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uneven wings


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I am a new caretaker to an older african grey. I am trying to improve his quality of life. Topal is a very talkative bird. He is a quite a joy to have around. I have had him for about a month now. Prior to living with me, he was my mother in laws bird. He has had a lot of changes go on in his life the last five years or so. My in laws used to have his wings clipped, and I notice his wings seem to be longer on one side. Is this normal? Also, I wonder if I should spray him with warm water to bathe him. I noticed he would jump in his water dish, but since upgrading his cage to a much larger one he hasn't been bathing. He is a biter, he lets me pet him, but sometimes he tries to bite me. Yesterday I let him come out the cage he stood on the door which was being held by a perch. He then proceeded to fly to the floor. He walked around the house for about an hour or so. He seemed to be really enjoying himself. However, we had a horrible time getting him back in. I want him to have freedom, but I want to be in control. He walked around liked he owned the place. He didn't even care about the dogs he walked right up to them. My dogs are more afraid of him than he is of them. I think my Lab remembers being bit by him 10 years ago when she was a young dog. Well if anyone can lend some advice, please do. I appreciate it.

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Well, anything I have to say is from books and reading other posts (still waiting on my grey), so take it with a grain of salt.


Uneven wings can cause unbalanced flight, I'd get an even clip to avoid tumbles.


Yes, a spray bottle works fine, I also read that you can buy pure aloe vera gel, and I agree with that completely, I've had aloe vera plants since I was 17. I'd slowly move up to having him shower with you.


not so sure about behavior, but you should move slowly, coercion causes biting and distrust.

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Actually, my birds appear to prefer "luke-cool" to ice-old water to bathe in. I used to mist them (using a plant-mister) with water or with aloe vera juice, which is also soothing to their skins, but now I atcually take them into the shower with me - I have a shower perch in there that sticks to the wall with suction cups.


I think most here would agree that an even clip is safer for the bird (assuming the bird is clipped at all - sensitive subject...:whistle: ).


Topal sounds like he has gone through a lot of loss and upheaval in recent years, and I wouldn't be surprised if it takes him a while to get adjusted. It's wonderful that you have taken him in and are trying to improve his life - you will have to be very patient, but over time you may find he will learn that you are "the good guys". B) Keep the faith!


There are lots of threads here with tons of information, so surf to your heart's content. And don't be shy to ask questions - there's almost always someone here who has an answer - or THE answer!<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/03/25 21:54

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on that note as well, I say clip it evenly, keep it clipped till it trusts you, then don't clip it.


I'm gonna train mine for outdoor flight which I anticipate will be loads of fun for both of us.


if nothing else, he'll know how to come back if he flies out a window, which is always a danger.

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""" My in laws used to have his wings clipped, and I notice his wings seem to be longer on one side. Is this normal? """""


Yes it is if the wings were cut unevenly. It'll take quite a while before the old feathers fall out and are replaced with new ones. That's a normal situation with uneven or bad clips.


He bites you when you try to pick him up off the floor? Start using a 10 inch hand perch and get him used to being picked up that way. he'll bite the stick instead. After you see him getting calm with the stick, use a shorter one and do the same thing. Your hand will be getting closer and closer and he'll eventually accept it.


I don't feel that it's a good idea to reclip him though. Either you want the bird to have wing feathers or you don't and if you clip him again, it'll take that much longer to grow back and there's no guarantee that they'll grow in evenly. If he can fly to the floor that means his present wings are allowing him to fly without bouncing off the floor which cause an injury.

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Hi TopalBird, karma to you for taking in an older grey. I have a lot of respect for older greys so you be nice to him you young whippersnapper!!! Of course I am just teasing!!!:silly: I have a 7 month old grey so I don't have any experience with an older grey. But I wanted to welcome you to the family. I believe you have a good heart and will be a great grey owner. Can't wait to hear more about Topal and how the two of you are getting along.

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Tyco used to barber one wing so she was very off balanc and would fall allot. I had my vet clip her wings to even them out and she stopped barbering and is fully flighted now. It might help if her clip was a bad clip you may want to cut them evenly so he can geow his wings out evenly at the same time.

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Well I noticed today when Topal was showing off his wing span that it is the long lower feathers that are missing on one side. Also, I remember a few long feathers being found at my house right after he moved in. So, I am thinking he may have just plucked the oneside, causing the unevenness.

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Good for you taking in Topal and giving him a loving home. I read your home page and see you said he was a stinker and likes to bite. Mine did too when I first got him (he was 12 years old). I got bit alot where he would break the skin and draw blood even. After about a month that stopped with me although it is not unusual for a grey to bite occassionally. You said in his previous home, no one was there that felt they could handle him and greys can sense that. If someone is scared or leary of getting bit, a grey will most likely bite that person. My grey does not bite me anymore but he will bite my husband. It will take time for him to settle in, too but in time he should be fine. I hope he really enjoys his new home. It sounds like he has a good one with you.

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