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Bird Droppings


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I have a problem with my dog eating bird droppings - as much as I try to clean them up as soon as I see them she still seems to beat me to it. I know this can't be good for her! My birds stay out of the cage alot and as you all know, everything doesn't allways fall in the bottom of the cage. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how did you handle it.:sick:

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That's a problem the dog has, not the bird. It has nothing to do with how tasty and yummy the droppings are to the dogs. It may have to do with what's in the droppings from food that the bird eats. Many dogs eat bird droppings and many other things that he/she shouldn't be eating. There may be a vitamin deficienty in your dog. Maybe not. Only a regular vet who works with dogs and cats and other 4-legged animals can tell you about that situation. If you need to keep the dog away from the bird, then do it but if you don't mind your dog having a little tasty birdy poop then leave him alone. Just remember that the vet can tell you if your dog is missing something from his system. Sometimes dogs and cats do it out of habit.

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Thanks Dave, I knew you would come thru!! Yes, I know there is not a problem with the bird - just a very fast dog! She just went to the vet about a month ago for her yearly check-up and everything was fine. Just didn't know how bad it could be for her and if anyone else had this problem. Thanks again --

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With many pets, it isn't a problem. Many pets do that simply because it's different then their own food. It IS a problem to the owner who's watching the feeding frenzy. About the only thing that people who worry about this thing can do is go to a reg vet. Many people don't and many times, a dog will start eating certain poopies that don't taste good and aren't appealing and that animal just stops eating the poopies for good. For some dogs, it may taste like candy. Can't really tell you more.

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My Pug and Mini Daschund eat my birds poop too. But i noticed if I use I tone in my voice they will stop. My Great Dane will even eat her own poop some times::sick: NASTY!!!:sick: :sick: LOL! I guess dogs will be dogs! LOL!

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:blush: Confession, my little dog does it too if I don't get there quick enough and it drives me crazy!!!!



I only have one cage where this is a problem because it doesn't have seed guards on it. My other cages with seed guards catch the poop when it falls.


Do you have seed guards on your cage? I don't know how well they catch the seeds but they are great at catching the poop:woohoo:

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