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Conversations with your Grey


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This me trying to get Kea in the cage in the morning, she drives a hard bargin.


Me: Kea, I must go to work you must go in the cage

Kea: Go to work, coming back soon

Me: yes Kea

Kea: Can I have a piece of sausage

Me: Ok Kea as long as you go in the cage

Kea: Ok

Then I am obviously not faster enough getting the sauseage and all I hear is

Kea: sausage, sausage, sausage, sausage....

Me: Yes kea the sausage is coming


By this stage the little rat is sitting on the perch just outside the cage and I bring the sausage over and she leaps on me grabs the sausage and is in the cage.<br><br>Post edited by: Jane08, at: 2009/10/01 15:14

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Hahahahahahahaha!!! What a wonderful conversation, shrewd bargaining powers and finally compliance, once she has again proven her position as Master of the house. :-)


These Greys are just too damn intelligent. But, I don't think any of us would ever want that to change.


Thanks for sharing that!

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I came in today from classes and visting GBG and instead of letting Dixie out I sat at the computer - obviously obsessed with Camilla cam and wanted to see what I missed. I had just clicked open the browser when I hear:


Dixie: Mom, Mom, Mom


Me: What


Dixie: Out


Me: Just a minute Dix.


Dixie: Out Mom Out


Me: Ok, Ok


Dixie: Gimme Kiss, pleeeeeease.


Ok, twenty minutes later I get to Camilla cam.

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I was trying to figure out why I don't have time anymore for some of the things I used to do. Then I came to the conclusion that Tobie is just so entertaining and can actually "ask" for my attention and I end up spending more time with him than I am aware of.


This comment in response to rbpittmans story<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/10/02 03:00

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  • 5 weeks later...

Resurrecting this thread. I believe it has been forgotten and we have many new members that may find just how intelligent that new Grey they brought is.


A few things Dayo says in correct context...


Wanting to chase our Conure Jake:


- JAaaaAAaake, come here, come here Jake.

- It's ok Jake, Yeeeaaah, come on, come on.


After he has chased Jake - It's Ok, I'm sorry


Dayo slips or loses balance on something - Whoops and sometimes Shoot! God Dangit!


Dayo afraid as he approaches something - It's ok Dayo, it's ok.


Breakfast time - Lets get some cereal, want some juice, lets make coffee


Lunch - Lets make a sandwich, mmmmm peanut butter sandwich.


Dog feeding time - Lets feed the dogs, come on Bentley, come on Chloe!! Whistles several times and calls them again.


Now time for others to share more on this thread. :-)

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I'm at the computer,

Alcazar- Whatcha doing buddy?

Me- I'm IMing at the computer

Alcazar- Are you ready for some football?

Me-No, it's tomarrow.

Alcazar- Throw it, throw it.

Me- We'll see if he can throw it this time without it being intercepted.

Alcazar- If you happy and you know it Shout Hoorayyy.

Me-I'll shout hoorayyy if it doesn't get intercepted.

Alcazar--BBBBBirds the word.

Me-No, I'm Iming

Alcazar-Bailey, Shanook come,

Me-Shhhh, Don't call the dogs they are sleeping.

Alcazar- Here, here

Me-Okay if I give you you're treat will you be quiet so I can IM?

Alcazar- Good Boy Alcazar

Me- Yes you are a good boy. Kiss

Alcazar- Want kiss? <makes kiss noise>

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wow! you had me worried then to. lol. Thanks for telling me about this thread it's brilliant. The kissing thing makes me smile, when i tell cass and nel it's bedtime (which casper hates) nel always asks for night night kiss, then he will put his beak on my lips or cheek and make kissing noises. It's so sweet and my heart melts. I know im a big softie!

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