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8 year old Grey...any chance for future talking?


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My newly adopted Grey is super sweet, loving and loves my attention. He is 8 years old and even though he is good at mimicing sounds like the dog, laughing, and kissing sounds he hasn't actually learned any words. He was raised around lots of other vocal birds and that has me wondering if he just chooses not to talk. I was wondering if anyone knows of a Grey starting to talk at this age.

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Depending on how long you have had him he may not have settled in enough to want to talk but if he has never talked so far then he may just be one of the few greys who won't talk for not every grey will.


Anything is possible and he may start talking but most who do talk do so by the age of 1 or 2 but enjoy him regardless, they are amazing creatures and there is a lot to love about them even if they do not talk.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some more about you and this grey, like what is his name?

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  • 4 weeks later...

He may still feel a bit unsettled. Not all greys talk,though most do with differing ability.I would not give up on your grey yet.My guess is that one day you will be in another room or upstairs and hear from a distance your grey talk.Some are shy talkers and only do so when alone.Even if he does not talk, greys have so much more to offer.

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Jen is spot on as well as others replies.


They are very intelligent and learn their entire lives, just as we humans do.


Silence or lack of human words, by no means indicates they will never pick up or use a word or sound that they consider important and useful to them in their flock environment.

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I don't know if he will start talking or not but I do know that older birds can learn new words so I don't know why he couldn't start talking. My Baxter came to me at 12 years of age. He is more of a sound effects bird and whistler although he did have some words he said when he came to us. He learned my dogs name in about 2 weeks or less and a few other phrases we use so they can learn at a later age. About every 2 months he will ask "What are you doing" and it totally throws me off guard. I can't figure out if he can say things why he doesn't continue but maybe it's because he doesn't feel the need to talk. There are a few things he has said but only on a few occassions. I guess he can talk if he wants to but doesn't see the need. Go figure:S

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