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Photos of AnnaBella

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Hello...long time no see...


I've been so busy..as a lot of you, I'm sure. AnnaBella has kept me on my toes and I wouldn't have it any other way. :silly: I've always enjoyed taking pictures of her but lately I've been in a funk. I've run out of ideas on the how/what/where to take pictures of her. Know what I mean? I now have over 200 photos of her in her online album...and over 30,000 on my computer. It may even be double that. I tend to take 100-200 (or more) shots of any subject in any given session to ensure I get a good photo or two. Anyway, I've got a few new photos. I've got several where she's playing with a miniature orange Croc (shoe)...I love Crocs...they're so comfy. I first had it as a key chain but she wanted it so bad, I gave it to her...lol. I'm curious which Croc picture you think is best. A few are too blurry but I like the composition...then a couple are sharp but I don't like the composition...grr..always something. ha. Then, the last two are some artsy fartsy ones I tried with her tail. Nothing special...like I said, I'm running out of ideas...


Also, my husband had just given our dog a bath on the day I was taking these photos and she looked so....so...raggy...I just had to snap a photo...she's at the very bottom. She's Sandy...Mini Schnauzer. We don't keep her trimmed as a regular MS, we don't like the beard and eyebrows, we keep them short...like any girl would...lol :lol: (the photo is in black and white)
























Thanks for looking...



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AnnaBella is gorgeous!!


you have quite a talent with a camera {Feel-good-000200BB}


what type camera/set up are you using here?



thanks for clearing up what the "orange peanut" is! to answer you question, i really like ba8, followed closely by ba9 - you can almost see her thinking about what she is doing/about to do and how much fun it will be.



ba10 reminds me of a dancer (perhaps a fan dancer of sorts) preparing to perform




luv the pic of Sandy too (i have 6 assorted dogs here as well as feather babies)

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What lovely photos of AnnaBella. She is gorgeous of course! I like photo #2 best of the croc photos. Just the expression and depth in her eye- you can tell she's enjoying that croc. I like the color contrast in those pics. I also love the one with her and the blue chain. I know it doesn't show much of her but I like it, it shows her spirit and playfullness in just that bit of her face and claws.

Sandy is a very pretty puppy too.

Thanks so much for sharing your great talent with us. I know what you mean about ideas for new photos- I have hundreds of pics of Lyric and my other birds and dogs but eventually you'd like to do something new and original. I think you always come up with great photos, very artistic and well thought out. Keep inspiring the rest of us!

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Thanks for all the compliments. Lyric, thanks, you should share more of your photos with us. At first, I didn't share many of my photos...to me it seemed like a private thing. Like if I showed my pics to someone, they might see who I really am or something. Ha. I still feel that way with some of my photos so I have a private photo album on my site that's hidden. I can give specific people a password and they can access it. Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're embarrassed to show your photos because you're shy, just go for it!! If I can do it, you can do it!!! If it's a different reason, then .... well, do it anyway. ha. I'm about to post a photo I need advice on...I hope you will comment.

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Well, I don't have a very great camera, and many times the quality of my shots is not what I would like. I am a bit of a perfectionist I'm afraid. I'll try to share some more with you though- have you seen the pics of my babies in the nursery room? "picture of timneh chicks- 1 week old" I'm proud of the pics of my babies! B)

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