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Double Yellow Head Amazon Parrot


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I have a DYH and she is so sweet! She will be 1 on April 15th and we have had her since the end of July. Actually, she is my sons bird and she loves him dearly. We would go to the shop and he would feed her before she was weaned, so they bonded really well. She calls him all of the time and loves to sit on her t-stand in his room and watch him play games or watch tv. I think they are wonderful and wouldn't trade ours for anything.

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I got a DYH a couple months ago. I really enjoy him. I have a grey also and they are totally different. The amazon is not as sweet or affectionate as the grey but he is friendly with us and a total clown, always active and playing. He loves attention and loves to interact with us but he doesn't like to be petted much, as a matter of fact he does not allow us to even touch his feathers down his back. He does allow head scratches late in the evening. Our amazon is very vocal and loves to make all kinds of noises like laughing, crying, singing. He is a talker too, but is still young and has a fairly small vocabulary right now but picks up new words or sayings very fast. He is definately not a quiet bird but I love his noises. He is very active most of the time and quite the acrobat. If we are quiet here in the house he is usually quiet too but if we get him going he loves to makes his noises. I have found him very interesting and so fun to have around. He keeps me laughing all day long. He does some of the craziest things and I can't help but laugh. If I start talking to him or make laughing sounds he will talk or laugh back at me. He is quite the conversationalist. He has brought a lot of joy to us but he does require alot of attention. Toni was right about them having about them being stubborn too, atleast our is. Once he gets something in his mind there is no stopping him. :laugh: I wouldn't recommend a dyh for apartment living due to noise factor.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/30 19:16

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I like the noise too. It can get loud sometimes but it's soothing to me:laugh: Mine doesn't shriek or scream (I'd hate to hear it if he did) but he has a loud hysterical laugh and he cries exactly like a baby, the baby cry I could do without but the laughing is hilarious. If I want to use the phone it is a must that I go into another room and close the door :laugh: Mine acts like a little kid most of the time. He can't keep his mind on anything for long and seems to have a short attention span. Likes to play with several toys at once but does occupy his time pretty good. I really enjoy him. He is the comedian in our house:woohoo: And he is not scared of anything. If he is on his cage and sees something across the room he wants he has no problem climbing down and walking through the house to get it either. :lol: :silly: :side:


So, are you going to get one?:whistle:


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/31 16:15<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/31 16:17

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A DYH amazon is certainly a very beautiful parrot. They are intelligent, they mostly love to sing and to talk, but, like most amazons, they can be very loud! If you don't have experience with other parrots ( and I mean: living together with one!) I recommend not to start with an amazon, any amazon parrot!


The DYH amazon parrot is one of the so called "Hot three": the other two are the Blue fronted amazon and the yellow naped amazon. These three are well known because of the fierceness of in particular the adult males. In the beginning theycan be sweet, but when they mature, you really have to know how to handle them.


A young bird, hand raised by humans, may be very sweet and gentle, especially when you're not living with the bird. But all parrots are intelligent, they have a strong beak, and when they discover that they can manipulate you by biting and screaming, they can become a real problem. Especially when they mature! Many amazons finally end up in an asylum because their former owner didn't think first before buying them.


So, what if you still want one? Search for a workshop about handling and training parrots, and learn as much as you can about parrot behavior. If you still want one, search for a good breeder, who socializes his birds, and who is always there to help you, even after you bought the bird. And then... well, I really hope that you will make the right decision. Good luck!

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Animal Spirit made some good points. I already had a grey, eclectus and a conure before getting my amazon. If I hadn't had the other ones I think the amazon would have intimidated me quite a bit. He is almost 2 years old and very headstrong. He is always lunging at me when I pass by (it's a game to him) or when I tell him to step up. It's just his way or personality I think. Usually when he grabs/beaks me it doesn't hurt and he puts very little pressure when grabbing me but it is scary to see when he is lunging:ohmy: If he is overly excited or playing hard he will bite and it does hurt. Since I know this it isn't a problem but if a person doesn't know thier personalities it could be very intimidating and painful. If I were to show fear with him I think he would take advantage of me completely. These are just my experiences with my dyh though.

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  • 11 months later...

:( Wow!! The net down and off-line for two days and look at what I missed! A great post with great info and new people. Karma to you!

In comparing an Amazon to a Grey, you can verbally or say NO to an Amazon as opposed to a Grey where you have to use psychology. A Grey contemplates all within his realm and a 'Zon contemplates what he wants to eat and what to do/play with next...:woohoo:

We love them both and would be lost without either one of them...:)



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