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As I said, everyday a new delight with this bird. Tobie likes to play on the back of our sectional couch at night when we watch TV. I play a game with him, making balls out of tissue paper or paper towels and throw them at him or line them up on the top of a length of couch. He picks them up and flips them down to the couch or sometimes they flip behind the couch. When they flip behind the couch I say "OOPs!". Tonight he would flip one behind the couch and say "OOPs"! My husband thought that was sooo funny and laughed and so did I so now they all land behind the couch and he makes a big show of saying "OOPs!"

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LOL Jan!! Thats too cute. We have a HUGE wrap around section about 20 feet long that Dayo runs back and forth across. But I stopped the "whoops" game because I got tired of standing on my head trying to retrieve the stuff he threw down ALWAYS behind the couch. :-)


Thanks for sharing this.


Oh, a tip for other Parrot owners. It's not fashionable to some, but we place large bath towels (Color Matching of course) over the top portion of our couch and change them daily due to the left over the a "Parrots been here" evidence. ;-)

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Well Charlie is sitting with me in them conservatory on his new parrot tower. He is still not to sure of it but at least he is on it. I have had it in the living room and persuaded him on to it with some toast this morning. I will post some pictures as soon as I get more time.

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Caroline - Thanks, the idea came from my always hearing, "Dan your Parrot pooped on the couch, clean it!" Of course he's her Parrot any other time. ;-)


Sheila - Its good to hear Charlie is on the tower already. Looking forward to seeing the photos. :-)


Dayo had a great Xmas watching all our children and the smaller grandchildren open presents. He tried to help as much as he could in opening presents, ripping up gift wrap and destroying as many cardboard boxes he could get to. He also tried to remove buttons on toys if he could get to them quick enough :-) He was a real pill and not shy at all in flying over to the next victim. ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/26 13:30

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My next door neighbor lady came over this evening to see the birds. Everyone was out on top of their perches except for Baxter and she asked about him. His door was open but he was just relaxing inside. I told him he had company and put my hand in the cage. He stepped up gracefully and came out all puffed up with pretty feathers and his head tilted to one side. He looked like such a noble & majestic creature coming out of the cage:) She told him he was beautiful and he started bobbing his head. She reached out to him and he head butted her hand which is a high compliment from him. Then he even went to step up on her hand. That was shocking. I think he has a crush on her. He was so interested in her and started dancing on my hand and I could tell he really loved the attention he was getting. Baxter is usually so laid back and relaxed but he really put on a show for my neighbor. He was a total ham. I think he was smitten.:silly: :laugh:


Hmmmm....I think I may have found my future bird sitter if the need ever arises:) .

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Bella MUST join me in the bathroom every morning to help me do my hair and makeup. She has various empy little flasks that she can play with, and she's usually quite busy.


Well, today, sitting on the sink, she backed up a few steps and stepped on my electric tooth brush and turned it on. What a riot that turned out to be! :laugh:


First she tried to bit the bristles as they were spinning around, then she tried to lick it, then she started saying 'NO, NO, NO BE QUIET!!! BAD BOY!!!" :woohoo: :woohoo: Then she tarted to poke at it with her foot, kocking it down of course into the sink, so she tried to follow it, and slide down into the sink where it of course touched her wing, at which time she then jumped up screeching.


I finally was able to stop laughing to tears for a moment, and I showed her what I do with it. She flew up to my shoulder and of course had to get the closest view possible :sick:


So, I brushed the side of her beak and of course she tried to lick it - she tries to lick EVERYTHING! She's like a two year old! Everything goes into the beak! Well, if I hadn't called it quits, we'd still be messing with the tooth brush on into the evening. I think Bella needs a tooth brush :laugh:


I think I laughed so hard my sides were splitting! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: Nychsa, at: 2008/12/28 03:26

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Charlie is like any typical child,get them expensive presents and they play with the box. He will go on his new stand as long as treats are there but once they are gone so is he. He is now captivated by half a coconut I hung in his cage,he is made up with it.

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Lola decided she wanted to eat with the family. She climbed out of her cage go onto her playpen, walked onto the kitchen table and walked over to my dinner dish looked up at me as if to say can i have some then put her head into my dish and started eating. She also wanted to have my glass of water. We now have a dinner dish just for her. She eats next to me on her playpen. SHe is getting an awesome personality. She has become the families queen of the house. My in-laws went to florida for a week. They called to see how Lola was doing. My father-in-law told me he bought all kinds of toys and things for Lola.

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Ana Grey had her first real bath today. She loved it, biting at the faucet stream and letting the water run down her back. I thought she would fight it; but much to my delight, I was mistaken. She is now all fluffed and preening in front of her light as if she is getting ready for the prom. She is such a good girl!!

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What great stories!! I love the one about the electric toothbrush. I can just see that all happening.

I'm amazed baxtersmoms bird made up with a new visitor so quickly. Never seen Tobie do that. I've posted this in the photography room, but here it is again, because it shows Tobie doing at what I told about in two of my replys on this post.


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Thank's for enjoying the video. He's so funny sometimes. I told my husband this story and he looked at me like "Did he really, yea sure" but its true. Tobie put togeather a bunch of his common words to make a sentance out of context with the way he usually uses the words. I'm sure I heard it - it was clear as day. The new puppy was out side behind the house (out back) and barking to come in. I was busy and was just going to let him bark. Tobie finally pipes up with - "Go out back and give the dog a kiss". Sounds impossible even to me. But that's what he said.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Apart from the farting noises which all three of them are doing now:laugh: my eldest grey Charlie has started to tell the other two to "shoosh" when they make a lot of noise. He has also started to shout the cat Sukey and calls my son Dry bone which is what we call him, a character out of one of my sons games lol.


They are so intelligent and I really believe all three of mine communicate with words as well as noises, there is never a dull moment or quiet one in my house:P

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Making food for Super Bowl.I had to put Alcazar away he sees me making different food than I usually make hes getting all curious and wanting to go after everything and try to eat it.He grabbed a lil smokie.I told him NOOOOOO.He sqwauked when I wnet to grab himm to put him away.Now hes doing turns in the cage because hes mad.LOL

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Great stories everybody and thanks for sharing...

This morning Lilo was all the way up on top of his playstand Singing and whistling a storm as usual, then all of sudden he announced "I ll be right back" and climb down the playstand to his food/water dish. After a few bites of some food and a sip of water he climb back to the top of the playstand and precede his beautiful singing and whistling. :)

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Yea Dan, It was so funny to watch it, I wish I had a camcorder ready. Makes me wonder if he really understand the meaning of "I ll be right back". We do tell him "I ll be right back" when we leave the room and tell him "bye bye" when we leave the house. They sure are smart and amazing creatures!!

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Eve that must have been so funny.


Janet it wont be long im sure before Ana Grey is chatting away.


Today I cleaned both cages and changed the toys round.I removed Crackers mirror,he loves himself. Anyway my friend called round before and Cracker was sitting on the other side of his cage than he normally does,this was because the toy I placed there has a tiny mirror in and he wanted to sit and look at himself, I was explaining this to my friend and charlie as clear as day came out with "oh well". It was like he was saying, its only Cracker who is bothered. We were both rolling on the floor laughing and Charlie being him had to join in. I just know they understand a lot more than we credit them for.

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So glad to see this post rise up to the surface again. I've got another one. I hate to see parrots swearing and people think it's so funny. Still I wasn't able to stop myself from laughing fast enough for this one.


I've been putting the radio on every day for Tobie when I leave for work. My husband gets home first and always has the radio off when I get home. A couple of days ago I was leaving for work and turned the radio on as I was leaving. As I headed for the door Tobie said (clear and loud) "Turn the damn radio off". I was stunned. I called Frank on the cell on the way to work and asked him what he'd been saying to my bird. He denied everything until I told him what Tobie said and then cracked up. He did it as a joke. I've almost got the damn out of it, but not quite.

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