If it doesn't, maybe check this one out www.associatedcontent.com/article/373703/propane_heaters_glo_warm_ventless_heater.html ·
  17. No, it's not to young to have a first molt and you shouldn't stop him from holding the feathers and chewing them. They're using them as toys and also preening them and won't swallow the feathers. They usually tire of them and drop them.
  18. I made my own and it sits right next to the PC keyboard. <br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/14 23:55
  19. There's no need to send you anything. You've stated your problem quite well. The only thing I can say is that I feel that it's sad that you must spend a huge amount of time in shoe stores OR maybe you've found one that already understands. Of course, there's always an extreme answer floating around--amputation. You need to be strong though. Explain it to your love. Sit down and just figure out the amount of money that will be saved each year.
  20. Shoulders No matter how sweet, kind, loveable, cute and adorable your grey is right now, if he gets the idea that he can go on your shoulder, I guarantee you that in the future, he will give you an absolutely free-of-charge lobe piercing for your next set of new earrings that you buy. If you wear a chain on your neck, they're able to snap and break it without even trying hard. They love shiny jewelry. This goes for your husband too because as far as ear lobes go, there is no sexual preference. Another reason for not doing the shoulder thing is that if you use some sort of hair grooming item in your hair, they will get to it because they love to preen hair. If they do get to that cosmetic, they will swallow it and that's a no no. Another thing about the shoulder is that when it comes time that you don't want him there, they will give you a struggle when you try to catch him. They'll race over to the other shoulder and they might bite if you persist. They're very agile and have great ability to skirt around and away from hands. Weaning ting has finally arrived. Continue giving her the formula at the same time she's eating her other food. See what she prefers. When she absolutely ignores and turns away from the formula, that's it. Goodbye formula<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/09/14 07:15
  21. My opinion is that the bird will take care of the problem. It's obviously cracked but there is no bleeding which means that the crack is slight. If the feather was extremely painful, the bird would be trying to take it out immediately. I've seen other birds here that have had the same problems on the flight and tail feathers and eventually, the bird puts the feather back in place or pulls it out. It's only been one day since the problem happened and I told you through PM that it would take a few days for the bird to take care of the problem but if you feel that going to the vet is better for your peace of mind, then do that. There's nothing wrong with going to the vet. Maybe what the feather looks like bothers you which is understandable. Since it has happened have you seen the bird going nuts trying to fix it? If not, then it isn't bothering him and he'll get to it when he wants to but do what you think will make you feel better.
  22. You probably are quite younger but on the other hand I can still count fingers and toes especially when I'm looking at them. I majored in math back in those days.
  23. Not really as long as she wants to.
  24. Pat Not to worry. Age does strange things to those who are experiencing that phase of life. Memories, graduation from elementary school, prom night, numbers of toes ( by the way people have ten)but you knew that ,right?
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