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Dan, I feel for all of you.


I still pray that surgery wont be an option, I am so sorry that Kim has spent her birthday in the hospital and I am so sorry that Dayo is missing his Mom so much!


Thanks for updating us all Dan, you feel pretty useless stuck at the other end of a laptop but I am sure you know how much we all miss you and how our thoughts are with Kim.


Love to you all,


Caroline and Family x

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dan i am sorry to be so blunt but what EVER was the reason for this test in the first place? when i turned 50 they tried to set me up with a colonoscopy to which i respectfully yet firmly declined.


please tell me this was not some 'routine test' gone wrong.


it would be one thing if there were conditions which required this sort of test but i would be plenty incensed if this was a screening which went awry.


best wishes to you and to your beloved. tell dayo mamma's coming home soon. poor kim! no coffee! no vino! i'd be looking for the sharp objects that's for sure...

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sandra902 wrote:

it would be one thing if there were conditions which required this sort of test but i would be plenty incensed if this was a screening which went awry...


Hello Sandra,


A standard Colonoscopy is not dangerous at all and is performed thousands of times a day across the country. It is a procedure that is recommended and necessary for Men over 50 and women if they have a family history of issues in that area. It saves many lives by detecting cancer early on.


With that said, Kim is a cancer survivor for 10 years now. She was becoming severely anemic, which indicated bleeding somewhere. They had already performed a Colonoscopy and a scope of the Stomach as well. Both of these came up negative.


Thus, they had to see the yards of intestines that scopes could not get to. So they had her swallow an encapsulation Camera that's about the size of a Horse Pill. It takes two pictures every second and transmits them wirelessly to a receiving pack strapped to you that records every image.


The problem is the Camera become stuck and would not pass further. This is also a procedure that does not normally carry any risk. However, anyone with previous intestinal surgery or Radiation which causes scar tissue is at risk for becoming lodged to happen. We knew this going in.


So, my advice to you, is if you have family history of issues in that area, have the scope performed. The finding of an issue in the early stages far out weighs the slight discomfort for 24 hours of having a scope done and fasting 24 hours prior to it. If it was not for a scope Kim had Done 10 years ago, she would be dead. The scope revealed a stage 2 cancer, which was treatable by Chemo Therapy and Radiation.


I just want to ensure this encapusulated camera procedure does not get confused with a standard Colonoscopy and cost someone their life. It is totally safe and recommended for anyone in the above groups I mentioned.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/10 14:25

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I agree Dan and I have had the standard colonoscopy performed on me last year, my doctor found nothing and now I don't have to have another one for 10 years. Yes it is uncomfortable going thru the cleansing and fasting you have to do before hand but I would do it again in a heartbeat if the need arose.


Sandra I am not chastising you for your response but if you had read the entire thread you would know the facts that Dan gave for Kim having the procedure but in any case it is not your business to question what tests and procedures Kim's doctor performs. Like Dan said she would not be here today if not for that colonoscopy done 10 years ago.


So my advice to you Sandra is have that test done, I did and I do not regret it for a minute, you never know it could save your life.


Now I want to know how Kim is today and if she is home yet?

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dan thank you for clarifying the need for the testing miss kim needed. i did not mean to pry, but am very relieved all of this is taking place for good reason and not what i had feared, a routine screening gone horribly wrong.


that being said, i was pretty confident i had read each one of your posts on this topic and could find in none of them any of the information you had included in your most recent explanation, for which by the way i thank you.


i try always to not just shoot off my mouth (or flaming fingers) in reply to a post and so i just went back again and re-read dan's posts in this topic and again did not find any source for this procedure to be done. perhaps i missed a page or something somewhere but i thought i was pretty thorough in reading through dan's posts so i could understand the situation. second-guessing peoples' decision-making is not my style at all and i do apologize if that is what my words implied.


but more importantly, my hats off to both kim and to you for the 10-year survival! it could not have been easy at all to face and to conquer and you both were of course being very vigilant in maintaining miss kim's health. well done!


i will say my opinion still stands on routine colonoscopy at 50. there is no history in my family nor any current reason for me to undergo this procedure. i do not dispute the importance of early detection being the best form of prevention but for me, sandra, i do not believe in the necessity of it for me, sandra. i also do not dispute the usefulness in colonoscopy for early detection. i am merely stating my opinion that since it is an elective procedure, i after careful thought and consideration (and discussion with my physician) elect to not have it done at this time.


but do not let my opinion on that matter divert attention from the much more important issue, that of kim's good health and homecoming. let us just put my opinion aside and if anyone wants to encourage me further, i would be very happy to go the PM route so as to keep this thread about miss kim and mr dan.

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Thank you all for your replies and well wishes.


Kim is Home now!! :woohoo:


Hopefully with no more emergency trips to the Hospital. The camera is still there, but moved a few inches past where it had been for the last 11 days. She is on a clear liquid diet until Monday at which time we have an appointment to go see her Doctor.


We do need to "Watch" for the Camera to come out, but I won't go into that!! :sick:


So at this point in time, we have our hopes high that all will go well and we won't need anymore 911 trips to ER.


Dayo was VERY Happy to see her. He had a VERY bad experience with our Dogs yesterday and I will post that story on the main forum. He was very close to being the Dogs snack.....

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Yeah:) Kim is home but the camera remains:ohmy: man this has really played out into such a drama but hopefully it will all be over shortly by way of the "watch" but yes you can keep those facts to yourself Dan, we can imagine and thats enough.


I can imagine that Dayo was very glad to see his Mommy but now I want to hear about this dog snack:pinch:

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I'm very happy that Kim is home and will keep my fingers crossed that everything "comes out" okay. (sorry, couldn't resist...).


I'm not on this forum nearly as often as many of you but it quickly becomes very clear how much love there is here for both you and Kim (and Dayo, of course).


I'm so glad to hear it was an "almost" incident with Dayo and look forward to reading about it.<br><br>Post edited by: LisaM, at: 2009/01/11 01:13

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I'm glad Kim is home Dan and hope and prayer it all turns out well now.I will keep all crossed and hope it continues its passage down and out !:sick:

Will await with great interest the Dayo and dog episode !

My love and best wishes to you both


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My Dear Friends,


Thank you so much for your prayers, and your genuine concern over my recent encounters with an encapsulated endoscopy. I have read each and every one of your posts, I am humbled by the power of prayers once again.


I thank you so much. May The wind always be at your back.


God Bless,


Kim (Dayo's mommy)

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I just want to once again thank you all for your well wishes and VERY kind words here.


This is so much more than just another Forum. It has become, over the years, a very close family of caring and loving members we all value as a member of our family.


We have received more kind words, prayers and encouragement here. Than from either of the companies we work for and have for years with people that place themselves as "Friends". Yet, where are the kind words, encouragement and prayers? They are work only friendships that ends there. The minute you walk out the door.


Somehow, our Greys have brought us together and in a way that very rapidly evolves into something much more than just a casual, "How you Doing?" friendship that is truly just a facade with a fake smile in most cases we hear each day in the world out there.


I know Kim feels the same way, yet she does not frequent the forum very often. Hopefully that will change, I hope. :-)


Also, I would like to encourage all that have not responded to Tonie's post here in the newsroom, regarding her required foot surgery to please do so. She is also one of our much loved members and has been through hell since her debilitating accident that caused this situation.


Love to all and thanks again for all you have said!!


It is humbling to read all your posts.



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I only read this now. I am so sorry this happened to you, Kim. I am truly happy to see that the worst seem to be behind you now and you're on the way of recovery. I know that just the fact of being HOME can help with that IMMENSELY! Keeping my fingers crossed for you to feel 100% again very, very soon :)

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Phew! Thank God that she didn't need surgery! Now the pain can be over and she can enjoy all the food and drinks she wants! :) Thanks for updating us all.


I was really hoping she didn't need surgery because my own mom has had her stomach sliced open from breast bone to belly a total of 7 times and it's horrible pain and recovery. Nobody should have to go through it.

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