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Hi All,


This is my first visit/post to the forum and am really looking forward to getting to know you all!! I am the proud mom of a 9 year old African Grey named Bocephus, but we call him Bo and an 8 year old parakeet named Cloey. We have had both since they were babies.

Thanks for having a site as great as this!

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Well hi right back at you. I'm glad you decided to join the family. Sounds like you have alot of experience to share with us and probably some great stories to tell about your grey, Bo. When you get a chance we would love to see any pictures of Bo and Cloey that you would like to share. We do love pictures. Welcome to the forum. And Merry Christmas.

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Hello Africangrey10 and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Bo.


I love the name Bo, short for Bocephus, seems like I have heard that name before but can't quite place it.:whistle:


I bet you have some stories of Bo that you could share with us, having had one in your household for nearly 9 years there has to be some very interesting ones to tell so please indulge us with a few.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Bo you would like to share with us we would love to see them.

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Thanks to all of you for such a warm welcome! We are actually in the process of moving to Texas, so we have been busy packing and getting ready for the trip. I haven't had much time to play on the computer because of that. Once we get settled in, I will be posting more. I do have just a quick question - Could any of you recommend a good avian vet in the Ft Worth, Texas, area? I am very particular when it comes to vets, because Bo is very particular himself. I will also post this question on the health area.


By the way, Bocephus is named for Hank Williams Jr.


Thanks again for such a warm welcome!

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africangrey10 wrote:

By the way, Bocephus is named for Hank Williams Jr.


Yes, thats it, I knew I had heard that name before.


Wow moving to Texas, well you are busy then but do get back with us after you get settled in.


We do have some members from Texas and maybe some of them will help you out with finding a good avian vet in your area.


Have a safe and uneventful move then hurry back to us.

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