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I have two phobias which I have had for as long as I can remember.


The first one and the worst one, has to be my fear of spiders! I am absolutely terrified of them, no matter what size I wont go in the same room as one. This was made worse when last year I went to change my bedding and found a hairy leg in bed where my feet would normally be, I pulled back the covers and there was the biggest squashed spider you have ever seen! I went to bed for months after that wearing pj's, football socks and gloves!:laugh:


The second is heights! I cant do anything higher than standing on a chair! Not as bad as the spider one though!


Will be interesting to find out if anyone else has phobias!:P

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Nice thread, casper!


I have been developing teh height phobia as I grow older, too. I used to relish climbing trees as high as they would support my weight - now I can just about manage ten feet off the ground. Maybe it's just a growing sense of self-preservation?


But here's one for you: cows. I don't have any idea why. I love snakes, don't mind bugs too much, the usual suspects - and I like other large animals (horses, elephants....). But cows make my palms sweat. This has been true for years - LONG before I was in a car in India that was gored by a panicked cow (horns actually got stuck in the door...) Go figure!

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my phobia is mice, rats, hambsters, gerbels.. anything along that line...


I know it is unrealistic, but I cant help it...


I have had people scare me with fake mice, trying to be funny, and they say I turn so white. I scare them cause they think I am going to pass out. I cant even scream.


after a few minutes i can come to reality.


Thank God our house seems to be mice proof, as I have been in it for ten yrs and never seen a mouse. My H keeps mice poisen in the celler but it has never even shown signs of being eaten.


I wouldnt even watch the movie mouse trap by disney... didnt want no part of it. made the kids watch it at their dads.


I really think it comes from watching the movie Ben and Willard when I was little. 7 yrs old and we had rats in the house i was leaving in at the time.

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I have claustrophobia (sp?). Fear of enclosed spaces.

It goes back to when I was little - about 4 years old. We had a plastic boat in our yard, and a neighbor kid put the boat over me (upside down) and sat on it so I couldn't get out. Being trapped in a small space with no conceivable way out has freaked me out ever since!

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LindaMary - Cows...definitely a new one for me to hear! Guess I'm glad there are limits to how closely our minds think alike (reference to message on other thread) :-)


I have a totally irrational fear of sharks. I say "irrational" due to a couple of reasons.


1) I live in Minnesota and have since I was a toddler


2) it bothers me most when I'm flying in an airplane above the ocean and think about the plane going down and me being eaten by sharks...and yes, I know that would be the least of my concerns by that point, and finally


3) I am scuba-certified and for whatever reason, when I'm diving I do not think about this at all except once when we did a night-dive.


So, in a nutshell, the times in my life when I might actually encounter a shark are the times when this "fear" doesn't even cross my mind (that said, if I ever dive the GBR in Australia, that would probably change...there are relatively few sharks in the places I have been so far).





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I've always hated guns. I frequently have horrible nightmares of getting shot to death. So I'd say I have a phobia of firearms lol.



When you mentioned spiders...I thought of something I also hate as much as you hate spiders. They are those house centipedes (Scutigera coleoptrata). Look them up, they are disgusting!!! Ewww they give me the willies! Once in a blue moon I see one in the house and I freak out! Everytime you see one, they are running mad crazy up and down walls or across the floor. Yuck.

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Yes She! I hate bridges also. It's a bummer when I go to my dad's in the Florida Keys because we have to drive over the 7 MILE bridge...I have to do it at night so I can't see the water below.


Also, once when I had to drive over the super scary bridge to Coronado Island in San Diego, I let out a huge sigh (I think I was holding my breath the entire way) and my arms hurt from holding the steering wheel so tightly.


I have to go on a Sweden/Finland trip soon for work and I've heard that there is a big bridge we're going to have to go over there also (I don't know which country it's in). It's the one thing I'm not looking forward to at all!



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Spheksophobia, a fear of Wasps..


i've demolished the inside of caravans in a panic trying to escape them.. I work in a school and if we get one in the room i have to leave till it's been killed.. and i have to know it's dead :laugh: else i'm not going back in. Sometimes i'm lucky enough to be supporting a kid in lesson who's allergic to wasp stings, so i save face and say i'm supervising him!!


I've tried so hard though to try and overcome it.. but i really freak, i'd love a pet scorpion or a snake, but show me a wasp and i lose the plot, i won't even go in the insect house in a zoo, even though they're behind glass..

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Wow, we all have such different phobias!


Laurie, I have never suffered with claustraphobia, but during some hospital tests I had to have some MRI scans done, well I freaked when I had to go in the machine, it was the worst feeling being confined in such a small place, the last one I had done last week and it took three attempts! So I can fully understand!


Centipedes!:ohmy: We dont get many but I wouldnt like them either:sick:


Now cows, I have never heard of but I understand how people can be phobic of anything.


Interesting thread;)

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I'm scared of falling- I have great fear anytime we have a sheet of ice on the ground- I either won't leave the house, or have to have someone escort me letting me hold onto them. I don't know why it scares me so much- not like I'd kill myself if I ended up slipping and fell on my butt...

Bugs and mice don't get me too bad- I don't like mice in the house but outside my house they are welcome to live their own lives. It really is interesting to hear what others have to say about this topic!;)

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