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Update on Darwin!


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Hello everyone! I have been watching watching watching but haven't posted anything in a long time! I thought I might just keep you guys up to date on little Darwin's progress!

She just turned 20 weeks old (yay Darwin!) and has, for the most part, stopped gaining weight. She weighs a grand total of around 340 grams. Such a petite little lady! Her beak comes in lighter and lighter everyday, and so do her eyes! Especially in the sunlight you can see the true colour coming through.

She is such a chatter box it's priceless. She can do 3 whistles now and loves to say "wooky wooky wooky". I say "Where's the wooky?" and she goes "wookywookywooky!". My mum swears she said "What are you doing?" the other day and I can definitely hear the syllables coming through. I'll walk around the house chatting to her on my finger and she responds with her adorable little chirps and squacks. Oh! And she laughs, too! There's always lots of laughter at my house and on a recent visit to the breeders, everyone laughed and Darwin goes "hahaha". The breeder was shocked and thrilled at the response.

She has lots of favourite foods and will try anything I do. She eats like a horse and loves music! My dog has also gotten used to her and they chase each other around the kitchen.

This is getting long so I'll suffice it to say that she has brought unbelievable joy to my life and my families lives. Her and my boyfriends Amazon are friends too, which is very comforting! She fits right in and I can't imagine my life without her!

Here are some pictures of her, taken just a couple of days ago. :laugh: IMG_4520.jpg


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What a great update on baby Darwin!


It sounds as though you are loving every minute!


Thanks for posting those wonderful pictures of Darwin, cant wait to hear more about her.


She will be chattering away in no time by the sounds of it.:)

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Darwin is a beauty and your pictures are great, it looks like she is posing for the camera, OMG she is a camera hog, she is very photogenic.


Thanks so much for coming back and giving us an update, we are always interested in how our little family members are doing and glad to hear she is doing great, I'm assuming you have a grin as wide as your face.:lol:

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Thanks everyone so much for your replies!


And yes, Judy, she is SUCH a camera hog. As soon as I take that thing out she is prancing around and posing all over the place. I think it's because I started taking pictures of her when she was 5 weeks old, she's so used to it!



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What a beautiful baby you have there the pictures are just awesome I know just how much joy these little angels bring because I'm raising my little one as well she is about 14 weeks now and I've had her since she was 5weeks old I really don't know what I would do with out her she makes me so happy everyday its something new.

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