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Conversations with your Grey


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Yes i know just what you mean about amazing a friend of mine has a Grey that is just so so much like ziva if its cold she will tell you that its coldy and she will say are you coldy put a sweater on. She goes to work in a old age home everyday with her owner and she always knows the days she goes and which days she has off on work days she says goodmorning time for worky's better hurry were going to be late get up its workt time and on her days off she say no worky today she knows so many things its really quite amazing. I think Adaya will prububly get to know more that Tyco although Tyco is really smart and has learned allot in a very short time when I gor Tyco she didn't talk all she did was make sound effects of what she could hear out of the tine bedroom she was locked in. Shes only been Talking for about a year and 3 months I;m sure she will learn more and more because she's been like a little spouge and soaking up everything she hears its really quite amazing the things she has learned already. She definatly knows how to express he feeling and her likes and dislike and she knows tons of food products by name and arks for allot of the ones she likes when she wants them and she also knows what I'll be back in a few minutes or I have to go to work I'll see you later she knows how long I will be gone quite awhile when I gp to work.:woohoo:

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I so hope Cleo will be the same! Whatever she is eating, I say the name, like...grape, corn, apple, in the hope she will learn the names and be able to ask for what she feels like eating.

I am certain she understands several words, like shower, which makes her cluck at me in disapproval. She definitely knows "wanna come out?", it makes her run so fast in her cage she almost falls off her perch.

I'm thinking her first words will be "JINX...NO....BAD PUPPY!"...Cleo hears that a lot lol.

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Azzie from the sounds of how you are associating actions and items with words, your doing a GreYt job and your right, your Grey understands them. :-)


Another example of Dayo and proper word and phrase association.


When I microwave or take something straight out of the oven or skillet, Dayo will either fly to my shoulder or down to the counter top near buy. Then he starts his comments:


Dayo - Just wait a minute, it's Hot.

Me - Yes, it's hot.

Dayo - Ok. lets eat

Me - It's still hot (as I'm blowing on the food just dished up)

Dayo - Lets go eat ( Normally to the living room)

Me - Just a mnute

Dayo - Still hot?

Me - Yes it's still hot (note, this is all in about 30 seconds) he is obviously impatient to get at that food. :-)

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As I read all the new posts here this morning, my Ana Grey is mumbling away from the top of her cargo net. She is trying so hard and I just long to be able to write a post here about a conversation with my grey :( . I truly enjoy this thread.:cheer: Thanks all you lucky grey owners!!! :)

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You BOTH will be surprised when those mumbles turn into the first word or phrase after the calibration phase is done. The the addition of words and phrases will speed up over time as they learn how to verbalize each consonant and vowel. :-)


Dayo didn't even start mumbling until about 11 months. Whats odd is I clearly heard him say "Hello" only once when he was 5 months.


So hang in there and just read what your in for. Sometimes them being able to verbalize what they want or how they feel is not a good thing in regards our human ego or feelings. ;-)

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Dixie has learned a few new words since I posted our last conversation. While our conversations are nothing like the ones posted above, I still love them.


For the most part, Dixie will sit inside her cage while I'm fixing her breakfast and that of the Lovebirds and say "out out out". I explain to her that she can't come out until I'm done fixing breakfast and take LP (my son) to school. When I get home from that she starts "out out out" as soon as I holler "Dixie, I'm home" from the living room - Dixie's cage is in my office where I spend my day and most of my free time.


Once she's out - she sits on her front porch or her swing and chatters constantly - out, house, pretty girl, whistles. I'm always responding to her words - out - you are out, you're on your swing.

house - yes, that's your house, it's a very pretty house.

pretty girl - yes you're a very pretty girl, i love you

gimme kiss - i gave you kisses, it's your turn to give me kisses

whistles - i whistle back and tell her i love her (these are wolf whistles)


Today to my surprise, we had gone through the entire routine and she had been sitting there looking out her window and it was dead quite in the room - I was doing research on my computer - Dixie piped up "Whatcha doin?" I almost fell out of my chair. She's been mubling for a couple of days about something and that must have been it. My husband always walks out and asks me "Whatcha doin?" when he see's me intently staring at the screen.


Now if she would just tell me she loves me....lol.

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To those who have AG's that aren't talking yet, I get the being impatient. I have 2 cockatiels and nothing and it's been 7 years. I know they aren't the best talkers but I thought they would be something besides screaming. Then Ziva came along with a built in vocabulary and it's so different to have a bird that speaks English all day long. Your time will come when you will be able to post conversations. It's in their head, they just need to get it out.


rbpittman - that is a very cute story! I love when I'm doing something and hear, "What 'cha doing?" You can tell they are actually interested.


Quick Ziva story that broke my heart on Wed. night. I was out and came home late and didn't have time to let her out.



Me - Hi Ziva


Z - I getta come out?


M - No. It's late and time for beddie bye?


Z - I wanna come out.


M - I know but it's late. You can come out tomorrow for a long time.


Z - Do you love me?


M - Yes, I love you. (ripped my heart out)


Z - I getta come out?


M - OK, for just a few minutes.


She was out fast and knows how to work me.

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Yesterday was my partners birthday. We all sit at the table by Ollie's cage and open cards and presents. He's seen the routine a few times now and this was how the chat went.


Dawn (my daughter) was holding the cake and we were singing.


Ollie.....birthday to you........birthday Trevor.(in a singing voice)

Trevor...Yes Ollie. It's my birthday.

Ollie...hooorayyyyy (blows kisses)


As Trev was opening his cards Ollie was watching intently and for each one saying oooooooooh! Then trev through the wrapping paper on the floor and Ollie said, ' You stupid boy!'


It took me ages to work out how he had got that and then I realised we always leave the comedy channel on TV for him. There's a program on at moment called Dad's Army in which Captain Mannering always say's 'you stupid boy' to Pike. Ollie obviously understands the context.

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Maxi actually lied to me yesterday. She said "I love Tanner"! But believe me, if I were Tanner, I'd be thinking "Well, girl, you have a mighty funny way of showing it!" She generally treats him with pained tolerance at best, poor guy....:dry:

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Not really a conversation here, but it is the first time I have actually heard him use words in full meaning.


The other day I walked out of Partner's room, and I'm just cleaning the house, next thing I hear is "Come here!"... I paused for a second not realizing what he said when again I heard "come here!"


That was just amazing lol. :P



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Partner316 "Not really a conversation here, but it is the first time I have actually heard him use words in full meaning."


I really do believe that they understand the situations that words are appropriate if not the full meaning of each word. They are uncanny at combining words to make new sentences with new meanings too. I'm blown away by these stories.

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It's always the same here.

Me: What'cha doing, sweetheart?

Dodo: Wanna Kiss? Mwaaah! Mwaaah!

Me: Do you wanna eat your vegetables? (as I impatiently wait for him to eat anything but his pellets and seed!)

Dodo: Wanna Kiss? Mwaaah! Mwaaah!

Me: I love you, Dodo!

Dodo: Wanna Kiss? Mwaah! Mwaah!


Hopefully he'll eventually learn another phrase, cause this one is driving me bonkers, fast! LOL


My 10 year old was half asleep on the couch and swore he heard him say, "I love you, Dodo!" LOL So apparantly he can say other things and just refuses to!

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I always explain to Dixie what I'm doing when we have conversations and I talk to her just like I would any human. The other day when she asked me what I was doing I took great time to explain it to her. This has been going on for a couple of days now - I'm doing Maymester at school and it's a literature class. This morning when I came in and after having spent about 20 minutes cuddling with her and playing, I had to get back to research for my final paper. So, again it gets quiet in my office and Dixie pipes up again, "Whatcha doin?"


I tell her more research on Robert Frost's poem "Birches". I take the time to read the poem to her and explain, I really have to get it finished and we'll play afterward. She replied "Good Girl". Forget the paper - that comment deserved 20 more minutes of play - now back to that paper!!!

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I Just had to share this with you. Last night I was watching TV and it was really after Tobie's bedtime. He was sitting in the window with me. He started to repeat over and over "Turn the radio off" I assumed he was tired of the noise of the television, but I wanted to finish the TV program and said "hush now, I'm watching TV". Tobie got quiet for 5minutes or so then started to say "Bedtime" over and over. Thats the first time I've heard his say "Bedtime". Not the last though. This is what happened when I came home from work today.


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I too believe that they are uncanny at knowing everything, they just don't always choose to let you know that they know.


Today, I'm working on laundry and cleaning the house in between loads of laundry and we were whistling back and forth for awhile (Keep in mind I was completely out of his view) when I got sucked into something on tv.


Well, he kept whistling and clicking a few more times then he realized I wasn't responding to his game... *pauses* than all of a sudden he does this click and whistle really loud it kinda startled me.


I guess he really didn't want the game to end right than lol... But the past couple of days he has been talking up a storm and it is really entertaining :-)



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