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hmmmm, now this is suspicous. Your wife took more pictures than you did...and your the photographer? ;)


Alright here's something I dont get. You are from new york...but your complainging about the long waits? :silly: Ok I'm done now. :P


Looks like fun!!!



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Anna didn't take more photos then I did smarty pants.. :laugh:


I didn't expect to wait for the things I had to wait for.. and who says New Yorks are use to waiting.. The only time I wait is when I am in traffic.. :blink: Otherwise the service there is TOPS in the world.. and I have been a few places in my 48 short years on this planet.. B)

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The first full day we had here was more or less a day for relaxing around. We spent the better part of the morning hanging around the resort. We got some early morning shots.. Here's a nice shot of some flamingos.




There were also some other birds around this watering hole. Check out this guy trying to eat a giant Coy fish. It was funny to watch because the Coy could care less he was trying..




There was also a duck hanging around. Check out this guy.






I caught him as he just came up from under water.. Look at how the water is frozen on his back




After breakfast I realized why we were there.. To relax that's why..




Before we set out for a drive around Hawaii I got these two captures of the parrots on display. I figured you would like to see these.. I tried to play with these guys but they would have none of it.






Next it was into our rented Jeep for a ride to where ever..




We stopped along the side of the road somewhere and I got this shot of some Lava that had been there for quite some time. I did'nt see any volcanos around so it must have been like hundreds of years ago.






Anna was SCREAMING at me because.. Don't ask me why.. I think it has something to do with these photos.. Hey sometimes a photographer has to go out of the ledge.. Right?:blink:






Here's another shot of me Anna got.




But in the end we were still friends..and obliviously I survired the cliff hanger.. B)


Next it was off to the Waimea Valley Audubon Center. We stumbled upon this while driving around. Here's a few shots from there.














I think it's time to leave this Island and try Maui.. There will be better photographic opportunities there I think. We will see ya tomorrow..



DSC_0027.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/19 07:59

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Very nice Pictures CD. Makes us almost feel like we're there... Keep em coming.........Good buddy!! B)


I'm sure you didn't know, but my favorite bird is the peacock. Thanks for those beautiful pictures and for posting 3 of them!! :)

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Again I'm not able to sleep. I woke up at 3:30 am. :( Please don't make me that any more of that Valium . It actually does things to me other then put me to sleep..


I am dreading the trip home where I am gonna lose 6 hours..


Today is the first day of the company program trip. There are a few activities scheduled through out the day. Not sure what I'm gonna do for photos. Tonight is what they call "Biker Night" What's conservative joe like me gonna do at a "Biker Night".:P They gave us a special "do rag" to wear on our heads.. that should be the picture of the day..


Talon is still bugging me for a speedo shot.. If it was 4 months ago, before I almost broken my ankle and way before I put on 15 lbs because I couldn't run, I would sweetie.. But the "Do Rag Photo" will have to suffice for now..


We are gonna see what tours they have today. I need to get off this Island. It's too "city like" for me.. Yeah I know what you're thinking.. "Too city like Frankie", what does a country boy like you know about the city... :laugh: :laugh:


Talon, here's more Peacocks for ya...










And last but certainly not least I have this view for you sweetie..


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


But before I go and try to go back to sleep here's that little red-headed guy again. This guy looked like he wanted to be my friend.. Imagine that, he actually likes me.. B)



Till later people..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/19 16:33

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Thats a cute bird there, I don't know what it is but I'm glad you got the shot. Too city like huh, if you are going to Kauai you will like it there, was my favorite of all the islands I visited. Keep the pics coming.{Communicate-00020110}

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TalonSis.. You never mind that.. :P


I am going to the company dinner.. I have lots of special photos to share with you and the others here.. but especially you... I'll have a complete update on my day for you when you wake up tomorrow... Until then...


See Ya Kiddo...

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Today was suppose to be a pool/beach day but ended up almost getting me killed. FOR REAL. I'll tell you about it.


The day started with Anna and I taking a run on the beach. Holy cow did that feel so good. I have been frustrated like crazy lately. Mostly because I have not been able to sleep at all. I can not get past 3am asleep. So getting out and burning up all this excess energy seemed to help.. At least for the short term. The sweat and pain felt good in a strange kinda way. My ankle is still hurting me ever after 4 + months of healing. It would be this ankle pain that would almost finish me today. Now how would that look? Vacationer killed in Hawaii taking photos.. Yikes...


Before I get into that story I wanted to share with you a series of photos I took of a group of mini penguins. These guys were the cutest little things you ever saw..


This little fellow was afraid..






Then these guys started to show off for us. Did I tell you I love show off's?






The rest of the follows were just standing around. I wish you could see how these guys walk.. It's really funny.










They were fun to shoot..


So let me tell you the story of what almost get me killed.. We were at breakfast with some of friends when someone had the idea to go to a rain forest in the area. After some debating, the guys said yes, the gals said... well you know... We decided to go..




It seemed like a good idea.. Especially since it was a "free" area..




Shooting in a rain forest has its challengers. It's DARK and there are lots of trees, plants and other stuff all around that sort of makes shoot difficult. I got a few shots that were worth anything and the rest was trash..






Then the fun starts.. We come upon an area that has a nice little waterfall..




There is this sign posted DANGER.. Well, that only means EXCITING to me so I do what I am not suppose and cross the cable barrier..




You see I am thinking about you guys and want to get the best shot I can of this Waterfall.. That shot is out over the rocks sort of in the center of the area.. Where I am NOT suppose to go... No one, not even my friend and wife stop me.. Not that I would have listen but at least I would have thought that they cared about my safety.. So out I go..


The rocks are all slippery.. I get about half way out and my injured ankle gives way. I slip.. I crash elbow first and then start sliding down to the edge of a 30 foot drop onto rocks. Just at the edge of that drop my guardian angel must have stepped in and said "Frankie, you're not gonna die here today".. All of a sudden my foot hits a small protruding rock and I stop sliding.


I look up and realize no one even saw me slip. So rather then having to listen to them tell me to come back I now find myself in a great position to try the shot I was looking for in the first place.. So here it is..You can see how rocky the area is..




Boy that was a trip I will always remember. My elbow is swollen but I'll survive thank you..


We are not off to the "Biker Night" dinner. I am not taking my camera to the party but here are a couple of shots of Anna




and Me... Complete with that "Do Rag" I promised Talon.. How do I look? Tough enough..? B)




We are going to Maui to see if I can get some real Hawaiian photos for you. This place is TOO commercial . Until then..


Take care everyone.

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Well, I'm sorry you almost got killed there trying to take some absolutely gorgeous photo's, but is the word STUPID written on your forehead, or do you not know how to read the word DANGER!

Those are beautiful pictures. Makes me feel like I'm there with you guys! Thanks for sharing them with us, but next time don't risk life or limb!!


And by the way, as far as the do-rag look, You do look cute Frank, I know you were going for the tough look there, but I think Anna'a got ya beat Buddy! :laugh:

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TalonSis wrote:

Did you break your camera?


The water in the penguin pictures look so cool!!


Hi Melissa.. How are you this fine day? Glad you asked about the camera.. I did bang up a $1500 lens but it still works. Usually I don't use a camera strap but this day I did. If it weren't for that strap I would have dropped it over the edge..


That water does look cool doesn't it.. You have a GREAT eye for the details in a photo.. You keep it up girl.


See Ya Kiddo..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/20 18:43

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Penny couldn't have said it better. A big fat stupid on your forehead.

And ditto for another one Penny, Anna looks tougher than "Mr those signs are for dummies" man.

Just glad you weren't killed now go get us some shots you don't have to risk life and limb for.

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Hi Judy. I certainly can't do anything about the "Stupid" on my forehead that Talon so astutely noticed.. But I can do something about the "Do Rag" photo...




Any better.. I figured I would give you the Kinder gentler me.. But I planned on the opposite view also. :P:P

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You guys are too funny!!






But I have to agree with Judy once again. Anna's got it on you. (remember that great minds thing Judy?) ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/05/20 19:36

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