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Everything posted by Greytness

  1. Chewys has some travel cages that might work for you. Amazon has some comparable cages as well. I also saw this one: https://www.parrotsrus.net/store/TRAVEL-CARRIER-for-Small-and-Medium-Birds-By-Prevue-Pet-p537471600?gad_source=1
  2. Not quite sure how to break the dependency, but with respect to his food, can you dip his fruit into, say, some quinoa or something blended, present it to him with the new food 'hidden' on the other side of the fruit? You can also purchase freeze dried veggies, pulverize them and dip the fruit into the powdered veggies and offer the fruit pieces in a similar way. I add a combo of flaxseed meal, hemp hearts and chia seeds and sprinkle it onto my flock's banana slices. Super healthy for them. Just a few thoughts as to how to bump up his nutrition. Over time you can hopepfully reintroduce the food as separate very tiny pieces for him to hopefully pick through.
  3. Happy New Year to you, too!
  4. I do understand your concern. I wonder if there's any literature from the teflon tape manufacturer that mentions the maximum heat it can withstand before breaking down. It's unfortunate that we don't have a necropsy report follow-up on Monkey's bird. a
  5. Having lost 2 birds within 30 minutes of each other, I can attest that high heat exposure will release teflon vapors and kill birds. My husband had returned home after living in another state for work and brought back his kitchen pots, etc. Unbeknownst to me, one of the pans contained teflon. My son used that pan to cook bacon over very high heat, suddenly killing 2 of my babies. Luckily our other 11 birds survived the exposure. My thoughts are that if his radiator reached high temperatures, it could have activated the teflon tape. It's quite unusual for such a young bird to quickly die like that, unless he had an undiagnosed medical condition.
  6. Found the FDA SKU list: https://www.fda.gov/media/182860/download?attachment
  7. Are you able to research the SKUs being recalled and compare those to what you have? Hopefully all will be okay. Fingers crossed.
  8. Darn. But I'm not surprised, seeing that greys usually perceive new things as evil.
  9. Look at that handsome boy! Very nice aviary for your spoiled boy to enjoy!
  10. Have you tried offering him a favorite treat while positioning your arm or hand behind him so he'll be distracted while stepping back onto you? Whenever my greys put out a spicy mood vibe, I'll grab a snow pea pod, offer it and while they're taking a bite they'll automatically step back onto my waiting wrist.
  11. Is the click sound similar to the sound of snapping your fingers? If so, Maalik and I like to make that sound back and forth to each other. For us it's a fun game. Never knew it also meant to stay away.
  12. Yes they can get cataracts.
  13. My thoughts are that the findings will be age-related vision loss. Please keep us posted as to what your vet has to say.
  14. How old is your bird? Very old birds unfortunately can experience vision loss over time. As Timbersmom has mentioned, I'd have him evaluated by an avian vet if one is available in your area.
  15. So cute! She's very comfortable and trusting! There's definitely something to be said about 'grey time', that's for sure! My son does something a bit similar with Maalik. He'll pick him up, lay him on his back and then hold him up to his ear as if he's answering a phone. Maalik loves it!
  16. Had anything been changed, moved or added to Talon's cage before she escaped?
  17. Yes, very weird. The worst earthquake I ever experienced was the big one in Silmar, located in So. Cal. It was over 7.1 in magnitude, and the earthquake sounds along with the shaking, rattling and rolling were frightening. My dog dived under my bed, and my brother went outside to watch the ground ripple and roll. My goldfish also swished out of its aquarium and unfortunately died. We usually have smaller quakes, thank goodness. Many of the epicenters are to the north of us and in the desert regions.
  18. Last night I was suddenly awakened to the sound of my flock thrashing about in their cages. I went out to see what had terrified them, but couldn't find anything wrong. Then, 2 minutes later, a very short, quick jolting earthquake occurred to which my birds again began frantically flailing around in their cages. Teak, my meyers parrot, was so terrified that she spontaneous released all but 2 of her tail feathers, poor thing. I find it quite fascinating that birds become alerted to an imminent earthquake.
  19. Oh, that's a keeper! Great pic of Alfie. Greys certainly love to destroy cardboard, don't they!
  20. Aww, so cute! My zon sings, but she makes up her own songs.
  21. Hello! It looks like red factor mutation, which is a feather color mutation. The coloring isn't linked to health issues in babies, but can indicate dietary issues when adult grays suddenly start growing out red feathers. Such cute little babies. LOVE their sweet baby sounds!
  22. Oh my goodness, your baby greys!! You have quite a beautiful flock.! How many birds in all? There are 10 birds in my flock, 3 of which are greys. Never a dull moment around here!
  23. Timbersmom, no truer words have been said with respect to greys!
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