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sooo many questions x_x

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the bird in the photo is George, he belongs to someone else :(


I just got on the list for a new bird and I'm rather excited about it. I've read one book and skimmed the forums and scoured the internet, I've learned a lot about the bird and how it's different from other birds.


but yes, the questions. I read that many substances can kill them, and I already plan on making my home very bird safe, but the list of things is enormous, so I guess my question is how worried do I have to be about this bird? I'm beginning to think he might die at the drop of a hat.


this next one is more of a poll. based on experience, how easy was your grey to socialize and how open is it to new situations? I ask this because I've only read the "if you do this then that will probably happen" sort of information and I want to know some more personal story type information on their behavior.

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Well congrats on your new bird John but yes there are toxic substances that can and will kill your bird, you will find lists of them in our forum, just do a search to find them. Just like you have to make your house kid safe for babies, you make it bird safe for greys, not much different.


You expose your bird to other people, take him out with you to places he is allowed for the more people he sees the more chances he will be more accepting of new people so he does not become a one person bird.


I know you will find lots of different information on the internet but you will find the correct info here on this site and we do have many stories told here about their greys, now you need to do a lot of reading.

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Judy grave great advice.


You wrote: "I'm beginning to think he might die at the drop of a hat."


Not that easily, but just clear out the basics that will kill easily such as Teflon anything cookware. No more spraying air fresheners all over the house or the use of chemicals that emit dangerous fumes which are not only bad for birds, but humans also.


Regarding socializing, it's always good to have people over and let your grey become used to changing faces and realizing they are not a threat. They will even interact with those they chose from the get-go they like.


Most Greys are very cautious of new items and fearful of them. It takes distance and time to introduce new toys or other items to them.

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Hi John, George is a very handsome grey. Whoever owns him can be proud of him. I don't have a lot of grey experience so I can only tell you about my Ana Grey. She is only 7 months old and she is very independent and not afraid of anything. I just give her a new toy and she is happy. All greys are different. Anyone can give her tickles on her head, she loves head scratches so if they say "tickle, tickle" she is theirs for all the scratches they want to give. You didn't say... are you re-homing an older grey or are you in line for a baby grey? Can't wait to hear more about your search for your grey and see some pictures when the time comes. Welcome to the family!!!

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Well thank you all for the Posts. My future roomates already know about the teflon, perfumes and scented things, and I've agreed to buy all of the cleaning products because I believe it's only fair since I'll be telling them what they can and cant use.


I live in Virginia Beach, and as the name implies, it's a tourist trap. There are a lot of places I can take my bird and introduce it to new people, I plan on doing this a lot while it is young.


and LuvParrots, I am adopting a new baby, but I am considering getting some resuce birds when I'm out of school and have more time to spend with them. and such

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Hi John,

I'm excited for you getting a new baby grey and I'm very happy you are doing all the research prior to bringing it home.

Yes you really do have to be careful with any kind of bird in the house, and watch anything that might be sprayed or anything with fumes. Sounds like you are on top of that issue already...I hope you or your roommates will not be smoking around your bird. Also, check out the Food room for lists of what to feed/what not to feed your new grey.

If you socialize your baby from an early age and expose it to lots of new people/experiences/objects and change it should really help. Will you be able to visit your baby as it grows?

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Thats great that your adopting a new Baby. Your going to just love it. Do be carful about taking your bird to some places like bird marts because alot of bird illnesses are quite contagous and you wouldn't want your bird exposed to other birds just in case. Its a very good Idea to introduce your new baby to lots of different things and changes that way he won't be as fearful of new things. I have a Rescue Grey and when I got her She was afraid and untrusting of everything and everybody Now she is a very confident Grey and takes to things very quickly. I can give her a new toy in the morning and within an hour or two she will be rippig it to peices having the time of her life:laugh: I just adopted a new little baby Grey as well and I'm so looking forward to raising this baby to be a confident social loving bird that all birds should be. Please read the information on this site there are allot of very experianced Grey owners here that can help you in just about any problem that should arise. welcome to our family Pull up a perch and make yourself at home. How long will it be til you get your new bird.

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John I see you are from Virginia Beach, are you aware that there is a BCV Convention in town on April 3, 4 and 5 and there will be a bird mart where you can buy all sorts of toys, foods, cages and such. I am going for the weekend, its always lots of fun.

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Yes, one of my future roomates smokes, but he's already agreed to smoke outside and he knows how dangerous that stuff can be


I have no idea when I'll get mine, hopefully not too long. I got put on the list so recently, I doubt my egg has even been laid yet :(.


Thanks for the update on the the convention, I will definitely be there.

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