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How has your grey changed your life?


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I can't help but ponder (as we sit having the most meaningful of kisses & cuddles :laugh: ) just how much my life has changed since we had Beau. I've never really been one for pets, I've always believed that animals belong in the wild tbh. although I have always enjoyed owning pet birds. Having an AG has been a lifelong ambition - for want of a better word.


In the few weeks since I've had Beau our lives have changed in no small way. I used to fuss over having the house spotless, now my priority is to make sure Beau's cage is spotless, I'm forever fussing over him, trying new foods with him and generally orginising my life around him. I didn't realise I could grow to love an animal/bird so much and I can't now imagine life without him.


What has really surprised me is how intelligent AG's are and how in-tune they are to us - almost human-like in their ways sometimes whilst still wild in other ways of course. I have to pay tribute to Beau's breeder because he is so easy going and training him is a breeze. He now "kisses" and as I posted the other day, goes on his stand to go poop. He really is the perfect companion.


I sometimes wonder if I'm boring everyone on here with my constant posts about Beau but I know you guys are the same with your greys, Carol being the most recent example lol! Just to prove that we're all the same then I put this question to you: how has owning a grey changed your life?

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OMG I was just thinking about posting somethbing similar to this! These babies have changed my life forever! This has been such a long year for me health wise and emotionally with all the things that I have been through. Having twins has changed my life for the better. I watch them take a nap when im dead tired from working all day,I think about them all the time I have a routine for them as far as eating goes and changing there cage 2 times a day.


I wondered what my life would be like if I had not had them. I worry about what they are going to eat, how is there day when im at work. There is a nature channel on here with soothing sounds played 24/7 I had that on yesterday when we were gone so they could have music in the background.



look at them and can't help BUT not post pictures about them because they are so funny, serious at times and definately loving. I love these birds like they are my own human children but they are ONLY in feathers....


Keep on talking about your baby because he has changed your life and mines has changed mines too. It just shows you how much we have in common and that is the love of a Grey Fur Miracle :)<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/24 21:57

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Believe me when I say most of us NEVER tire of hearing or seeing photos of your Greys you two!!


I get just as excited when new people here are waiting for their new baby(s) to arrive and I become enthralled in how they come along and truly enjoy all the photos and videos everyone posts.


I can only say that having Dayo here is like having a human child at home again and watching over them just as carefully.


The one thing that impacted me the most significantly regarding all life outside of humans, is how much they understand and how much more deeply they think than I ever imagined. That epiphany came when Dayo started verbalizing and actually making sense with his requests for specific food items, calling the dogs to come and eat as I mix my special blend for them and just the ability to carry on a very general conversation with a limited vocabulary.


Now I read much more into my Dobermans eyes than previously. I knew they understood many things and had feelings along with emotions, just as us basically. But I now know, with out a doubt, that these animals and all other critters, are much more self aware than we suspected. They are all highly intelligent beings and that has brought out a deeper respect for them, than I ever had before.


Ok, off my soap box, you get my drift. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/24 22:21

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Keywe wrote:

If only all animal owners cared this much.


Exactly, or if they only cared half as much would be enough to make a huge difference.


My only regret is that I didn't get birds earlier in my life, I was already way over 50 years of age before I got my first parrot, my sun conure and then Josey over a year later. I realize now that I have missed many years of enjoyment by waiting so long but I had been more of a cat person until now, I can't remember a time when I didn't have at least one cat. I still love cats but am more focused on my birds now and couldn't imagine my life without them.


They are very much like having small children in the house and I care for them as much as my human children and grandchildren, although don't tell them that:blush:


I know I never tire of seeing pictures of our greys and hearing about new members and their greys and seeing them post about their adventures with their fids and what they are doing new today.

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My birds are my life pretty much I have a couple of really good friends that I visit and I work a few days a week but genrally I'd rather stay home and be with my birds they love me and I love them I worry about them and I always make sure they have clean cages and the freshest fuits,veggies and spring water that I can get. I love to teach them new thing and cuddle and love on them they are so much like small human children its scarry sometimes how very intelegent they are. Adaya being a baby is just showing me glimpses of just how smart she is going to become and Tyco vocabulary and stuff she come out with is nothing short of amazing they are just the most awsome creatures. my friends ask me how can I stand the noise to me its not noise it just their way of telling me they are either happy or upset. Fergie hates it when I'm on the phone and screams until I hang up. some times its not appropriate when I'm trying to talk bussiness but then I just go into another room and shut the door. I love them and my life would be very boreing without them they have givin me so much I can't help but want to give them as much of my time as I can possibly spare.

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I spend a lot of time contemplating Shanti and wondering about him, as well as enjoying him, playing with him and taking care of him. He's always on my mind.


I've never lived with a nonhuman who is this smart before, but my guess is that many of them -- apes, dolphins/whales, elephants and others -- would evoke the same kind of awe.


In a way, Greys are MORE interesting than people. At my age, I've got people pretty well figured out. There's no mystery. But Shanti is an endless source of wonderment.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Marvin and Molly have added some much needed flavor to my life. Divebombing has even become pretty coool :silly: and lowriding is bezt when in the company of my greyz.

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Ecko has changed my life also and I can't imagine it without him now. I think about him all the time, when I'm at work or at school I always wonder if he is ok at home. When I go to the grocery store its all about Ecko and what he likes. The other day I went shopping with my boyfriend and spent about $100 and just about everything was for Ecko. We got a few things for us and it made me laugh because my bird gets more foods than we do lol. I'm always looking for new toys so he could play with and have fun. I really enjoy watching him play and I really enjoy watching him eat. He is the best companion and I love him so so much!

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Karma to joolesgreyuk for the sensitive post about how greys change our lives. Loved Dans comment about how he now appreciates the dobermans intellect more. I've had the same thought about my dogs. The bird can talk and express himself vebally and it has made me realise the extent of an animals intelligence. I think the most obvious change in my life since having Tobie is the frequency of laughter in the house now. Tobie seems to have a genuine sense of humor and some of his sounds and antics and (yes) choice of words send Frank and I into spasms of laughter. Tobie is always happy to join in the laughter.

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I have to say Alcazar came into my life at a perfect moment.He was there for me during a most change in my life and some here on the forum knows what that was. He kept me so much company w/out him I wouldve went crazy during it.I feel he understands alot of what was going on. I give my life to him. My mother wasnt into birds but she saw how he was actually taken care of me.Now she spoils him for it.

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1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.



2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.



3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being..



4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.



5. Talk to me. Even if I don't understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.



6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.



7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.



8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.



9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.



10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.



~Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them.

Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God's critters.

~Now please pass this on to other pet owners. We do not have to wait for Heaven, to be surrounded by hope, love, and joyfulness. It is here on earth and has four/two legs!

{Love-0002011D}<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/25 13:52

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Natasha wrote:

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.


9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too, will grow old.


10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.


Thanks for posting this Natasha. :-) Karma to you.


These 3 items are the most trying and painful part of being in love so deeply with our pets of all types. I have been through those last days and months with older or critically ill pets of all types and it's never easy and always heart breaking. Just the memory of this brings tears, but then joy remembering them for all they were.


The most important thing for us to remember, is that the pet may no longer have bowel or urine control, may throw up often, may fall often etc.


It is our duty and moral obligation to love them and help them, to not become upset and angry when things happen, that they have no control over any longer.


Believe me, they are as disgusted with themselves, as we may initially feel when it happens.


But, love overcomes all.

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I thought I'd add my two cents to this, seeing as it is a wonderful topic.

My little Darwin is probably the most significant life decision I have made. She has brought me an unbelievable amount of joy and laughter. I cannot believe how much she has changed my life. From the moment we found each other when she was only 5 weeks old, she has put some kind of spell on me - it is as though she is my child. I feel such a strong connection to her and cannot fathom my life without her. People truly don't know what it's like to have a parrot, they don't understand until they've experienced it. She makes my entire family laugh countless times a day, and as time goes on her personality is blossoming. Yes, I'm ranting and you all might think I'm crazy but this thread has lead me to believe that I'm not the only one who feels this way. I am so happy to have found this site and to have decided to get my little girl. Life is good!

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I love those ten pet comandments nothing truer was ever spoken. I am going through the last years with my Collie at the moment and I am not lookig forward to the day he is gone. I've had him since he was just a little ball of fluff and he will be 14 yrs old in June he has slowed down allot this last year and I can tell he's really starting to feel his age the last time i went to the vet aand checked his age in dog years he was 93 years old. I know everyday brings us a little closer to the day I will no longer have him. he's so beautiful and so smart I know when he gone I am going to be totally devastated.

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Although, Sundance is not officially mine yet I do feel like I can speak to this topic in a meaningful manner. Sundance has added a deep level of sensitivity to my life thus far. She not only always manages to brighten my day, but she has heightened my emotional awareness. She has a spirit unlike that of any other being that I currently involve myself with. She may belong to another momentarily, but when the time is right I am confident she will be mine. Yes, I know anything can happen between now and that much anticipated moment, but I feel I am getting closer to having Sundance as my one official pet.


I have considered getting a friend for her in the way of another grey, but I want to take it slow, because Sundance isn't mine quite yet. Her current owner is having a hard time accepting the fact that he is unable to meet all of her needs. I visit twice a week now and with each visit I feel we are really establishing a bond and Dave (her current owner) is starting to take notice. I am contemplating whether or not I should just lay it out there and tell him to just let me take her home with me with full visitation priveledges. I am rather sure that he will not take the initiative in this matter and I feeling that soon I will be forced into this scenerio.

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Devin - It's good to hear Sundance is having such an affect on you. :-)


Just a thought on your "Pushing" to take Sundance. That the current owner is in ill health and loves Sundance VERY MUCH. I am certain it is a comfort and companionship for him to have Sundance there during this tough time.


Maybe try looking through the owners eyes and love he has for the Grey.


Your going over and helping out is truly commendable. But, perhaps some more patience and empathy for the ailing man would be a good thing for you both.


You've really only been visiting for 3 weeks now and that is a speck in time of possibly spend 50 years with Sundance. :-)

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Reading all of your comments got me really thinking as everyones lives seem to be changed for the better when they got their greys and I feel like I must be missing something, or maybe it's just that I am not a bird person.


Don't get me wrong I love them to death, but life has really changed and I do get frustrated sometimes with the limitations. On reflection maybe it's just me being a bit selfish.


Sometimes all I can see are the negative changes, like cleaning every day, constant mess, the noise (constant talking and whistling). Sometimes I just want to come home from work, put my feet up and rest but never get to do this. There is always something that they need or I need to do for them. It really seems never ending. Then we have the going away and no one to look after them, so they have to come with us. Making sure that one of us is home with them if the other has to travel.


I do feel most of the things you all talk about, but maybe not to the same extent. When I am away from our greys I have this longing to get home and feel Rangi's feathers, to see his excited face as he flies up the hallway to meet me. To be with Kea and stare out the window at the world and feel her soft little feet on my hand.


It just seems like I have a mixture of how I feel about my life changing.

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