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What kind of Music does your Grey like?


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I have a wide variety of cd's and I'm always playing music for my bird to find out what she might respond to. I've been watching youtube videos of Greys bobbing their heads, beat boxing, and "dancing" to music. There is a grey that loves the Patsy Cline song "Crazy" and another that really loves it when its owner plays "Lord of the Dance" by the Dubliners (it sings "Donce, Donce" with a New Zealand accent). Not to mention the heavy metal loving, head banging Cockatoo. What kinds of songs to your birds/Greys like?

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I have never found a genre of music my grey shows even the slightest interest in and I have tried them all.


He seems to like his own sounds and vocalizations to which he bobs, ducks, weaves and dances around while performing.


I assume he must want to be a "Perform/Star" and not be one sitting out in the crowd watching. :P

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In England where we live there is a radio soap called "The Archers". Its about the daily events in a small English farming community. I listen to it every day. When ever its signature tune comes on Misty has to join in whistling along to it. He hasn't got the tune right yet but he keeps trying. The tune is based on an English country maypole dance. It seems to be his favorite. Otherwise he seems to prefer jazz piano best but he is quite catholic in his tastes. A bit like me really.


Steve n Misty

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Elmo's favorite song seems to be "Elmo's Song" and she likes to watch the clip of it on YouTube.:laugh:


Elmo also will get vocal when I have 80's music on. She also seems to like it when I sing, so that goes to show she is tone deaf.


Ethel at the store LOVES disco. Anytime a disco song comes on the stores radio he will start dancing and puffing up his crop.

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I was "babysitting" my friend's Amazon and I played some really twangy, Hank Williams songs with lots of yodeling, and what do you know? The bird started started bobbing her head, dancing and singing "Wah, Wah, Wah". Her owner who is a native New Yorker, was distressed when I told him his bird likes country music:P

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