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Shadow past away


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Well with a heavy heart I wanted to let everyone know that Shadow past away a few nights ago at home in my arms. Now everything that I was going through with Shadow make sense, when I very first got him the breeder's place was so messy they would not let me come in they brought the babies out in a metal dog kennel, what I didn't RELIZE is that was the birds HOME, no cage but a rusted missing paint dog kennel. As I mentioned when I got him he was sick with a crop infection, treated got better. Then came the one day when he had blood in his stool, vet checked him everything was ok it past, then came the feather picking and screaming and not wanting to eat fresh foods and losing weight, back to get checked AGAIN normal blood counts, started back on hand feeding to up his weight, still screaming on and off, feather picking getting worse, not touching his bird foods at all and refusing to be hand fed, started getting nippy which he never was before, called vet AGAIN because the white part of his stool was 80% more then he usally had, then noticed a pink tint to it, went back to vet and we went over EVERYTHING he asked so many questions and we never thought about metal toxicity because I buy nothing but stainless steel hardwear, nuts, bolts,chains,toy parts even got replaced by me with stainless steel if I was not 100% sure it was bird safe, used bottled water, I made sure that metals would never be a issue or concern, well I never thought he would come to me ALREADY infected, so after looking back everything makes sense and adds up but to late he would only be turning 8 months this 11th and his life was cut short, in the end he didn't know who I was, he screamed and growled, would run away from me and try to hide, his face was red he would bite down on me and not let go, he was so skinny and looked so bad, I wanted one last night before he was to be put down but he died at home. I am SO pist off at the breeder and myself, the vet Dr LaBonde a very well known bird Dr was even baffled, he felt so bad that he didn't catch this but everything happened in stages spread out and Shadow was young and I was so careful with hardwear that metal poisoning was not considered, looking back now, crop infection,screaming,feather picking,weight lose,not eating, blood in stool one day,werid smell from crop one day, large urates,pink tinted urates,mood swings, and fianly death~ the blood levels was off the charts,it had absorbed into all his tissues, bone marrow, and organs, he had rusted pieces of what we now know was from the DOG KENNEL that the breeder kept him in, it was in his crop and intestines and we also think that the parents may also be infected because Shadow was born with a defected toe, so he had no chance even if we would have caught it early on he was to far gone. I feel bad because I thought it was me and I never thought about metal poisoning NOT my birds, I spent tons on making sure they could NEVER suffer that fate~~ I am heart broken, I am planning on taking the 3 hour drive back to the breeder to beat her ass, IM MAD, she has pulled all her adds a few months back and changed her number, she also bred Quakers, and Green Cheeks along with Timnehs so now I am wondering if others have had this same fate..I want to take all my pain and frustrations out on her, I can never replace Shadow and I know she would never refund the money I spent on him and that is NOT including the cage, toys, food, hardwear,and most of all the vet bills totaling close to 3800.00 I tried so hard to be a good Mom to him and now he is gone, I over heard my husband talking to my daughter wishing he could find me another baby but thanks to this BITCH of a so called breeder we are broke, I spent everything trying to figure out what was wrong with Shadow and I let him die a slow horriable death instead. I feel like I killed my bird i hope he forgives me, I know I am rambling but I have not slept in 3 days now. Im lonely Im empty, I still see him playing on his gym, he was still a baby WHY DIDN'T I SEE THIS? You have no idea what I want to do to this breeder, I want her to feel the pain I am feeling, its not fair I tried EVERYTHING PLEASE FORGIVE ME IM SO SORRY..I got to go I cant stop crying I cant stop thinking I cant stop hating the breeder and myself..Thank you all for your advice and please if your baby is not acting right and every normal testing shows nothing TEST FOR HEAVY METALS.

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I am sat in tears.


I am so sorry for your loss and my words wont help ease the pain you are feeling now.


Please, dont blame yourself, how were you to know?


My thoughts will be with you, fly free at Rainbow bridge baby Shadow xxx

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OH MY GOD! I am in tears right now. How horrible!!!! I feel your pain, I know it is just the tip of what you are feeling. But I too am horrified!! How horrible, but it is know where your fault. You have done everything humanly possible for Shadow. Please don't let this witch get away with this...take her to court, call the animal cruelty organization in your area, list her name everywhere so no one will ever go thru the pain you are experiencing. The more you get her abuse out there, the better chances of saving the lives of any other birds she may still have. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please keep in touch with us.


One day, the pain will subside somewhat, and you will get another bird. Don't give up, it will help you to focus on another bird. There are plenty needing homes, and cheap too I might add. Again, I am so sorry....:(

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I am so sorry to hear of this and I feel your pain, if in your shoes I think I would be doing the same thing, how can people be so stupid, I would have my hands around their neck and squeezing the life out of them.


But none of this will bring Shadow back but there are some things you can do to make sure this person does not continue this practice and that is to turn them into the authorities also alert the local bird rescues and everyone who has any power to put this person out of business.


I know you did everything you could to help Shadow but the damage was done and it is not your fault so don't blame yourself, you were fighting a losing battle from the time you brought Shadow home.


Please know that Shadow knew you loved him so don't berate yourself, he wouldn't want that for you but know that now he is not suffering anymore and is flying freely over the Rainbow Bridge.


I know this will take a long time to get over but you will, just takes time but remain an active member here for I think you can use our support and we are willing to give it.


Maybe one day soon you will be able to bring another grey into your life for I think you have a lot of love to give and it would be a shame not to.


I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your heart be eased somewhat from the pain you feel right now.

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Oh no, please dont blame yourself.You have given that little bird so much time and attention and I know you gave a hugh part of yourself aswell.You had him to the vets and gave all treatment advised, what else could you do.My little tiel had metal poisoning but was very lucky, it was picked up imediately and he recovered but it is a fact that most birds do not.It is fatal in most cases. I am sure your vet is as upset as you. As for the breeder,well I hope people choose to spend hard earned money elsewhere. Actually, now I think of it my tiels breeder was far from perfect.


I will keep you in my thoughts and preyers . I hope you have a much better year in 09 than the last year has been for you.

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With a tear rolling down my cheek...I'm truly sorry that you all had to go through such a horrible experience.


It's better that he is now relieved of his suffering. Poor little guy. :( May Shadow fly free forever!


I agree with Talon. You need to get this person reported to local animal societies. Even though they've changed their phone number and pulled the ads, you still remember where they live right?! So you need to help the other birds that could be in there, and to help ensure that nobody else purchases a bird from these people. The birds that are in there need to be confiscated and to have their environments looked at closer. I hope they tear down her breeding facility!

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I can not imagine your grief and pain. May God be with you during this time of mourning. The others have expressed the same feelings I have regarding the Breeder.


Please take care of yourelf and do not hesitate come come here anytime you just need to talk or need some support.

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Barbara, I am so sorry. Please don't blame yourself, you did everything right just know that, you did everything you could to help Shadow. In your place I would call the local humane society and see if at least they will go in and check this breeding facility out. See if it is up to standards. I would lodge a complaint with them or whatever local authority appropriate in your area. Perhaps that will stop this from happening with other birds and their potential owners. God Bless you and Shadow.

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I am heartbroken for you. You did the very best you could for your little fellow.

No one could have done more. Don't beat yourself up with hind sight.

You have absolutely nothing to reproach yourself for.

If you can, you must report the breeder to the animal welfare people. She is clearly irresponsible and her animals must be protected from her.


Love from Steve and Misty

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Oh my God!! I cannot believe that people treat birds like that breeder did. She is Either totaly ignorant or just plain stupid. either way she needs to be taken out of breeding any kind of bird or animal. please take that drive and make ure she still lives there and then put that woman out of bussiness once and for all. I know you pain and anger. and I pray thay God will help it subside. but not before that breeder is gone for good. Please don't think that there isn't another Grey out there for you because you are obviously a person who loves and needs to have a Grey companion look in the want ads on the web in your area there are so many birds that need loving homes. I got alot of my birds this way. and they are truly wonderful companions for a person like you. You obviously have a big heart and care deeply. these are all qualitys that are needed to be a responsible bird mom. Don't blame yourself for this its not your fault you did everything you could to make Shadows short life the best it could possibly be. please try again and don't leave this forum We wil be there for through all this. and if there's anything we can do just let us know.

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I am truly sorry for your loss... I can feel your pain, I started to cry reading that.

Don't blame yourself, you are only human, its not your fault you didn't see what was happening.

The first thing I thought after reading was (like people have said before me)that now thankfully he is in no pain, he has been relieved. Sometimes when sorrow fills your life, its always good to have something like that to focus on, so focus hard on that not what you could have done, because it is obvious that you did your very best!

God bless you, you are in my prayers!

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I am so sorry you lost your baby...and I totally agree with your anger...If you know the address of these people..try reporting them not only to the local spca or other authority but why not try a local rescue...they know the lay of the land and may be able to get you some help...report them to any bird societies in the area...you could alert craigs list and local pet stores also...what happened to your little one was way beyond your control...thank heaven you were there to offer offer him the comfort that you did...maybe in a little while when you are ready again you might consider a rescue and take another little one under your wing...god knows there are so many who need it...meanwhile until that time comes any skills you have learned along this journey could be well used by the forum..

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Heartfelt sympathy for you.

I have read quite a few of your posts on here with interest and you seem such a lovely caring person.

I am sure you had done all that you could for Shadow given the circumstances

Please dont blame yourself I hope you can move on from this in time




Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/02 17:02<br><br>Post edited by: pugwash, at: 2009/01/02 17:03

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Im so sorry about your loss....No words can make up for it i know but we are all here to support you.

Dont blame yourself at all.. but make sure that this breeder gets what she deserves before hurting more parrots!

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This is just a heartrending story. I know how hard you tried with Shadow, and I am at least glad that you now have an explanation for all the frustration you went through. I know that doesn't help much with the pain.


Please keep us posted about any steps you take to shut down this criminal's operation. You are a determined lady, and knowing you you will at least win one for the birds.

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It always sickens me when I read anything regarding breeders who have zero concern for the welfare and future life of their animals, and are only concerned about profits.


Beyond being extremely tragic and horrific for the pet owners to go through, it is ridiculously irresponsible.


I'm not sure about anyone else here, but what about organizing some type of website or group to post and list breeders who have a reputation of animal abuse and/or improper care and unsanitary facilities?


Even if they change their name, there should be some way to keep track of their whereabouts.


I just feel like something should be done about this, how many animals and people have to suffer because of the greed of others?




Anyway, your baby is at the Rainbow Bridge now, and don't ever blame yourself. Shadow knows you loved her, where there is an illness that makes them unrecognizable to us, in their heart and soul they still know the ones who've been good to them.


I hope you're going to be okay, let us know if there is any way we can help. I would love to see this horrible person go to jail or at least get a fine for this. rb_110.jpg


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Oh, I just thought of another thing. If you found out about the breeder on a free website like kijiji.com or something, post an ad on there warning others about this breeder, and maybe to be aware and to check for reputable breeders.


I know in Canada where I live there are a bunch of websites that people advertise birds, because they don't have to pay for the ad, I'd keep my eye out for her on those types of sites. Seems like she's too cheap to pay for proper care, let alone an ad to sell her birds.

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what a sad and awful state! i am so sorry you went through all of this simply due to a breeder's negligence. please do pursue the matter as far as you can. the local authorities will want to know and probably already do; your voice and testimony will help greatly. are you in the US? who is the authority that deals with birds? is it the USDA? wouldn't hurt to contact them as well.


did you cross state lines to get this bird? that might very well attract some attention too.


maybe it would be a good idea to prepare a nice statement with the chronology of each thing you encountered along the way. it would be good for your mind and heart and will be useful to present to any authority you might be contacting. then you can go through your experience once very carefully and thoroughly and everyone will have the same information in the same format. your case will be much stronger.


this might not be the time or place to suggest this, but there are many worthy birds in rescue that could benefit from your knowledge, attention and affection. when the time comes please do consider it.


we thought our little milly had heavy metal poisoning when she came home to us so i know how frightful it is. what a dark cloud hung over us until we got her clean bill of health. we thought we were going to have to make some tough decisions.


thank you for being an advocate for our little ones, although it is heartbreaking the circumstances that brought you there. we are all rooting for you and are watching with great interest as this will unfold.

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This got to me so much, tha I contacted the breeder that I use to see if she had any advice for you. She said to contact the Humaine Society or other animal rights organization in your area.


I sur hope this breeder gets what is coming to them. There should be a license needed to breed parrots and before you can get that license, there should be testing and yearly aviary inspections.

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jadewolf, as far as the legalities of pursuing action against your breeder, i would contact local rescue. the canine rescues i have worked with in the past are very well versed in what the law can and cannot do, and have inside contacts with the local authorities and can help get things rolling with and for you.


for this reason i looked at your profile and based upon your locality, did a quick search and got these two results (and noticed the gabriel foundation is right there as well!):


Colorado Parrot Rescue Organization - www.coloradoparrotrescue.org


This club is for people who want to learn more about parrots. Come for speakers and discussions about training, nutrition, behavior problems and other topics. New parrot owners especially welcome! Our official name is actually Colorado Avian Resources, Inc. We've been meeting in Denver for several years and have just this year started as a Meetup group.

Visit our website at: http://www.cari-bird.org/


these are organizations you are probably already aware of but i just thought i'd throw these out to anyone else who might be in a similar situation. as long as there is a demand for a "product" there will be unscrupulous people who will exploit both the product and the public desiring it.

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You have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your beloved Shadow. It is really terrible that you had to go through this but there was a reason for it to happen. Perhaps your story will help someone else in the same situation or perhaps you can help another bird from going through the same fate in some way... I hope you can find peace and know that Shadow is now in peace and flying free forever.

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