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Conversations with your Grey


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Well, yesterday I went into the bathroom and shut his cage cause I needed to shower and didn't want him getting into trouble. I shut the door and he starts whistling and clicking.. So I start doing it back. Well he didn't think that was enough.


All of a sudden I hear him say "Come here! Step-up Partner! Step-up!" *more whistles and clicks and words that I couldn't understand*


So I've come to realize that he likes to talk when he knows I'm a room over and he can't get to me. I see him moving his tongue and mouth around a lot more recently so I'm going to guess he is practicing talking w/o any sounds.



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Friday night Ive been noticing Alcazar saying things with mummbles then yells Hooray. Tuesday we sing a song now I know what hes singing.He likes the part when the daycare kids do the If you're happy and you know it shout Hooray, Hoorayyyy!!!. He now goes Happy shurr shurr shurr Hoorayyyy! The kids love it. He gets all excited now even more when we sing it because now he gets to join in.

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Nick, he is definitley practing words and they do start making calls and verbalizing when you leave a room and they can non longer see you.


Toni, thats very cool. :-) Alcazar is getting into the excitement and fun as well as the children. :-)

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Toni - That is adorable! Alcazar must be having so much fun.


I bought Ziva some infant toys and he loves them. The toys have lights and sing songs and if Z starts singing - The wheels on the bus go round and round - I will just die. I thought those days were over and I'd never have to hear those songs in my house again.

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The other day when Ana Grey was on her cargo net I thought I heard her say "come here" this is what I say before I open her cage every morning along with "Open the door" when she comes over to it. So today I didn't say it and just sat down. And she came over to the door and said, "come here" I was so excited I immediately opened her cage. I am pleased!!!!

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I know...Isnt it exciting how these lil guys just amaze us in all they do??!!??. Just think, they are the only pet that tells us they love us.Even though they may not know what it means...LOL..I just get so choked up at times. In a good way though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had to add a converstion I had with Tobie last night. He was sitting on my shoulder and started doing this very soft resonating but quiet mewing sound. I started playing with him.

Me: "Tobie! Did you hear that? It sounds like a little bird far away in the woods".

Tobie: "Mewwwww"

Me: "There it is again!! Did you hear that??"

Tobie: "Yeahhh" (matching my amazed tone of voice)then "Mewwww-ha-ha"

Me: "There it is again! What do you think it could be?"

Tobie: (very softly presses his beak against my ear)

"pththththth" (gives me a very soft raspberry)


I thought it was hysterical - but maybe you had to be there.

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A while back I started trying to teach Whisper to say "peeka boo, I see you". Well she has said "I see you" for quite a while. I just stopped saying the peeka boo part but she did not forget. Today I said "I see you" and she came right back with "peek a boo".:laugh:


As I posted in another thread the other day I have been teaching her the song from "COPS". She will say "bad bird, bad bird whatcha gonna do? Whatch gonna do? but has not gotten the "when they come for you" part yet. So today she just make up her own ending. Said, "Bad bird, bad bird. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do Whisper? Whatcha gonna do?"

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Jan - Tobie sure has a sense of humor, what a smart boy!! :P


Char - Yeah, whats Whisper gonna do? :-)


All these Greys conversations on here certainly show how intelligent they are and have wit, humor and a huge ability to put them all together. Thanks for continuing to share these great conversations on this thread!!

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  • 2 months later...

Time to get this thread going again as I find it so funny.


Last night, Z jumped off his cage several times and ran around my bed while I was sitting on it. I got sick of it and said, "What are you doing?" He replied, "I don't know" and continued to run around my bed.


Someone rang the doorbell on Saturday and he yelled out, "Door's open!"


He was on his cage and asking me questions. I responded the first zillion times and then went back to my book and ignored him. He repeated, "What 'cha doing? Are you happy?" When I didn't reply, he yelled, "SAY SOMETHING!!"


A few random things -


"Pretty is as pretty does"

"Ollie is a barn owl" (Ollie is our cat he torments)

"You're pretty. Now go outside, you smarta$$"

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I start my morning off with uncovering cages , Opey my Quakers first then KC , then Rudy

Good Morning Opey

Opey Replys: Morning Baby

everything Opey says always has the word baby in it lol I think he just loves to say that word

Good Morning KC

KC Replys: Hello Or Gimme a kiss

Good Morning Rudy

Rudy does not talk yet she is only 4 months old but she always makes some kind of noise

The rest of the day is Opey talking his little head off lol and some words from KC , KC never says the same thing every day so u never know what he is going to say and Opey is always adding new words to his list now I can't wait until Rudy starts talking


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This past weekend my husband went out of town for a 3 day weekend at a music festival. I did not go for a number of reasons (Jenna being one, naturally), and evidently Jenna thought I needed reassurance. She has taken to saying my husband's name, she must like the way it sounds.


Anyway, almost as soon as he left, Jenna cocked her head at me and said "You want Paul Porter? He'll be right back!" Hehehehe

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Jenna sounds so adorable!


Z and I had many conversations this weekend but I'm drawing a blank on most of them.


I messed up and left the AC on in the bedroom with Z when it wasn't that hot and when I went back in, he yelled at me, "It's too cold in here!"


Earlier he asked me, "Are you all right?"


I said, "Yes. Are you all right?"


He replied, "I'm pooped."

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I've just found this thread and have thoroughly enjoyed reading all the posts - Karma to you Danmcq for starting it!

Alfie and I aren't quite at the conversation stage yet, although I usually do get sensible replies from her when we're playing about - typical interaction might go like this


me - blow me a kiss alfie


Alf - (makes kissie noise) then blows it


me - good girl


Alf - good girl, step up (then flies to me)


me - good girl


Alf - good girl (She says this a lot at the minute!)


Then I'll put her on her perch


me - have a whoopsie alf


Alf - have a whoopsie (has one) good girl!!


Alf - (screams)


me - (in a whisper) sshh Alfie, say it quietly


Alf - psswsswss (quietly)


We do a lot of chatting when I'm in the shower too


me - Where's your little duck?


Alf - quack quack quack


me - where's your pussy cat?


Alf - Miaaaaaooooooowwww!


me - where's that little monkey?


Alf - ooh ooh ooh aah aah aah!


me - and where's megan? (our big dog)


Alf - Meeeegan! (whistles on her then barks like Megan)


I'm amazed by some of the stories I'm reading on here and can only look forward to the day when Alfie is telling ME to keep the noise down!<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2009/09/09 13:34

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not really a conversation, but Alfie was climbing down the curtains comando style this morning, to get to the top of the fridge where she knows she not allowed! She bumped her head on the wall on the way down, we heard it, then she let out the biggest "OOOoooooowwwww!"

We were helpless!

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