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Grey Insurance


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I have got insurance for all three of my birds.

It works out approx £300 for the year.


This covers unlimited claims on the vet bills up to a certain amount and also covers for theft and death.


I took it out mainly because of the vet bills, it would be pricy if all three were sick and needed treatment.


Its definetly worth looking into.

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Im in the US, not the UK...so if you are in the UK, please contact your insurance agent and see if this is true there as well


Avian health insurance is offered through VPI. They cover about 80% of their listed items and it waries on others. For Schroeder, it is about 213 annually. They do take monthly payments, but there is an extra monthly fee of a few bucks. I began insuring him as a baby, so insuring an older bird may cost more.


I also have Schroeder on my PAP (personal articles policy). Some home owners/renters policies have provisions to allow pets up to a certain amount to be covered unter the personal items coverage on your policy. Some do not. The advantage of having a pet on a pap policy is that if something happens (bird escapes, is lost, stolen, dies unexpectedly) the value is not subject to the deductible. This way you get a check for the full value of the pet and can go buy another.


Again, Insurance companies have a lot of varied fine print and all policies are a tiny bit different. If you would like the specifics on your policy, please feel free to contact your agent. If your pet is not insured, you live in the US and would like help finding a carrier that will cover your bird, let me know and I can get you a list of companies in your state that can help you.

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