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Everything posted by Dave007

  1. Your bird would have already shown obvious and possible adverse effects from that piece of potato if there was a problem. The first thing your bird would have done is spit it up. Most of the areas that talk about potatoes being toxic are referring to the plants that are connected to the potato so there's nothing to worry about although if you feel that a vet call or visit will ease your mind, then go for it. Personally, I feel the possible danger has passed.
  2. Q1: My parrot is 1 year and few months old, is it still easy to make him love me? And how? ( Can't wait till that day come :rolleyes: ) That depends upon what you mean by love. What do you expect from a parrot? Are you comparing it to another type of animal? You need to give more details about that. Q2: My parrot seems don't love to stay in the cage, is it ok to let him out of the cage all the time? Most parrots love coming out their cage. A cage isn't a natural place for a parrot. The bird has to get used to a cage and keeping a bird in a cage all the time can cause problems. You should also have some type of playstand near a cage all the time. Greys get bored quite easily and they need mental stimulation and toys. Q3: Is it right that if I let him out of the cage all the time that he thinks he's the boss and wont care about me? Just the opposite. He'll be extremely happy that he has freedom and freedom has nothing to do with being a boss. Q4: I have heard that I should not let the food in his cage all the time so reward thing work perfectly, is it right? Just the opposite. Parrots need food in their eating area all the because they don't eat like people or domestic animals. The only food that can't stay in a cage all day are vegetables and fruit which go bad after a few hours. Q5: How I let him play with the toys I get for him? The toys are given to a bird on playstands, cages and other places and the bird decides what it likes or doesn't like. You can't make a bird like toys. Most parrots don't like some toys that are given. Q6: Which way is better: 1-Make his cage in my room, and if I go out of home he will be almost alone. 2-Make his cage in the living room, and he rarely will be alone, but I wont be able to be with him all the time, as I do my things in my room. #2---he needs to be where all the action is all day. Your bird doesn't need to be with you all the time. There's many other interests that a bird likes and they won't affect any relationship you have with the bird. Keeping the bird in a room by itself isn't a good idea. Q7: How do I learn him "Step up" command? ( dreaming that he steps up all the time )? That's something you'll have to wait on since there's many ways to do that and others can give you some ways to do it. Q8: Bathing, bathing and bathing .. How? I always try but he don't enjoy it at all, and he let his feathers together and the water don't go through to his skin. That's also a question you'll have to wait for others to answer because there's many methods. Q9: About rewarding, what's the best treat as reward? There is no favorite treat. Many birds like a variety of things and others will tell you about the variety that's available and what kind they use. Q10: Is it ok to spray him daily with water? You can do that as many times as you like but parrots don't need to be sprayed everyday, especially greys. The water just rolls off their feathers. Your most important thing here is learning how to thoroughly bathe him
  3. In the upper right hand corner, you'll see Advanced Type in Clicker Training in the rectangular box and click the symbol next to it on the right . Some answers will come up and you'll probably also get answers that are more current
  4. That's nest building. That's looking for nest material. Nature is taking over but it can be stopped. Try to find an unpleasent forgeign heavy object and put it on that corner of the rug and cover that area. I usually tell people to get a rock but any other very heavy unchewable, unattractive item will work. She'll soon stop doing that. It's mating season right now and males and females will sometimes do that to items that can be used in a nestbox.
  5. Take your bird outside into an area where there's partial sunlight and partial shade in a certain area and the amount of time doesn't have to be long. In the wild, parrots go into a shady area when the sun is at the highest and hottest. It still remains hot but the shade protects them. That all you have to do. That applies to all wild birds no matter what kind. Usually, in the very early afternoon to the later part of that afternoon, almost all birds disappear for a while and come back out when the weather is more tolerable. A parrot doesn't need a long time out in the sun and if yoiur bird is in an area where it can walk into the shadier part of the area, you'll see him doing that.
  6. So now, you've gotten lots of answers from the *clicky* people. When I first started reading this thread I actually didn't know what was being referred to as *clicky*. You see, a man who is as old and grouchy as I am eventually forgets what certain words actually apply to. Then, I had to go down memory lane and rethink what the word *clicky* meant. I actually strained my brain trying to remember. Then, as I went back in time, I remembered those John Travolta disco days and then it all came back to me. Many of us dancers had *clicks*. Some dancers were better than others. Certain guys only hung out with other certain guys. The females did the same thing. We all wanted to win those dance contests. Let me tell you something about boards in general and this board specifically. I'm extremely familar with boards and one of the main things that the site owners and administrators do when setting up and designing the board is that they make sure that on the main page they say that their board is the best board to come to. Since I've seen these boards in the past, I can say with certainty that they're not the best boards. Now as far as this board, that's the one thing that never happened here. What DID happen over time as the membership grew was that the members are the ones that spread the word amongst each other that this was a great and varied type of board and the people here were in general pretty cool with each other. Many people here have nothing in common to share with certain people so those people simply don't say anything except to the people who they do have in common with. Sometimes, subjects come up that people can't answer but that doesn't mean that people should go out of their way and post that they don't know the answer. You have a cage problem and some anwers will simply deal with a question but the answer might not be the one you're looking. Others may have that problem and those simple answers may be satisfactory. Many people here haven't dealt with every single problem that has to do with owning a parrot. A big problem on any board is that the original thread starter doesn't fully explain the problem so answers are given to only what they read. As answers are given, the original thread starter starts adding things that should have been put in the original post. That happens here thousands of times as well as other boards. The admins here can't keep track of every question and answer. That's why administrators have others here that can help out and do that. I'm sure that you wouldn't appreciate it if people here started saying bad things about you just because you've only posted 88 times in 2 yrs. The people here don't ever do that. They simply welcome a person back. So, cool it with the assumptions until you know what you're talking about. By the way, just how does one person know that other people here are in *clicks*? I really don't know how to find them. I'm not familar with what *clicks* are actually here and as I've gotten so much older and still can't find them and I can't find the *clicks*. Maybe I can groove and slip and slide into one of those *clicks*.
  7. Your bird is no more than 6/7 mts old and I still don't see where the problem is. The feathers look perfect. The eyes seem clear. 5 mts old Your bird is starting to get it's very dark gray iris surrounding the pupil of the eye. This bird hasn't reached that stage yet.
  8. As far as age, yes it's possible to give a rough approx. age of the bird. Of course that number may vary a bit but is usually good as a rough idea. Don't expect an exact number. If you wanna post a video, that's fine. Video the upper back, near the tail, the breast and if possible the front of the neck but I really think you don't have a big problem. I don't know your temperature in your country but I can tell you that birds lose some of their baby feathers all the time and it mainly has to do with slight scratching from dry skin which happens to many birds no matter what couuntry they live in. All of my birds do that all year long and all are adults. It's just messy but the birds have no problems.
  9. If it says 100% then it's pure so use it. If you can't get the red palm oil, try to get a small cage and take your bird out in the sunshine for about 1 hr a day or 2 to 3x a week. It produces Vit D3 which is good internally. Other palm oils aren't good and aren't recommended for birds. All websites that sell the oil only speack of red palm oil. Going to a poultry vet isn't a good idea because parrots and poultry animals have nothing to do with each other and advise from someone who's dealing with a totally different animal is bad. It really doesn't matter if poultry animals have feather problems. They get those problems because they're all stuck together and scratch and bite each other all day and anyway, all the feathers are pulled out before sale. Right now, I wouldn't start experimenting with different products that you've never dealt with before. I do think that you should take a long timee to seek out an avian vet no matter where/he/she is located for the future. A poultry doctor won't be able to help you in the future if your bird develps other problems. Right now, your bird has a minor problem that wasn't treated with anything and you've been told where to start right now. Many birds don't like peanut butter because it's very thick and sticks to the out and inner parts of the beak. If your bird has spots of baldness because of feathers being pulled, try to find a bottle of Aloe Vera Gel. It's an ointment that can be put on those bald spots.
  10. Little Thingy Explanation! I think I'll leave that alone. The explanation could turn into a long one.
  11. I'm fine. Everything's ok. And you? Haven't seen you at the pub lately. Don't be a stranger. Oh, by the way, they will do it for quite a while sometimes. Even more than 15 minutes
  12. ***Also shes been scratching her head a lot and also has started biting her feathers more agressively, just like if shes preening but more angrily*** That may be from a high temperature or dry skin or both. You may be bathing your bird the wrong way. In order for bathing to be truely effective, the actual skin of the bird must be soaked which may be harder to do than just spraying the outer surface of the body. Greys and other parrots have waterproof feathers so water just runs off the feathers and does little good. Try soaking your bird in a sink or putting the bird in a shower. At such a young age, it's easier to get a bird used to that. As far as eye sexing---no, it's totally unreliable so if you really need to know the sex of the bird you need to take your bird to an avian vet to have his blood checked. But since you have no AVs where you are, it might be better not to worry about the sex of the bird. Even people who have AVs nearby don't bother trying to find out the sex of the bird. At about 1 yr old, a grey has it's first major molt--loss of all feathers except wings and tail but before that time arrives, a very young bird still loses baby feathers in very small amounts here and there. That aggressive feather biting sounds like dry skin.
  13. He's yawning. He does that when he's bored and tired of you bothering him. He's simply telling you Enough is enough!!!! Leave me alone!!! I can't put up with you anymore!!! When are you gonna learn that you are a fool????? Are you blind??? Please, go and bother someone else!!!!
  14. Pearli Foal http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/201004...nBob3Rvc25ld2I
  15. *I will try a sandy perch as well,** hmmm, As has been suggested, get a concrete perch instead. They last a very long time. They come in different thicknesses and colors and shapes for different birds. Just remember that concrete or sandy perches may not work. For some birds, yes, for some birds, no but they're still good to have. For a grey. 1 to 1 1/2inches--costs about $7 to $8. Most pet stores carry them.
  16. Believe me, he won't hate you. He'll sound like he hates you, swuaking, yelling, growling, but afterward when you're finished, after that little treat, he'll be yapping away as usual. He'll be friendly. Not to worry. Lots of people go throough this whole thing. Many birds just don't allow their feet or beaks to be touched. The alternatives are what I mention and that last method is relatively easy if you have another person. The whole process should last about 15 minutes. Just one thing--if you do get another person and that person happens to know how to clip better than you, then you should be the one holding the bird while he's being clipped or viosa versa. That method saves you a little money and a trip to a vet. It's up to you.
  17. This is something that happens with many people. You have 2 choices with a bird that acts like yours does 1---bring the bird to the vet and have them do it or 2---get 1 other person, wrap your bird in a towel, lay bird down on it's back and have legs and head exposed and proceed to clip off the tips of the claws. Not much should be clipped. Just enough to remove the point. Your bird will squawk and bite at the towel. Normal. In order to keep feet unclenched, take a small stick or thin perch and let him grab it. Afterward, put bird wherever you want and give it a treat.
  18. That's definitely hormonal and what you should realize that there's different amounts of aggression and strange behavior with birds. Some get moody, very aggressive, more snappish, go after others. Other birds won't do that or may do it but not as strongly. Some may eat a lot, others will stay away from food. Many things you say are actually good--his weight--he's obviously big boned and 570 is great. *1. He hides under the newspaper on the bottom of his cage and shreds some of the paper.* Definitely hormonal especially with many other species who do that even worse. Some birds actually reach through gratings, lift the paper and destroy iy which messes up the bottom. If you don't have a grating, expect him to continue doing that with paper. Because of him doing that, even though you don't, if there was a nestbox in or attached to the cage, he would already have started building a nest. ** 2. He is extremely aggressive, lunging at me and trying to attack.** I already replied to that above. ***3. His stools are much larger and extremely messy. I have to clean the cage everyday.** Changes in diet can cause that to happen but it's nothing to worry about unless the stool completely resembles diahhrea ALL DAY. Soft stool that comes out mushy and eventually hardens as the day passes is not diahhrea. Why the amount of stool is large is anyone's guess. The important thing is that it's a normal dropping. If he had diarhhea you would know it. He wouldn't eat, would sleep alot, stay extremely inactive, wouldn't really be aggressive. In other words, there would be a physical and mental change that you can see. The longevity of a hormonal period can be short, long or anything inbetween. Basically, your bird has to be left alone with minimum physical contact unless he wants some. Many of the things you describe usually point to a female but it happens with males too. **2 years ago, I seriously considered having him euthanized.** If yu're thinking abiout doing that because of his change of behavior and habits just remember that you have a wild animal who will show many different attitudes when in a hormanal period, plus you should keep it in the back of your mind that he will go back to normal although it may take 2 mts as opposed to 1 mt. That's not uncommon either. Again, females have a tendency to do that but so do the males. It's a time of a year when things aren't as great as you'd like but understand that he's also frustrated because nature is telling him to do certain things and that's when a bird tolerates people even less. Hope this helps concerning your feelings.
  19. Honey is right. It's not anything to worry about. Sometimes, color will come into that claw and sometimes, it won't but it's no big deal but they're is a solution--make an appointment and go to a salon that specializes in manicures and or pedicures. Have them put on a special color that will distinguish your bird from others. make it a color that's elegant.
  20. Most won't suffer any side effects. Some birds will hold it in but if enough time passes and the bird isn't able to get to their favorite places, they will finally go where they don't usually go. Actually, many people wish they had a bird like yours that will only go to designated areas. ""I have noticed that she poops a LOT more often while she's out and about, on the t-stand, or playing on her playgym."" They'll poop quite a bit during the day. Basically, they're urinating. The droppings are small with clearish or whitish fluid. The biggest droppings are the first one in the morning and it has a lot of color. Activity causes that. So, be happy that your bird has class. Luck is on your side.
  21. 90 degrees is much too hot for any parrot that lives in a house. Even 75 is too high because the air is dry and can cause very dry skin. The ideal temp is between 67/68 to 71/72. Almost all parrots function more normally in cool temps. They even like to bathe in cold water. Those temp numbers can slightly vary. I really don't know if a fan is gonna help you because you'd be blowing the hot air all around. You'd better off with a small air conditioner. In the wild almost all parrots and other birds seek out the coolness that's located in trees that have large canapies. That's why even the wild tiny birds in a backyard disapper aroung 12PM and don't return until about 4 PM
  22. Simply take a picture, post it and I'll tell you how old it is but I will tell you that a 3 1/2 inch bird who's still pink all over isn't 3 weeks old plus that bird should still be with the clutch AND you shouldn't have taken it. """Before you guys say anything, the reason I got one so young is because my grandfather, who I live with, has a lot of experience and has handraised several very young birds.""" Your grandfather has experience with this in the past and couldn't tell you how old the bird is? He's raised birds? Hmmm, that does sound very strange. Whether you wanna hear it or not, on this board we DO say something and I'll be polite-----If you got this bird from a person who bred them and allowed one of them to be sold or given away at that age, he doesn't deserve to be a breeder nor should he own parrots so how old that bird is isn't as important as knowing you're playing with fire by owning that bird. These are chicks who are 3/4 weeks old
  23. Thanks very muchfor sharing. Nicely done video.
  24. Cold Case (not Cold Case Files)--1+ Criminal Minds--1+ NCIS (Ziva is so hot) ---1+ CSI--1+ MI 5--1+ Dark Blue--1+ House--1+ Nature Shows--1+ Bizarre Foods--1+ For those that have satillite but still use DVD, ask the provider for a DVR receiver. Eliminates the need for DVD. Programs can be watched anytime you want and easily deleted. Different stations can be recorded at the same time or check them out on EBAY
  25. Ladies and Gentlemen, We are gathered here today to honor and pay tribute to the unknown camera. It was well known that he served with honor and never expected anything in return. He was the ultimate producer who spread good cheer and merry moments within the community. He was a guaranteed clicker and never wavered in his duties. He will be missed. He will be buried in the National Photo Cemetary tomorrow at 2 PM.
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