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Being Attacked By Twins lol


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Ok so the kids and spouse left this morning and left me with the babies lol. This is what happened:





Then Ahmani wants to get into the fun of it and she did this:




YES! I'm having a bad hair day lol


Then both of them did this:




Yes they were BOTH fighting in my head so I took the pictures with my camera phone lol. I figured you had to see it to believe it. It was love in the end though:





So the moral of the story is if you have twins MAKE sure you have someone at home with you to help you get them off! lmaooo

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ahhhh they love you thats soooo cute I can't stop laughing. Adaya likes to land on my head also. So I taught her recall so now at least when I'm watching she will land on my hand rather then my head. but if I have my back to her she still will go to the highest spot which is the top of my head then her talons get caught and boy sometime its hard to get her to let go of my hair ouch Those 2 of yours look like so much fun I bet your juust loving every minute of it.

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Oh Carol I am so happy for you that they are FINALLY home!!!! I remember that feeling all too well and trust me, it just gets better and better. They will surprise you with their ingenuity and sense of humour every day. It looks like you are having a blast and they are so adorable. :)

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Those pictures are so funny Carol, welcome to the world of being a human playstand lol!


The babies look like so much fun, they are having a blast there!


Keep the pictures coming, its great to see them both having fun:laugh:

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Lovethatgrey-Oh my the thing with my keyboard is that the keys are sooo flat, That's why I have a gazzilion typos lol. I will keep a eye on them by the keyboard though ;)


Caroline- lol they are having a good time I think maybe today I will tackle them taking a bath. That Ms Ahmani is VERY independent. She hates going to her cage :side: so we kinda go back and forth. When I put them near the cage they jump on my back lol or hop of course in my HAIR! lol


I'm blowing kisses at them now and they are coming to the cage so now it's playtime. They just got done eating breakfast, I am off for the next 2 days so let the fun begin.... yippeeeee

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Carol, this is what happened to my daughter's keyboard when she walked away from her laptop for just a few minutes......she is on keyboard number 3 right now....Talon has her eye on it though......:S




IMAGINE THIS TIMES TWO........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2009/05/24 16:39

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Boy do I know about keyboards I'm on my second one with my birds It was holding up really well until I got Adaya now My backspace button is missing I have no Idea where it went My space bar is there but just barely along with a couple other keys as well I have to take it in and get it fixed but can't stand the thought of having no laptop for a week or two. My daughter won't let me near the desktop so I would be stuck useing My I phone for a computer until I got mine back yuk.

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