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What's the funniest thing your bird says?


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Hey All,

It's been a while since I last posted. Nice to be back:)


Okay, I have to say that without a doubt the funniest thing my bird says is "F@*k Off". I was listening to a lot of Ruby the x-rated parrot on Youtube and as a result I couldn't resist the urge to have Pax copy her.

Another funny thing she says is "Go Pack go" which my boyfriend taught her (he's a total Cheesehead/Packer fan). I think it's cute despite the fact I'm from Chicago and root for the Bears.

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Lol, but I have to say do be careful with that language though!

Jacko came from a place where the lady swore a lot in french and will often sit and grumble angrily in what I swear is french.

He also has a nasty habit of saying 'shut up!' (wasn't me... I swear) and my grandmother came over once and began gushing to him and he looked at her offhandedly and said without hesitation 'SHUT UP!' I nearly died laughing on the floor (after she'd left of course :P) I heard him but luckily he mumbles a little bit.


He also picked up on 'No' early on.

Me: Jacko, are you going be a good boy and c'mere?

Jacko: No

Me: Jacko, c'mere please it's time for bed

Jacko: *sighs* *mumble mumble* No, shut up


Now I know it sounds unbelievable but I swear I heard him say it.


But I think the funniest things he's ever said happened about two years ago and the other just yesterday.


Me: Sully (the cockatiel) Up!

*tiel steps up*

Jacko: Good boy!


Me: All right well if you're not going to be a good boy and step up you can't come out

*Five minutes later*

Jacko: Wanna come out, be a good boy


And to think, he doesn't speak much! But there's obviously a lot more going on in that little grey head then you'd think.

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I think alot of words Alcazar says its funny I love how he vocalizez each one in a different way.Its hysterical once he sees out choc lab he says Bailey come, Bailey no, Bailey no.Then he whistles and sometimes she just looks at him w/ a weird look.I also noticed past couple days hes been itching fo some football because hes been saying Are you ready for football and he says its like the TV. He forgets the word some. Close enough I guess.haha

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Charlie has me laughing non stop,well almost, its hard when he has just wrecked another tv remote.I swear he does it to spite:evil: But hear are just some of his funniest sayings.


Ill batter you


Who made that mess


come on, hurry up


I love animal planet

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He doesn't say it often like he did in the store, but he'll say "does he talk?" because he heard so many people say it in the store. Something else from the store he still does: he makes the sound of the chime on the store's front door, than says 'how are you today?' Then, in another voice 'fine, how are you?' then an inteliglble back and forth conversation in the two voices, then 'have a good day' and the doorbell again.:laugh:


New favourite? Aaachoooo (welcome to alergy season!)

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I love all of the stories. Tobie likes to play with his words. His first words were "what's up". Lately he has developed a variation of these words. Now it's "What's AAAAAAUGHP" The up sounds almost like a growl with a "p" at the end. When I laugh at him doing this he sais it again only the "AAAAAAIGHP" is twice as long.

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These are all Greyt stories, thanks for the morning laughs. :-)


Dayo has a very large vocabulary and many things make us laugh. I think the most recent this weekend was when we were getting some Ice Cream and Dayo flew over and asked "Wheres Mine?".


I tell you, these Greys are so smart it's scary at times. The most interesting concept he has understood now in his counting lessons is "Zero".


Always link words and phrases with actions and items. They will understand and get to where they can actively carry on a small conversation in real-time as things are happening. They truly view all those around them as their flock and as such, try their hardest to socialize at our level.

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Ollie absolutely knows if we are intending to go out. He always says 'where you going', once we've answered he says 'OK....see you later. the other funny one that he put together himself is when we come down in the morning. He can see us through the kitchen window. He always says 'good morning' , but if we don't answer he'll get quite stroppy and say ' hello..I said good morning..peep po' It's almost like we're getting told off!!

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Awesome stories! These birds are always so entertaining. I 'm staring to compile a list of the words in my CAG's (Pax) repertoire. She's 1 1/2 now and is picking up on all sorts of words and sounds.

Has anyone listened to Ruby the swearing parrot on Youtube yet? Yes, it's explicit language, but she has a really impressive vocabulary!

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Did I mention that my bird also says "Squawk"? She learned it during our model/rival training for the word "peanut". Her model/rival (my roomate) instead of saying the correct word or making an unintelligible sound to deliberately get it wrong, would say "Squawk". Pax says that all the time now!! I've only heard her say "peanut" about twice.

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I love reading the stories!


Ziva has a huge vocabulary as the 91 year old woman that had her talked to her all day long.


I think the funniest things she has said was when I asked my mom if I could borrow her charge card to order pizza and Ziva said, "You can't afford it!" Somehow she had seen my bank balance.


Over the weekend, Ziva said, "Do you want a cup of coffee? Do you want a cup of tea?" She speaks like the elderly woman that had her and it sounds like she was a tad cranky all the time. I told Ziva I'd like some tea and she replied, "You want some tea???" She said it in a very disapproving voice as if coffee was the much better answer.


This past weekend she also said, "Oh goodie, goodie. Mommy's home! I missed you so much. I love you so much. Wanna do something special? I'm going to go out in the garden and get you some worms."

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  • 2 months later...

My sister and niece were over Thursday helping me out with the daycare. Our 1 year old daycare child took his first 10 steps. He would normally take 2 here 2 there. We all yelled Hoorayyyyyy good boy. Alcazar says, Shout Hoorayyyyyyyyyyy..He's use to singing the song if You're Happy And You Know It. When he said that we all laughed soooooo hard.His timing was just soooo perfect.At times he surprises the daycare parents.They would leave saying goodbye He would say, Goodbye I love you...haha..But that was just tooo cute.

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Well Charlies latest took me by suprise and it definetley dsent come from me:blush:


His favourite at the moment is!!!


"Charles has got big balls"


What can I say? Husbands have got a lot to answer for and under estimate the intelligence of my beatiful Charlie:P

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casper wrote:

"Charles has got big balls"




Oh Jesus, wiping the tears from my Eye's.



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Dan, I could really injure Dave my husband at the moment! As I am typing poor Charlie is sat on the door repeating this over and over.........


Im glad it made it made you laugh though, I will try and film him for you soon:laugh:

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