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Morning Crazy Bird


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luvparrots wrote:

My Ana Grey rushes to get out of her cage in the morning but not to play. She hurries out to get to the top her cage for her breakfast!! I love watching Bella and hope some day Ana Grey will be as confidence with me as Bella is with you. Thanks for sharing your morning with us.


My pleasure! I'm sure Ana Grey will find something she likes playing with and will show you she can be a wacky birdy with you :)

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danmcq wrote:

Great Video of Bella going crazy!!


Thanks for sharing it. I love the way you can just sling her around and she gets into even more as you do. :-)


I would be hamburger meat after a session like that.


Oh no! Dayo would bite you??? I think Bella thinks I'm her jungle gym. I was trying to get some house cleaning done one day and she decided to play fight with my shirt and was literally dangling upside down off the back of my shirt! My family lost it because she was flapping her wings like crazy too making all her goofy sounds. She's a little freak!!!

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Yes, Dayo would bite me severely. Not many greys or any other Parrots, for that matter will take the kind of play you two get into.


You are very fortunate to have a Parrot that does not get so into the play, that they think your hand is also a part of the fun or get a little uncomfortable, become scared and decide to end the play session with a bloody bite.


It is great to see people that can have that type of interaction with a Parrot. :-)

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danmcq wrote:

Yes, Dayo would bite me severely. Not many greys or any other Parrots, for that matter will take the kind of play you two get into.


You are very fortunate to have a Parrot that does not get so into the play, that they think your hand is also a part of the fun or get a little uncomfortable, become scared and decide to end the play session with a bloody bite.


It is great to see people that can have that type of interaction with a Parrot. :-)


Ah, got it - Jiggy plays like this as well -he's even easier to handle because he doesn't try to do all the upside down stuff that Bella gets into - she will lift up her foot and once she has hold of my finger she'll roll into a fall which is my cue to let her dangle around upside down.


I really want to be able to handle both of them as needed because in the event they get injured, I need to be able to assist without getting torn up. So, when we have points of resistence, like when I want to wipe off her beak and she pitches a fit, I persist (particularly because she wipes herself on everything!) She will kick, scream, try to bite me, but I get her from behind and get her little noggen between my two fingers and hold her in place so I can wipe off her beak. After I'm done she realizes I've saved her all that trouble! Now she lets me do it more frequently, but I'm staying on it until we have no fight about it!


I also want to be able to soak her down good under her wings when we shower, so I lift up her wings and she balks at that but I ahve a trick there - I do it under the water stream and she'd have to get her face wet if she wants to bite me :laugh: So, she's used to doing that now and lets me get her good and wet all over.


So, I think over time she just got used to being handled in accordance to my terms and she's taken it to a play level now ... maybe that's what happened? No idea! She's my first grey so I have nothing to compare her to!

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judygram wrote:

Thanks for sharing that video of Bella with us Terri, you do have a special relationship with her that most of us do not have with our greys.


I love watching her antics and how she uses you for a swing and playgym.:laugh:


Thanks for being there to share with Judy et. al! Bella is like my kid :laugh: and it's good to be able to chat with other "parents" and compare notes, and milestones :)




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I watched the video and have to admit I am so jealous of the great relationship you and Bella have. I know Baxter loves and trusts me but would never play like that with me. He's trusts me but he doesn't like to play hard like that. My conure, Bonkers is another story though:woohoo:


It is an inspiration to see others videos and how they interact with their parronts and I'm glad you shared it with us. Thansk.:)

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BaxtersMom wrote:

I watched the video and have to admit I am so jealous of the great relationship you and Bella have. I know Baxter loves and trusts me but would never play like that with me. He's trusts me but he doesn't like to play hard like that. My conure, Bonkers is another story though:woohoo:


It is an inspiration to see others videos and how they interact with their parronts and I'm glad you shared it with us. Thansk.:)


Hiya, I have no idea how we evovled into this type of relationship, we just did. How does Baxter play with you? Do you guys play with the toys together?


I'm going to make us a little Parrot basketball set because it looks like Bella gets a bang out of us tossing things around together. That's how something usually starts with us - we find something to play with and just kind of evolve from there.


The finger dangling started when I let her out in the mornings. She would drop her big bomb and then hold out her foot to me. I'd put my finger out and that's when she would roll off her cage and dangle around on my finger. The first time she did that she spooked me because I thought she'd fall. So, I'd keep my other hand underneath her in case she'd loose her grip. Eventually she would lay on her back in my other hand and I would poke her belly and make play noises.


She would mimic those noises, so that's kind of how it evovled into this rough housing around....


What does Baxter do when he comes out of his cage the first time in the morning?




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There is no way I could do those kinds of things with Tyco, Now Fergie my amazon thats a different story I rough house with her all the time and she loves to play rough I roll her over onto her back and tickle her tummy or I roll her over and over to her its just a whole lot of fun. with Tyco there is no way she would even allow me to anything like that. I keep hopeing that if she watches Fergie and I haveing fun she may someday want to join in but so far she just watches us with great intreast. Its fun to be able to handle them anyway you want but I agree with the others that it takes a very speicial bond. I can also rough

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There is no way I could do those kinds of things with Tyco, Now Fergie my amazon thats a different story I rough house with her all the time and she loves to play rough I roll her over onto her back and tickle her tummy or I roll her over and over to her its just a whole lot of fun. with Tyco there is no way she would even allow me to anything like that. I keep hopeing that if she watches Fergie and I haveing fun she may someday want to join in but so far she just watches us with great intreast. Its fun to be able to handle them anyway you want but I agree with the others that it takes a very speicial bond. I can also rough house with Sprout my Green Cheeked Conure but thos are the only 2 birds that I have that will allow it. Mabie one day I'll have that kind of relationship with Tyco,Gizmo, and Raja you never know. I think I'll be able to handle Raja like that pretty soon because he will allow me to lay him on his back without him holding on to anything and I can pet him all over but he's such a genle sweet bird I don't think he has a mean bone in his intire body. Because of his personality he might not enjoy being tossed around but you never know.

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Hi Pat et. al!


I think part of the reason Bella enjoys this kind of play is that she is simply very playful. Everything is a game it seems, and so I find myself finding things to turn into a game for her.


She loves playing "bing" which is where she follows my finger and if I score a point by touching her belly or her beak or head we both go "bing!". When she's in bing mood if I stop playing with her she stomps up and down and bangs my computer with her beak and goes "BING BING BING!!!!" So, we start all over.


I also play hide the walnut with her where I hide a piece of walnut in one of my hands and she has to find it, or I hide it under little dixie cups. I think she likes playing the game more than eating the walnut! She takes a couple of bites out of it then runs back to the cups for more searching:laugh:


We also play tug-a-war with various things, or she crawls into a paper bag and plays peak-a-boo with me, so it's like non-stop Romper Room with her.


In the evening I meditate for about an hour. I bring her toy box to the room and she plays quietly with her things while I'm sitting -she seems to get this is quiet time.


Is this playfulness part of the reason why she gets into tumbling around with me - I have no idea, but it seems to fit into her mind set :P

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ajlinva wrote:

Thanks for sharing your video! Bingo would eat me alive if I tried to hang him upside down.:cheer: So much fun to watch---beautiful fellow!


:) Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts ajlinva. The thing is, I don't hang Bella upside down - she does it. She lifts her little foot up for me to put my finger under her, and then she rolls herself into a fall and dangles around. She does that to my shirts as well. When she plays in her cage she likes to dangle upside down and attack her toys, so she's just got a thing for hanging upside down! Maybe she was a bat in a previous life????? :P

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casper wrote:

What a great video!


Out of three greys, one of mine is like Bella all the time! Its like he is always hyper and is so demanding wanting to play rough all the time!


They are so funny and so full of energy!


Thanks for sharing with us all:)


Thanks Casper :) Now can you imagine if your wild one got together with my Bella??? They would run us ragged!!!!

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