I am looking (for two years) for the Kings Cages aluminum travel cages that were discontinued by KingsCages during the pandemic. I have the medium one that we use as Huey's sleep cage since the big baby cannot sleep by himself (with the other birdies) in the aviary. He has to be next to momma otherwise he chews his feet. I have also moved Greycie into the bedroom on my side as she has night panics. It's terrifying to hear her thrashing around in her big cage and I'm sure one day I will lose her, so she now sleeps on a perch next to us. The problem now is, she has figured out how to flop into the bed in the middle of the night, sometimes I notice and put her back, sometimes I wake up with a Grey sleeping on my forehead. This is too dangerous so we are looking for a sleep cage for her.
Below is what I'm after. I have had a CL and Farcebook MarketPlace watch for a couple of years and a few have popped up. Either they are too far away and won't ship or the one local I tried to snag got sold out from under me before I could get there. Let me know if you know anyone looking to sell!
Kings Cages small travel carrier
Kings Cages medium travel carrier