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Project Perry


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Wow! I visited this sancuary last Saturday. What a great sanctuary. Matt, the owner, is a great guy and really cares for the birds. I have never seen so many parrot in one place. He has many birds up for adoption. He even has one Grey named Murpy. He is very particular about who he adopts out birds to. HE requires all adoptors to spend time with the bird at the sanctuary to make sure that the bird and you get along. I hope to be able to spend some time voluteering there.

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I live in Virginia but I don't recall ever hearing of the Project Perry but I am glad you got to go and see it, sounds like a wonderful place. I don't know of any places like that near me but karma coming your way for possibly going to spend some time volunteering there.

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This is Murphy. He is a TAG at the sanctuary. He is up for adoption. Matt, the owner of the sanctuary, told me that he is a sad case. He was rescued from a bad situation and may have been abused and/or neglected. He is very shy. Matt tried to get him to join the other grays in his huge grey aviary but Murphy was afraid of the other birds and hid in the bushes all the time. So, Matt now keeps him in a cage (that is open) in the house. I hope to be able to get him to warm up to me so that I can adopt him. I just need to find the time to voluteer so that I can spend some time with Murphy. I feel so bad for Murphy. Murphy.jpg


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Murphy looks like a nice bird and he would probably make a good addition to your flock. Thats too bad he was mistreated that way, how anyone can do that to such wonderful creatures, you have a big heart to want to take him in and I bet he would blossom under your care.


Thanks for sharing a picture of him with us.

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