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CeasarsDad wrote:

...........The owner could do just about anything he wanted. In fact, even strangers like me were able to handle these birds with no problems what so ever.. .........



I wonder if they could sense it when a not-so-very-kind-towards-animals person would approach them? I mean it's one thing to listen to what their 'boss' is saying when interacting with (lots of) nice people. But what if a jerk would step in and try to 'act nice'? Would they sense it?

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Well, lets see, I'm a Jerk and they acted just fine.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Well actually FairY. I think you are on to something here. Yes, I believe a super smart parrot knows certain things about other "animals" that approach it.. I believe this.


When we approach one of these birds what do we do? I think I can speak for everyone here.. We "baby talk" or talk very lovingly and careing to them. They hear this and know it's OK..


If someone "the real Jerk" came over how do you think that person would greet the bird?


Just like humans.. If I met you for the first time and I said in a nice pleasant voice.. Hi FairY. How are you today. My I love your dress. Where did you get those pretty shoes.. and other things like that your guard "might" be lowered..


If I greeted you to opposite way, how would you act?


So there you have it.. Atleast I believe this to be the case..


Another interesting thing on the same topic.. We were eating dinner last night just a few yards from where the bird display is. What a BEAUTIFUL view of the ocean from our table.. Holy Cow.. but anyway.. We were talking to the band singer.. He works this place for years.. Somehow the topic of jobs came up and I said.


"Do you know who has the best job around here? It's the bird guy. Imagine sitting on the beach in Hawaii talking pictures for $20 a pop"


The singer said.

"NO, he has lots of trouble. He is constantly getting sued by people the THE BIRDS BITE."


So there you have it FairY.. Your senses are RIGHT ON...

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CeasarsDad wrote:

"NO, he has lots of trouble. He is constantly getting sued by people the THE BIRDS BITE."


Doesnt he have anything that says he isnt liable if they bite? Nice story!


Melissa<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/05/22 22:17

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The Pearl Harbor trip was very sobering to me. What I saw and heard troubled me deeply yet at the same time made me so very proud of our armed forces.


We were there for a company celebration yet after I saw the place I was in no mood to celebrate. Did you know that the total loss of human life was 29,000,000 men and woman. 29 M I L L I O N.. Certainly puts things in prospective for me I can tell you that.


I think of that movie "Saving Private Ryan". The beach scene at Normandy.. Can you image the horror in those young MEN's hearts.. The leadership of their commanders that pushed forward knowing they would be cut down by 50 cal machine gun fire.. It makes me want to cry for their souls.. These young 20 something year olds.. Full of life, love, and dreams.. God BLESS these men..


I could hardly write about World War II in a way that hasn't already been discussed. debated, argued, agreed and countless other adjectives.. I will only say this. I can only hope to be as brave as those men were in my hour...


I have tried to convey these feeling in these photographs.. I believe I failed. I wasn't up to the task... I am sorry...


This is perhaps the photo that gets me emotional. This is a shot I took of a display at the Army Museum.


















And at night.. It looks like this..






And Finally.. the Arizona Memorial where so many young MEN lost their lives..




I have more photos I will post over the next few days.. I just don't know where to start to tell the story I saw that day.. I'm sorry if I let you down...


God Bless the USA

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Hi Judy,


Yes indeed.. I just can't stop thinking about just how young these MEN were. I never thought I would be affected as much as I was.. Here are a few more shots from last night










Each LINK in this chain for the anchor weighs over 100 lbs.
















God Bless the USA.

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CeasarsDad wrote:

Well, lets see, I'm a Jerk and they acted just fine.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Well actually FairY. I think you are on to something here. Yes, I believe a super smart parrot knows certain things about other "animals" that approach it.. I believe this.


When we approach one of these birds what do we do? I think I can speak for everyone here.. We "baby talk" or talk very lovingly and careing to them. They hear this and know it's OK..


If someone "the real Jerk" came over how do you think that person would greet the bird?


Just like humans.. If I met you for the first time and I said in a nice pleasant voice.. Hi FairY. How are you today. My I love your dress. Where did you get those pretty shoes.. and other things like that your guard "might" be lowered..


If I greeted you to opposite way, how would you act?


So there you have it.. Atleast I believe this to be the case..


Another interesting thing on the same topic.. We were eating dinner last night just a few yards from where the bird display is. What a BEAUTIFUL view of the ocean from our table.. Holy Cow.. but anyway.. We were talking to the band singer.. He works this place for years.. Somehow the topic of jobs came up and I said.


"Do you know who has the best job around here? It's the bird guy. Imagine sitting on the beach in Hawaii talking pictures for $20 a pop"


The singer said.

"NO, he has lots of trouble. He is constantly getting sued by people the THE BIRDS BITE."


So there you have it FairY.. Your senses are RIGHT ON...


Aha!!! :cheer: So it does happen. Thanks for your reply, CeasarsDad. I knew birds are birds and no machines ;)

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Impressive photos of Pearl Harbor, CeasarsDad. I've seen lots of docu's about it and it's moving everytime over again. Sort of like looking at docu's from 9/11.....

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All throughout this trip I struggled to bring you photos that say Hawaii.. It's been difficult so far but I think I finally got something where you can see the beauty that is Hawaii..


Today we decided to take a hike. Usually this "tour" is taken by getting on the bus at the hotel and being shuttled to the attraction. We decided to do things a little different.. We decided to WALK all the way from the hotel to the attraction, thru the attraction and then walk back.. Holy cow, I was looking at 10+ miles with 2 of those miles climbing up a mountain.. It's a good thing I am a runner otherwise I would never have had the energy to do this..


So off we went.. The destination, Diamond Head Crater. This is a dormant valcano that blew it's top some 150,000 years ago.






You can climb up this now and look out over the beautiful Hawaii.. The climb is not to be taken lightly.












These trails are nothing compared to what happens near the top where you have to climb like 12 stories of stairs.. Many couldn't make it that far...


The scenes along the path up were pretty nice.






But nothing compared to what you get to see if you make it to the top.. You guys are lucky.. Anna and I did the climbing for you.. Here's what you see at the top of Diamond Head Crater.. Enjoy.






I wish I had my zoom lense with me as I would have loved to get closer to this lighthouse..

















It was a very demanding trip for us.. Of course we could have gotten on the bus and went that way but what the heck.. Where would the challenge be in that. ;)






Tomorrow we are takeing a nature tour around the Island. This should be the best photography I can find.. Until then... Take care..





And of course my away from home office..


DSC_0137.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/24 07:44

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Wow! Now that's Hawaii. Those are stunning photo's CD!

You've really brought Hawaii to us this week, and it's been a fun adventure for us. Thank you for sharing your well deserved vacation with us. You didn't have to, but I'm real glad you did!

And I'm even happier you did the climbing for us. Those are some spectacular views!

Keep em coming!! But please take time to enjoy yourself as well. :)

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Hawaii is beautiful as can be seen from your photos CeasarsDad :) OK, some 'friendly advise' here: maybe it's the photo, but... you seem a tad bit burned in the face therefor: put a cap on (this coming from someone living in a hot climate, knowing the dangers of the sun under strenuous efforts, like climbing up a mountain) :)


Two things I want to ask about Hawaii:

1. Aren't there any tropical birds flying around 'in the wild'?

2. Are the waves not always super-high?


Thanks B)

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Hi FairY..


Yeah, I am burned. Even more so today.. Too late for the hat as we are leaving tomorrow..


No, I have not seen any flying tropical birds. I was looking be we didn't spend an lots on time in the rain forests where I think that might have been.


Regarding the waves.. Hawaii is famous for 30 footers.. but this is not the season for that.. That season starts in November and runs thru March..

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