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I'm just venting right now because I'm really upset :( . I just came home tonight and when I went to take Emma I saw that she had hurt herself somehow in her cage today. I really don't know how. I think she must have either lost her balance and fallen or something must have spooked her and caused her to thrash. Anyway... she scraped the skin off of herself in two distinct areas above her nares. They look really red but not deep.. thank goodness. I've decided that it wasn't serious enough to warrant a vet visit and she seemed to be in her usual high spirited mood, but when I first saw the wounds I felt a sense of panic. I'll just have to keep an eye on it in the the next while.


This may sound a bit weird but only tonight I realized how very odd but truly special it is to have a pet who speaks your own language. I suppose this is because tonight was our first serious moment together. As I tried to examine her face tonight while controlling how upset I was... Emma kept saying I love you. Are you ok?..You're ok. It's ok.


I really just felt like crying because I was stressed and because of her timing and choice of words.


Anyway... I guess what I've learned is that there is only so much I can do to protect my parrots. Accidents can happen even when you think they're safe.


Thanks for reading. :blush:


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/24 04:25


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/24 04:36<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/24 04:43

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Aww! That is so precious of Emma to speak those words to you! I bet you were so worried but she sounds like she is going to be ok! Emma was just probally playing crazy with her toys, I can picture this from the video of her hanging upside down, lol! I hope your going to be ok!<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/24 04:34

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Oh my I am so sorry to hear that Emma has managed to hurt herself but you are so right, we cannot watch over them every moment and things like this can and will happen, I am glad it doesn't seem too bad though.


I think I would have reacted much like you did, we never want our fids to ever be hurt and it probably hurts us more when it happens to them.


I would keep an eye on it though like you said to make sure it heals up ok, wow what a scare and thanks for sharing it with us.

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Oh...shes so sweet, being hurt and yet saying those words to calm you down...as I type those words I look at my Kookie who always does the best job in cheering me up when Im down, as if they know that their inteaction really affect us and its so true...I really hope emma gets better soon...Im sending all the good wishes her way...


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Emma is a real sweetheart. I hope she heals fast. As you say we can only do what we can to prevent accidents. I was devistated when charlie hurt his wing,He was in his cage and fortunately my Dad had come round to mine to see the birds and phoned me so I came home and got him right to the vets.I had only been out about an hour.I still dont know what happened,It was about 6 weeks before he flew again but he is fine now. I am sure Emma will heal much faster and suffer no lasting problems.

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Thanks everyone. All of your kind words and warm thoughts are much appreciated. She is such a monkey. Even this morning she was hanging upside down and swinging back and forth, back and forth and she fell. :( This grey girly is going to give me grey hairs before I am 30:S. I don't think there is anything I can do about her monekeying about so I decided to check her nails and gave them a file. They did not seem long but perhaps the shorter nails will give her a better grip.


Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/24 14:35<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/03/24 14:35

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You wrote "Emma kept saying I love you. Are you ok?..You're ok. It's ok."


How sweet she is.


If you have a toy with opening size matching the raw spots above her nares, it could be that she simply became very actively involved in chewing and playing with it.


My Grey has a few foraging toys that he sometimes gives himself "Road Burns" from getting so aggressive and getting the goodies insied.


Good thoughts and prayers your way, more for you than your Grey.... Are you ok?..You're ok. It's ok. ;-) :-)

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When I was reading your thread it took me back to when I had my first child and he was about 7months old and starting to pull himself up to his feet anyway one day I walked into the bedroon and their was blood everywhere he had bang his nose on the crib trying to pull himself to his feet. I remember the panic I felt and I phoned my mom crying my head off and she said those exact same words to me. You can only do so much to protect them they are going to fall and get hurt sometimes and all you can do is pick them up and kiss it better. Parrots are very much like our children in allot of ways. I'm so sorry Emma got a bump on her head but your a good mom and like my mom said to me you can't protect them every minute of the day just be there to pick her up when she falls and kissit better. By the sound of thing Emma thought you need a kiss all better more than she did. what a sweet heart she is. Don't file her nails to much if their to smooth its harder to hold on. my vet doesn't like to dremal nails for that very reason.

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