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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. Just let nature take its course. There's nothing you can put on to take it off. It'll come off as he constantly preens himself. How long it'll take is hard to say but it'll wear off soon enough. Dander will stick to the oil making the bird preen itself.
  2. Well, the act of defecating is something NO bird should be punished for no matter where it does it's business. Birds shit and piss many times during a day. As a matter of fact, birds really shouldn't be punished for anything they do. Deterred? Yes! Parrots are wild animals and don't know the meaning of punishment. The owner of the bird may feel extremely annoyed and frustrated but that's not the bird's fault. There's many things a person can do to cope with a bird's droppings but punishment isn't one of those things that deserves any type of action like that AND that rule applies to the smallest to the largest species of parrots cause they're all the same. Many have luck with potty training, many don't. A bird who is on a shoulder who has a tendency to bite clothing or earlobes or jewelry can't be punished. There's a way to stop that. Don't let a bird on a shoulder. I can guarantee you that a bird who is on a shoulder and does nothing to the person doesn't know that it's being a good boy/girl and that same exact thing applies to defecating.
  3. Xtreme575 As I already said, they're not my birds. They're photos of baby birds and I have no idea who owns them. I simply put them in to give a more interesting and visual header to this section. Because I'm now the new moderator here, I believe this section needs to be more attractive when people come to this section. It gives this board a more professional look and people will get a colorful view of chicks of all types. Yes, those 2 macaws are greenwings. The administrators can remove them at any time they want because of the different species of birds in the photos which aren't all greys. They may not feel that other species should be here. .
  4. oatmeal (flavored), toasted bread, hard yellow cheddar cheese. break open some sunflower seeds and give the internals. It's very soft. Take the skin off of red peppers and give him that. Sugar snap peas. Millet spray. Cooked corn. Pastas. Budgie seed. They don't use the front of the beak to eat that and don't be afraid to give your bird seed that's made for much smaller birds. Making smoothies wit things isn't a good idea. They still need solid soft food.
  5. I'm surprised that you didn't know that it's also recommended for ulcers too. Well, the bottle above is totally pure and the cheapest place to get is Walmart-----$9 a gallon. It has a very bland taste. PS--it's also recommended for acid reflux.
  6. I think what you're referring to is aloe vera juice which many MDs recommend for digestive problems. People don't eat the gel that's in medicinal aloe plants nor do MDs recommend it. The gel that's in an aloe vera plant is strictly for external use as is the aloe vera gel which is sold in a bottle. All aloe vera whether it's for drinking or in a plant or in a bottle is true aloe.
  7. They're photos of all different species of baby parrots in various places. In those pictures, the only ones that own them are the people that breed them. It's a long time before they're sold.
  8. Many parrots even look worse than that when molting so not to worry.
  9. What's so confusing? This is the Nursery and the bird's above live in nurseries until they're purchased. The pictures don't all have to be greys. All the other babies are just as important. That's why I put them there. A person comes to the Nursery and sees babies. You could also call that thread starter, the Baby introduction room. Go to the Amazon room and you'll see the same thing.
  10. Dave007


    """"I want to just move him off of my clean sheets""" If you simply don't let him go on the sheets in the first place, the problem will decrease.
  11. Red/grey is actually marroon color which the majority of TAGs have. Sometimes the colors can be medium gray, dark gray, gray with a tinge of marroon, marroon with a tinge of gray, ash mixed in with light or dark gray. Most of the time, those colors are established after their first major molt. I don't know if this is your bird's first molt but there's nothing to worry about. There's always exceptions to the rule. With CAGs, it has to do with excessive gene color but with TAGs, their color can vary. Rest assured, your TAG isn't the first bird that's happened to.
  12. [imghttp://img.photobucket.Com/albums/v50/DaveVP/babycockatoo.jpg[/img] [imghttp://img.photobucket.Com/albums/v50/DaveVP/babycockatoo.jpg[/img] ===============================================================
  13. Dave007


    This product is good for inflammatory skin conditions. Normally, aloe juice would be suggested but this item works better on inflamed skin. Your vet is using strong medications so the only thing left to treat is the outer surface of the skin. Type in AVITEC.COM On the left, look for PLUCKING/SCREAMING---click on it Third picture from left ( spray and jar in picture) click on it there's 3 choices 1---premixed bottle 2--small jar, powder in it (8 oz) 3--large jar, powder in it (16 oz) ------- Get either 8 oz or 16 oz jar with powder in it. Stay away from premixed bottle. I would recommend 16 oz size because treatment may last long. 1 rounded teaspoon powder to 8 oz room temp water in a sprayer. Heavily soak your bird down once a day. Make sure skin is soaked. Don't towel dry. If any remains in the sprayer, use it on any other birds sitting around. It won't hurt them. Discard what remains at the end of the day.
  14. 3 is fine. 4 will cause your bird to love you more.
  15. COPY AND PASTE in Browzer or click link if it's live. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/20100426/ts_ynews/ynews_ts1796;_ylt=AoxgMZYnsZrHMoyRojHBBK.s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTJjcXU0am9rBGFzc2V0A3luZXdzLzIwMTAwNDI2L3luZXdzX3RzMTc5NgRwb3MDNARzZWMDeW5fbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHNsawNpbnBob3Rvc25ld2I
  16. So sorry to about your loss. Really can't tell you about the cracker unless it was stuck in the throat. Call your vet and ask him if grahams are bad for parrots. Chin up.
  17. You really should be giving him more than the occasional almond. Those nuts have vitamins in them that a parrot needs and even better, those almonds shouldn't be shelled. Break off about 1/4 inch of the pointed end and let your bird have some excersise trying to get to the innards. The only problem with unshelled almonds is that they're hard to buy except when holidays arrive such as Xmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. Usually, they're in the mixed nut bins but they're much less expensive when purchased that way as opposed to the 12 oz packages of shelled almonds that stores have all year long. But if you can only buy the shelled ones, fine. Just make sure to remember that the almonds need to be considered a health food. And yes, they do eat things that are in mud and feces and weeds that other animals shit on but the reason is that most parrots are scavengers and will eat a large variety of things that we find gross. I really don't know about cashews because the second they're in my house I take them over instantly.
  18. I personally think that a mass opinion of something ( cause of Aspergillosis--specifically peanuts) )isn't correct unless it's been studied over and over. Specific reasons and descriptions of items need to be examined. I can bring up articles from well known vets in the Avian community that really don't put such a stigma on peanuts. Aspergillosis can just as easily be contracted by people and they get it for many reasons, none of which has anything to do with peanuts. It's an airborne surface spore and can affect weak birds who are in dirty conditions and also healthy people who are in ideal conditions. Some articles talk about where peanuts come from and how they're grown. It may sound terrible yet many seed companies--both well known and less well known put unshelled peanuts in their mix. They also add shelled peanuts( raw) to the mix. They're completely afraid of law suits so go out of their way to make sure the ingredients are safe for birds even if they're raw. In the wild, any type of nut is raw and is surrounded by the same things that peanuts are surrounded by. The birds eat them though. As far as putting any item into their product that has spores and mold, it should be remembered that mold and spores also can get on the other types of seed in that bag which is why seed companies make sure of their product. I too remove the peanuts from my seed mixtures but not for any health reason. It's totally my fault. The reason is that many years ago, I spoiled my greys by giving them unshelled peanuts that were roasted and human grade. So, they simply ignore the others that are in their seed mixtures because they know what I'll give them during the day and they're fussy. I give them 5 to 6 unshelled human grade peanuts every day. As far as the better name brand foods that are sold, I don't buy them simply because when I buy seed, I get it in 50 lb bags from a feed store that also sells feed for horses, cows, sheep, chickens and rodents that people have as pets. because of how many birds I have and if there was a problem with what's in those bags, the percentages of a disease spreading with my birds would be much, much higher than the bird or two that the average person has and I've never had any problems with disease plus some of my birds also have chicks with them and chicks can contract many things because of a lack of immune systems.
  19. I'll only say this so that whatever your decision is, it'll be easier. Remember that parrots are wild animals and can adapt to different homes much more easily than domestic animals. Now would be the time to speak to relatives and friends about their feelings on what you're talking about and how you're feeling now. Making plans way ahead of time is the easier thing to do rather than having to make quick decisions later on. You can discuss it with others at a slower pace and you'll have the opportunity to see how others feel. You'll have the opportunity to tell others about your feelings towards your bird. You can check out options. You ask *****What would you want done to insure the future happiness of your grey? ***** Now is the time for you to see what's available as far as options. It's one of the more difficult subjects to talk about but you can somewhat control what happiness your bird will get. It may not be the same type but birds accept many kinds of happiness. Just think about all the abused and abandoned adult birds that are adopted and wind up being happy.
  20. Honestly, I doubt very much that what's going on with your bird has anything to do with lighting. In the wild both here in the US and the UK, the length of the daylight changes. Normally, when that happens, parrots adjust to that and when doing that, aggression has nothing to do with it. What does change is their activities. I don't wanna sound like a broken record but I can't tell you how many times that I've told people here that a grey will go through changes as it ages. More of their natural parrot adolescence comes out. People get bothered by the slight aggressiveness and personality change that finally shows itself. The bird is no longer the *cuddly* bird that it was. Their true personality includes aloofness, more independence, loss of interest in many toys that are around, not wanting to be bothered as much, more aggressive attitudes when some of those things are interfered with. Usually, a normal healthy bird will go through the process I just described. There's no time limit to how long it may last. It's also a time that an owner needs to relearn the facts of a maturing bird as opposed to a baby bird and the changes that are going on and has to accept that babyhood is fading away. Of course you can buy a light but a light doesn't change how the bird will be as it grows up. PS--I've never heard the expression *SAD syndrome ** applied to birds
  21. He's doing these things with her because he wants you to prove to her that NO other man can step over you and take her away from you. He wants you to show absolute power and strength. He wants you to make it clear that NO man can take what is YOURS!!!! Murphy also does these things with her and not you because he's not gay.
  22. Many people wear old beat up garments in case their birds drop a load or decide to bite at cloth. I see that you have a shoulder bird so it's common practice to do that. Yes, I can see that you're bored because you're having enough time to let your mind wander off a bit. Who knows, maybe the next trip will be to the Twilight Zone.
  23. I own two of them. I guess you could say that they're the policemen of all the greys. The greys definitely behave themselves when Baby and Lola around. Tee ( in the back) knows all about that.
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