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DYH Amazons How many have one?


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Now that I am adding a DYH to my flock, I want to hear all about yours. I have read everything I can find online but I want to hear the stories about your DYH.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/04/10 20:40

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Hi Char,

I have two Yellow Crown Amazons,they aren't

Yellow Heads,but are amazons!lol.After doing much research,I decided on the Yellow Crowns,mainly for their

easy going temperments.I have all kinds of stories I'd

love to share!:) I have a Grey as well :) K.C.

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funnyfarm? wrote:

Hi Char,

I have two Yellow Crown Amazons,they aren't

Yellow Heads,but are amazons!lol.After doing much research,I decided on the Yellow Crowns,mainly for their

easy going temperments.I have all kinds of stories I'd

love to share!:) I have a Grey as well :) K.C.


I would love to hear more!


Come on guys I know a few of you have DYHs. Let's hear about them.

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I have a dyh amazon. Oh my goodness, is he ever a character. He has a totally different personality than my grey. My grey is pretty mellow and pretty quiet. My amazon (Cooper) is 2 years old. He has a very strong personality and is a total clown. He loves to sing! He knows Old McDonald had a farm (or bird) he says the EIEIO part and he even goes throught the "with a cluck cluck here" and so on. We taught him to sing "Da Da Dah" (like a grand entrance) and La La La La La La La from lower to higher range. He loves American Idol and will outsing all the contestants. We can't hardly hear the contestants because he sings over them:laugh: and when the singers are done and the audience claps Cooper says "Yay!" He picks up words and sentences very fast. I will try and teach him something and by the next week he has it out down. He's a very good talker as well. Whats neat about him is that I can have him on my finger perched and talk to him and say words like "What Ever!" and "Oh My God" and he will say them with me at the same time or repeat them back to me. We actually have converstations:laugh: . And the thing that cracks me up is that he will laugh hysterially, like side splitting laughter and will say things while he's laughing like "Oh My God" and "Oh Wow" He is not a screamer but he can get pretty loud with his singing and laughing. By the way, he loves Opera and will sing his heart out to it. He does demand a lot of attention. He just loves to be around people all the time and if he feels ignored he will get off his cage and come find us. He needs to be doing something all the time! He is very friendly but he does not like his back petted. I've heard it's an amazon thing. They're not a "touchy" bird but loves to step up any time. He tells us good morning and goodnight (at the appropriate times) He's a pretty good bird. He reminds me of a 4 year old that wants to play with all his toys at once but doesn't know which one to get.:laugh: He also cries exactly like a baby. I mean you can't tell the difference at all. If you are getting an dyh be prepared to be entertained all day long!!! {Characters-0002005C}


So when are you getting your dyh. Please tell me more about him.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/04/18 15:25

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I have 2 breeder DYH.Delilah and Dakota. Very noisey and mean.I try to talk nice to them but they dont want anything to do w/me only when they know its feeding time. They can be funny.They have routines.If I leave a certain light on at the wrong time they let me know it.Still I love them. All I can do is keep trying.Very pretty birds though

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Well Baxtersmom,you have described my "Lyric"to a T!:)

He's only 10 months old but he's quite the little character already.He wakes us up singing "DooDa Doo Doot

DaDoooooo,(he thinks he's a rooster!)He talks really well,he's forever saying "I'm a Parrot!"He's still learning "Old MacDonald",he's got the E I E I O,down pat,and he sings "Row Row Row,your Boat".He's a real

clown,always hanging upside down,and beating up his bell,and he absolutely loves his boing!That's the only

time I have trouble getting him to step up,he'd stay on

his boing forever!lol He loves being sprayed,and opens

his wings and says "Weeeeeee"!!,and does a little giggle

he's so happy.He's a bit shy at first with strangers,(I live alone)but within a few minutes he's saying hello,and telling them he's a parrot!.

Now my other amazon is abit different.her name was Abby,

but I'm calling her Kazoo.She's suppose to be 4 yrs. old,she was owned by an 84 yr. old lady,who died.She has some emotional problems,but she's getting better everyday.I was told she sang Happy Birthday,but I've had

her a month now and she hasn't said a word.She does let

out a real Tarzan holler,when the dogs are barking,and

other then that she's pretty quiet.She loves to be petted,but doesn't know to step up yet,but they are really fast learners.I taught Lyric to wave in about 5 minutes!They are incredibly smart..

And not to forget my grey,"DoeDoe",he's mimicking everything Lyric says,so we have twice the fun,with some

beeps and whistles thrown in!lol.Never a dull moment at

the "Funny Farm!":)

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Thanks guys for sharing your stories. Just the kind of 2nd bird I am looking for. I have an egg at the breeders scheduled to hatch at the end of the month. It will be the end of summer before she comes home but I get to visit her.


I live alone also. Just me and Whisper who is pretty quiet. I am hoping the new bird will liven things up around here.

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Char, no problem sharing the stories. I love talking about my "babies" I must admit when we first brought Cooper home I was quite intimidated as he was nothing like my grey. But once he settled and we got used to each other it has been one big party ever since. I'm sure you will love your new zon and have many wonderful and crazy times. Congradulations on your new arrival. It will be tough waiting on her to get ready I bet.


funnyfarm, my amazon was 1 1/2 years old when I got him. He was pretty neglected to say the least. It took him atleast a month to open up to us. When we first brought him home the only time he would get halfway vocal was when we ran the vaccuum cleaner or washing machine or something that had a motor sound with it. If something wasn't running or making noise he was silent and I was very concerned about him:dry: but one day he let out this HUGE holler and he hasn't had a quiet day since then:woohoo: . Now he won't shut up:laugh: :silly: :side: . Cooper did take awhile to settle in our house. That's probably how Kazoo is. Just haven't had quite reached her comfort zone but I'm sure it will happen. My grey settled in alot quicker it seemed.

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My Amazon is 12 years old now and she also loves to sing she sings opera beautifully she likes old mcdonald had a farm and she does the duck quack quach here and there and the chicken. she likes to ask everyone are you a bird? then she says I'm abird lol Fergie is a real snugler when she wants to be and she definatly doesn't want to be left out of anything she follows me around like a flying puppy. She is sexually mature now and can be a handful when she's hormonal. she mad a huge hole in the wall behind my kitchen cabnets and chew the edges off most of the cupboards. she wants to nest and there is no stopping her she's very determined. whenshe's not hormonal she the best bird a person could ever want. Clipping their wings a little at hormonal time helps allot so I've found even though she won't talk to me for 3 days after it does keep her out of mischief.

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Know its maybe not what you are looking for, but i have a five year old Orange Winged Amazon called Gizmo who i rescued last May. Dusty my baby african grey of seven months joined the flock in December. :evil:


Gizmo has came on so much and is so comical with her behaviours. She has accepted Dusty in some ways and always wants to know what is going on, so demands wherever Dusty goes she goes too lol:ohmy:


Gizmo loves to play and keep an eye out, very vigilant and at present hormonal of which Dusty doesnt know what to make of when she tries to come on to her.


I love Gizmo, amazons are so much different from Greys and so much noisier in my experience which of course Dusty not speaking yet, takes great pleasure in imitating noisy noisy nosiy !!!!!!!!!!:cheer:

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