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What other types of pet do you have


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I love animals and I was just wondering beside African Greys what other types of pets do you have. In my House

I Have:


3 Sugar Gliders (Plus 2 Joeys)

1 Great Dane

1 Pug

1 Mini Daschund

1 Sun Conure

1 Jenday Conure

2 Parakeets

And Hoping some day when the kids get older a

Marmosett Monkey! There is alot of Breeders in Florida with Marmosett Monkeys.

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I am 17, so i'm still at home.

We have:

11 cats, mostly outside cats.

5 Dogs, one of them Captain America, is my dog.

2 rats, also mine.

1 Quaker, She is my moms

1 Baby African Grey, well in 3 weeks.


Two of the cats are my sisters, she just moved and we're holding them for her while she gets things set up.


EVERY animal is a rescue with the exception of two dogs, and the african grey.

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We have 2 dogs..


Clover, who is an 8 year old collie type dog.. and her 6 year old son Willow, who is twice her size and more mongrelly..


We got them from an RSPCA rescue centre, and we're sure that Willow has special needs lol!!


They are both extremely docile, to the extent that a while ago we used to take disabled children in on weekend breaks (to give their parents a chance to have to time for themselves).. one child would heavily pet both dogs, and they'd both just sit there and tolerate it all!!! much to their credit.. most dogs would have snapped at kids..


I've knocked magazines off the arm of the chair before.. looked down, and Willows lying under them.. hasn't even moved, protested or flinched.. hence the reason we think he's got special needs..


on a more concerned note, it's kinda sad to think what they must have gone through in the past before we rescued them, in order for him to be so tolerant of kids and magazines dropping on him..!!


Sorry they're a little dark.. i accidently took the first one with the flash and clover looked like she was about to pass out.. lol.. (she didn't do anything though, just shows how docile she really is! She even sat there and waited for me to switch the flash off to try again.)





and Willow.. no matter how much I clicked, called his name and bribed with treats, he just led there being his usual self..

n692351043_1729888_6085.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Titch, at: 2009/01/11 20:04

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  • 2 months later...

I've had dogs cats fish and parrots but right now I have nothing but my daughter and my husband and the house seems so empty!!!




All going well there are some babies on the way during the course of this spring!!


1. 1 siamese kitten (born last week)

2. 1 himalayan kitten (also born last week)

3. A TAG or CAG (to be determined by nature (egg availability) and/or impulse (nearest pet shop)! I saw a baby CAG on Saturday that looked at me and said "coo". I melted...

4. Then next year..... the dog (haven't decided what kind yet)

5. In 2 years an amazon or a second AG????

....and hopefully my husband will still be around after all that! :lol:


No more fish for me unless it's an outside pond...


Here's a picture of me and my dogs 12 years ago.. they have all passed the rainbow bridge and I've been without a dog for 6 years now due to frequent moves. Long enough I would say....




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That is a beautiful picture:)


As well as my three greys I have two cats which are old ladies now, they are both 18 years old.


I have no plans to add to my flock, my three babies are enough. The cats are quite independent and being older they sleep most of the day.;)

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I have Ziva the CAG, 2 cockatiels, a lovebird, a cat, a beta fish, a rat and 2 bunnies. All were rescues except the beta.


Tammy - please, please, please think long and hard about adopting a monkey. I rescued a green monkey years ago and kept him until a place was built at a monkey rehab facility for him. Monkeys are just too intelligent to be in cages. They go crazy. If you're really set on one, maybe you can find a rescue that has them.


Edited to add - I forgot about our 2 turtles. Yikes! (they were rescues also!)<br><br>Post edited by: ZivaDiva, at: 2009/04/06 22:26

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Supernova wrote:

We have A little doggie, A cat, A 5 foot fishtank with african chichlids and a 4,000 gallon Koi pond with 35 Koi.


Here is my doggie [Tevish] and my Cat [Tiggster]



He is very hungry.


And my Fish in my pond.


Another pic of Tevish.

Tev1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/04/13 17:32

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  • 4 weeks later...

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